Does anyone else here have depression?

Arch said:
Depression is one of the things you don't understand, Profånity. So stop pretending that you have all the answers you lard ass.
No, but I put my theorys on depression to someone who's worked in mental health for 25 years and he said "to a certain extent depression is selfishness".
Profånity said:
No, but I put my theorys on depression to someone who's worked in mental health for 25 years and he said "to a certain extent depression is selfishness".

Well stop basing your opinions on other people's and start thinking for yourself!
Profånity said:
No, but I put my theorys on depression to someone who's worked in mental health for 25 years and he said "to a certain extent depression is selfishness".
You're very gullible.
And you don't know I had depression? Stop talking out of your ass.
Life Sucks said:
I also want to get heavier, but add muscle weight.
Cool, you have to eat a lot to do that and some of the excess fuel needed to build muscle will store as fat. That's why a lot of the worlds strongest are fat and why a body builders talk about "bulking" and "cutting".
I do not get depressed, I just have a hell of a lot of downers. I've been at my lowest I've ever been a few months back, but I've built myself up again.
I don't think it's really about being greedy or being selfish.. you just get to the point where you believe you can't help yourself, and you can't help to change the situation you're in, because you've given up trying.
Profånity said:
Cool, you have to eat a lot to do that and some of the excess fuel needed to build muscle will store as fat. That's why a lot of the worlds strongest are fat and why a body builders talk about "bulking" and "cutting".
Yes. I am a recreational bodybuilder, and I am bulking right now - I eat five meals a day. My abs are still very visible, so I have a lot of bulking left to do. I want to get to 230 lbs. of muscle. I am at about 210 lbs. now at 6'1.
@Profånity: Depression is more than just being sad. There are biological imbalances in the brain that is beyond the control of the human mind. Therefore, it is impossible just to "turn it off". You have Asperger's Disorder, it is impossible for you to understand human emotions. It's very easy just to tell you that "oh you're selfish... you don't understand other people.", but dare not say that, because you also have a biological "defect" that cannot be switched on and off with your mind. So stop making double standards for yourself. You're just as abnormal as all of us; please understand that.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Profanity doubtlessly knows which country depression originates from, however.

Dahahahaha :D


Profanity is just a stupid cunt who thinks he knows everything about heavy metal cause he reads the site which is nothing but totally pretentious bullshit. is a pretty cool site. I don't agree with their top death metal albums list though. Their CD reviews are not up to date. I think it's interesting how they go into great depth trying to define different metal genres.