Does anyone else think that everyone on the CoB boards is an asshole?

this is a generalization based on one post, and if you really think bodom fans are assholes, think again. there are one or two "assholes" but the majority of us are decent human beings. People like what they wanna like, but you can't talk down to someone for liking something, thats just dumb. To each their own, and leave it at that. I dont go around saying "this band sucks, and so does this one." And dont generalize either, that makes people look dumb, also.
and another thing, she wasn't even rude to you, she just said that there was already a thread about it, it thats being rude, go look at SOT.
Koichi said:
yes, you can.
sure i guess you could, but it just shows that you can't accept other peoples opinions, or musical tastes, just because you dont like it, doesn't make it shitty.