Does anyone else think that everyone on the CoB boards is an asshole?

dilema1362 said:
the music alone (if good) should be able to express emotion without the use of words. in what is commonly reffered to as classical music, there is seldom vocals. they weren't a necessity. the music alone was sufficent enough to extract emotions from the listener.
The music doesn't express any emotion, it's technically proficient but that's as far as it goes. It might be good music for a SNES game, but I'd rather listen to something that isn't contrived and superficial (omg, alexi can do fast solos!!1), and something that isn't just entertaining for five minutes.

Oh, and please don't compare COB to classical music, they're in entirely different leagues.
Koichi said:
liberal in it's true sense is a good thing, do you have a problem with people using their free will?
being liberal in your views is not necessarily a bad thing, no. what i have a problem with is weak-minded liberals that cannot support their arguments with facts and examples and you seem to be the epitome of this description. so fuck you, fuck your obnoxious, elitist opinions, and fuck this thread. its a matter of personal opinion and taste as to what music you prefer to listen to, not that of other peoples. you have some serious growing up to do brother and i suggest you start now before its too late and you are one of those weak-minded, "because i said so," fuckheads for life.
goodbye and good riddance
Int said:
Oh, and please don't compare COB to classical music, they're in entirely different leagues.
you must be kidding me. ha.

maybe now they dont sound like classical music, but take a listen to Something Wild, the track red light in my eyes part 2, then go listen to Mozarts 25th symphony.

then after that, if you still wanna say that (early) COB is not classical, fine, have it your way.
dilema: You dodged my response, you motherfucking fucktard. You obnoxious, elitist, fucking fuck. You have some serious growing up to do, so just fuck the fucking fuck off.
bobvex said:
you must be kidding me. ha.

maybe now they dont sound like classical music, but take a listen to Something Wild, the track red light in my eyes part 2, then go listen to Mozarts 25th symphony.

then after that, if you still wanna say that (early) COB is not classical, fine, have it your way.
They occasionally use sequences which are frequently found in classical music. Structurally, they're very different.
In fact, they basically steal little sections from classical music (I haven't heard either piece in question, but the similarity is probably more of a rip off)
lol. This topic has been a laugh. I can't be bothered going through it all though.
I post at the Bodom bored, even though I act like an idiot/dickhead on it, it's probably one of the better boards on UM, on my old name I would add Slipknot in every conversation where I posted, weither it was the Bodom or In Flames board, or General music, I probably got on better with the people over there than having about 6809698
6 people going "NO FFS OMG SLIP NOT SUK!!!!!!!1 FUKING NÚ MERTAL SHITE!!!".

I'll stick to the bodom board for a while, After all everyone over there are idiot elitests who like a band like Children of Bodom, I mean, CHILDREN OF BODOM? Stupid elitests.

There is no such thing as bad music children (OH LOOK, BAD PUN!), so why the fuck argue about it? If I like a band, it could be shite to the person sitting beside me, or average to the person infront of me.
Seriously though, whoeever made this topic, Wise up son, you're a bigger idiot for starting a topic on it. *pets heads*
dilema1362 said:
being liberal in your views is not necessarily a bad thing, no. what i have a problem with is weak-minded liberals that cannot support their arguments with facts and examples and you seem to be the epitome of this description. so fuck you, fuck your obnoxious, elitist opinions, and fuck this thread. its a matter of personal opinion and taste as to what music you prefer to listen to, not that of other peoples. you have some serious growing up to do brother and i suggest you start now before its too late and you are one of those weak-minded, "because i said so," fuckheads for life.
goodbye and good riddance

You fail to realise that calling someone liberal is not insult, maybe it is where you come from, but everywhere else in the world, we know what it actually means.

Liberal-showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions"

would you say I was liberal from reading my posts, learn what a word means before you use it, dumbfuck.
Koichi said:
learn what a word means before you use it, dumbfuck.
if you missed what i said, i said you are that typical, issue dodging liberal. I, infact, associate myself with liberalism here in the states. i know what liberal means, you dont need to crack open webster you cunt.

and int, i didnt dodge you. get over yourself. i just didnt give a fuck enough about your post to bother, i had bigger fish to fry. and i will be happy to "fuck the fucking off" (however one goes about doing that)
Its just too tempting for me not to. You keep making asinine statements based on things i never said, so i feel the need to clear things up. that and i had hoped you would refrain from replying to my posts if i made an initial attempt at walking away and dropping this pointless thread.
dilema1362 said:
and int, i didnt dodge you. get over yourself. i just didnt give a fuck enough about your post to bother, i had bigger fish to fry. and i will be happy to "fuck the fucking off" (however one goes about doing that)
As if my mockery was not obvious enough. You're an idiotic retard, but what else can you expect from a COB fan. :rolleyes:
dilema1362 said:
Its just too tempting for me not to. You keep making asinine statements based on things i never said, so i feel the need to clear things up. that and i had hoped you would refrain from replying to my posts if i made an initial attempt at walking away and dropping this pointless thread.

I have noticed bodom fans also used the word asinine to much, it doesn't make you look intelligent.

I never replied to your initial i'm leaving post, i replied to COBsteele, you came back of your own free will, because you missed me I suspect.
i use the word asinine because its the fucking word i want to use. its the word i want to mean what i want. im not trying to sound intelligent. what good would that do me? im certainly not trying to impress you thats for fucks sake. if i wanted to id use a word like sophmoric, or go find a thesaurus or some shit and look like a total ass.

and yes, i missed fuckin scabes