Does anyone else think that everyone on the CoB boards is an asshole?

Hmmm Dilema, I am going to hope that was directed towards somoen else, because the last psot I made was in complete agreement with what you said
dilema1362 said:
id have to argue the exact oposite. just because a metal band happens to write a vast amount of their songs in major keys, theyre labeled as "flashy, superficial, and simple." theres so much that goes on with their music. the melodies, harmonies, key changes, the complexity of the music and the time and effort that goes into it. lyrically.....who cares? id rather there be little to no lyrics than really shitty ones about death, destruction, violence, fucking knights in shining armor, politics, etc etc. its all been fucking overkilled.

what does it have underneath? something that means something to someone. an emotion, a feeling....and if you think that's superficial than fuck, youre not human. emotions are a part of life. have ever heard of emotions before? atleast something other than hate, greed, discontent, or depression?

and didnt you just nullify your own statement by saying CoB is simple, yet flashy?

i may not be a fucking genius as you seem to believe you are, but im no fucking simpleton. i know what i like and im entitled to my opinion. Im also not a musical virtuoso, though i have been playing and learning music for about 8 years or so, and i can safely say that CoB is far from simple (i also happen to know pleanty of people who do know their music who are able to better support this claim.) dont get me wrong, im not saying CoB/Alexi Leiho are the greatest musicians of all time, but they are certainly miles ahead of others out there and you are not giving them enough credit.

and humor me. who do you find more musically complex, interesting, rich and talented? just for shits and giggles.

"Of course thats just my opinion, I could be wrong."

Bodom is void of emotion, have you even read their lyrics? If they aren't cliche'd and cheesy, I don't know what is.

Bands that are more interesting,rich and talented: Opeth, Anathema. Antimatter,Chalice, Virgin Black, Amorphis, I could keep going, but I think it would be lost on you.

Complexity doesn't make a good song or a good band, I can think of bands that write simple as fuck songs, but shit all over your precious little rabbit band. A good song, is a good song regardless of the technicality involved in it. Bodom fans seem to think unless something is super tech. then it's shit.

You have no point, you cannot say Bodom lyrics mean something, even most Bodom fan agree their lyrics are shit. If they mean something to you, then you are obviously some sort of analytical genius who can see things no one else can.

I said Bodom were simple, yet flashy because they play the same simple formula every song, they all sound exactly the same. They are technically good, but they aren't good songs.
dude...youre a shmuck. what is it about "lyrics do not make the song" is difficult for you follow? the music alone (if good) should be able to express emotion without the use of words. in what is commonly reffered to as classical music, there is seldom vocals. they weren't a necessity. the music alone was sufficent enough to extract emotions from the listener. as for your list of bands...i wont deny that they are great bands, but i dont think that they have the same power of connecting with the listener musically as CoB.

for example, opeth is fuckin great, great musicians, great composers, but alot of their music is just not pleasing to listen too. their stuff is amazing, dont get me wrong (forshadowing) but its just not as good for entertainment purposes as it is for artistic value.

as for complexity not making a good band, thats what im saying about opeth. and i cant think of a "simple as fuck" band that shits all over any band (no matter how sucky) that has any real musical talent. ya know why? because if its simple, and its bound to have been done before, unless the band happens to be a pioneer (i.e. misfits.)

i never said CoB's lyrics were good nor did i allude to it. what i said was that the music (and the music alone) is enough to create a sense of emotion within many of CoB's fans and that is what makes them great. and i beg to differ that they reuse the same formula thus making them sound the same.

finally, i think my points were rather explicit. i dont understand what you could possibly have missed about them. maybe if you stopped being such a condescending, egotistical, uppity bitch for 30 seconds you would recover the literacy skills in order to follow a basic thought process from beginning to end.
To me, lyrics add another dimension to the music, a dimension i quite like. If the lyrics are crap then I miss a part of the music I really enjoy. I would also prefer a song to be an instramental then it have shitty lyrics.

Anathema for instance, aren't a complex band, they always sound original and they have a hell of a lot more emotion than bodom do.

I agee that they are good musician's, but theres only so much showmanship that can cover up repetative song writing.
I agree, good lyrics do add a dimention to a song that is a positive one when well done. in bodoms case, most of the vox are more of a percussion track to me than anything else. it would be one thing if the lyrics were decipherable, but 90% are not, so its not taking anything away from the music itself, but still retains the ability to add depth to the song.

you also keep refering to this "repetative song writing." can you back up your claim with examples?
its a valid opinion yes (theres no such thing as an invalid opinion,) but you fail to raise a valid point. youre using a generalized statement in order to present your specific side of an argument. its a damn good thing youre not in politics or law or you'd be SOL.
nice pic by the look like a penis with ears
Awesome, I obstained from personal insults on you, you could at least give me the same privelege.

If you don't think most bodom songs sound the same and are structured the same, then you obviously an ignorant dumbarse. For someone who has been studying music for 8 years you should be able to pick that much up at least.
the insult was more of a joke considering how out of line this thread has gotten, so i appologize for that. and refraining from insults would be giving you the same respect, a privilage is something that is earned, which i believe you have not done.

secondly, if by structured the same you mean that they all have verses, chorus', and guitar solos somewhere in the mix, then yes i'd agree....but i dont think that they are structured the same at all. the musical composition for all the songs are completely different. if youre trying to make the argument that they are all made up of the same chord progressions, scales, etc....than id argue that there are so many nuances in his style of writing through use of rhythm, timbre, guitar effects and so on, that they are completely and 100% seperate works of music.

and this is it. do not reply to my post because i wont read it. this has become asinine and pointless. Its been fun debating with you, but its just going in circles now. Peace out

"...all work and no rock makes Jack a dull boy..."
Koichi said:
Awesome, I obstained from personal insults on you, you could at least give me the same privelege.

If you don't think most bodom songs sound the same and are structured the same, then you obviously an ignorant dumbarse. For someone who has been studying music for 8 years you should be able to pick that much up at least.

Its time for you to stop now. Reading your posts has made me resort hitting my computer desk to rid my brain of the ever flowing stupidity it has learned from you today.

Also calling us all eliteists is complete bullshit. What do you think I only listen to Bodom all day?

I listen to all the bands probably listed in this post and every band in everybody's signature. I have a wide variety taste in metal. Hell I even listen to old stuff like Rush and Van Halen. I could go on forever.

What is lame is you labeling us all elitist posers. The hell is up with that man. Who are you to judge? Seriously who the fuck do you think you are?

Also who gives a rats ass about lyrics, Alexi Laiho has said it over and over in countless interviews, the lyrics are unimportant and are just another instrument thrown into CoB's songs. They are all about the music. Thats what I like more too, thats why I listen to Bodom. I could give a damn about what a song is saying, with the exception of Iced Earth and Symphony X, I like their lyrics.

And if anything, Bodom opened my mind to a whole new world of music, instead of shut it off from everything else.
Koichi said:
:lol: shut up fanboy.

Yes I am a fan of Bodom. As well as many other bands. Got a fucking problem?

I guess your just a lost cause. I and many others tried to educate you, but it just seems your thick liberal skull won't allow it. Learn to use your brain before speaking, instead of your ass, chief.