Does anyone else think that everyone on the CoB boards is an asshole?

COB is the type of band that attracts idiots, hence the people on the COB board.
You didn't have to tell me that I'm an asshole, I knew it already :rolleyes:

And with this thread and your posts you made it clear to all of us, you're a genius :Smug:
Well spirit crusher, i have already apppologiesed for me being an ass you you on the hatebreeder shirt thread and i was out of line and shit.

But god fucking damnit guys! its a fucking internet forum.

You'd think 4 hyperlinks between the CoB forum and say, open forum is like jumping to a different country.

And i;m sure EVERY board on UM has their sleection of Asshole posers.

so just quit fucking moaning and if you hate our board.... dont visit it.

Emperor Magus Caligula said:
no, they just have a bad music taste
who died and made you god of musical taste? im sorry, did i forget for a second that music is a matter of opinions and emotions that the music conjures up? whatever argument you have for (insert band name here) can be made back at you and go on forever. and this thread is about the CoB board members being assholes. not musical integrity. Im an asshole, youre damn right. you know why? because im tired of dealing with people like you, and the kid who made this thread, whinning about how much CoB sucks and (insert band name here) is sooo much better and cooler and everyone else is an asshole, and everyone else has no taste.

ill have to back up needled on this one....."chill the fuck out"
It attracts morons because it's musically and lyrically simple. It has no content, it's a superficial style of music, it's flashy on the outside, but what is there underneath? nothing.

this is why is attracts morons, people who can't understand it and think ALexi is the be all to end all.
Koichi said:
It attracts morons because it's musically and lyrically simple. It has no content, it's a superficial style of music, it's flashy on the outside, but what is there underneath? nothing.

this is why is attracts morons, people who can't understand it and think ALexi is the be all to end all.
id have to argue the exact oposite. just because a metal band happens to write a vast amount of their songs in major keys, theyre labeled as "flashy, superficial, and simple." theres so much that goes on with their music. the melodies, harmonies, key changes, the complexity of the music and the time and effort that goes into it. lyrically.....who cares? id rather there be little to no lyrics than really shitty ones about death, destruction, violence, fucking knights in shining armor, politics, etc etc. its all been fucking overkilled.

what does it have underneath? something that means something to someone. an emotion, a feeling....and if you think that's superficial than fuck, youre not human. emotions are a part of life. have ever heard of emotions before? atleast something other than hate, greed, discontent, or depression?

and didnt you just nullify your own statement by saying CoB is simple, yet flashy?

i may not be a fucking genius as you seem to believe you are, but im no fucking simpleton. i know what i like and im entitled to my opinion. Im also not a musical virtuoso, though i have been playing and learning music for about 8 years or so, and i can safely say that CoB is far from simple (i also happen to know pleanty of people who do know their music who are able to better support this claim.) dont get me wrong, im not saying CoB/Alexi Leiho are the greatest musicians of all time, but they are certainly miles ahead of others out there and you are not giving them enough credit.

and humor me. who do you find more musically complex, interesting, rich and talented? just for shits and giggles.

"Of course thats just my opinion, I could be wrong."
Well, now there's someone I can agree with in almsot every respect. Whilst it would be cool if COB did try a little harder in their wirting of lyrics, it is only part of a very good band. It is arrogant and stupid to judge every person who listens to a band based on your opinion alone.
arrogant, elitist (and they say that about CoB board,) ignorant, blind, pointless, and stupid. you're never going to convince someone that their opinions are "wrong" no matter how hard you try but you make an ass out of yourself trying especially when there's no support to any of the arguments and viewpoints presented