Does anyone know hold old Warrel is?

Oh for the love of dogs & cats! Will y'all get off metallady's back? The nice lady isn't telling because Warrel is obviously over 21 (which is all that's really important), and he's in heavy metal. The older you seem, the less likely new/young generations of metal listeners are to want to hear your stuff, since they'll start lumping you in with their parents.

So, if you want some clue, go look at the dates on the first Sanctuary album, figure you have to be 18 to legally enter into a contract (read: signed band), do some math, figure in the fact that he started aging in reverse about 6 months ago, and you'll be plenty close enough.

And if anyone here is old enough to recognize this reference, here you go: It's clearly not too loud, yet, so he's not too old. :rock:
metallady said:
You do not even make sense. Good for you for asking, glad you got the answer; we will go with that then rebirth. I have known Warrel for almost 18 years and was just trying to be respectful of his feelings. This has blown WAY out of proportion. The name-calling and whatnot, childish. I wish I never replied to this thread. *Kicks self* Call me whatever makes you feel better. This prude, tease, know it all, cocky, arrogant, wrong, special chick was, and will, always be respectful towards Warrel. My intentions were well directed but obviously misunderstood.. :yell:

Rebirth rarely, if ever, makes sense.
Wow i love this thread. I'd bet $10 that WD is reading this just waiting for one of us assholes that know to actually tell.

WD is older than Jim by a couple of months. Van is younger than them. Jeff is younger than Van. Steve is younger than all.
Let's not forget this lovely pix.


In the early 80's John and Brad were wrapping up high school playing as an incomplete band
under the name of "EXODUS", later to add Warrel and 2nd guitarist Doug. Two name bands
were pretty popular and hence "SERPENT'S KNIGHT" was created



age shouldn't matter.... once you turn 18 anyway. anyone under 18 is a minor, and most of the time can lead to legal problems if sexual thoughts or feelings come into play... Not that I know anything about that... *glares at Will Bozarth*