Does anyone know hold old Warrel is?

Wow...I can't believe this spiraled out of control like this.

I'm sorry that I asked, and I didn't want people to fight over the question.
Everyone here is so cool, and I respect each and everyone of you as a fellow loyal fan.
My interest was completely selfish. I asked Warrel a question in the chat the other day about how over the years I have been influenced by his voice.
Now at 31 I find myself wondering if I can still improve, and grow with the years creeping up on me. I felt that Warrel has improved with age, and wisdom, and it gives me hope that I too can grow.
If someone told me he was in his forties I wouldn't care other than knowing that I too have years to grow as he has.
I respect him as a vocal God, and as a person for always being 1000% true to his matter what the personal cost.
I could only be so lucky as to be half as good as him.

Once again, I'm sorry for asking...and lets get back to Nevermore worship:worship:
Seventh Rising said:
Now at 31 I find myself wondering if I can still improve, and grow with the years creeping up on me.

Well, heck, darlin' - I can answer this! My husband is a vocal teacher and he tells me that most men hit their vocal prime in their Mid to sometimes lateish 30's. Now, that's not to say that you won't continue to grow and improve as a vocalist beyond that point, because you'll be able to add experience, technique, etc. to that, this is pure "biology" as it were. But, yeah, you're not there, yet, so get back to work! ;) :grin: :rock:
Nightshade said:
Well, heck, darlin' - I can answer this! My husband is a vocal teacher and he tells me that most men hit their vocal prime in their Mid to sometimes lateish 30's. Now, that's not to say that you won't continue to grow and improve as a vocalist beyond that point, because you'll be able to add experience, technique, etc. to that, this is pure "biology" as it were. But, yeah, you're not there, yet, so get back to work! ;) :grin: :rock:

Thanks for the inspiration!!!
I have to be more like the little train...I think I can...I think I can...:grin:
MetalSteph said:
Wow i love this thread. I'd bet $10 that WD is reading this just waiting for one of us assholes that know to actually tell.

WD is older than Jim by a couple of months. Van is younger than them. Jeff is younger than Van. Steve is younger than all.

I thought Jeff was 34 and Steve was 35.
Seventh Rising said:
Thanks for the inspiration!!!
I have to be more like the little train...I think I can...I think I can...:grin:

Just to shed a little light on that story...
The little engine got to the top of the hill
and blew the drive rod killing the engineer
and subsequentially jamming the slide valve.
Pressure built too high and completely blew out the
casing and lubrication ports sending oil
and boiling water all over the creosote soaked
rail ties and headed downhill to the stream not far away
contaminating local water supplies and creating
a small scale environmental disaster. Outrageouse cleanup
costs, news coverage, regulations, L&I claims and suits
brought on by the local landowners shut down the little railroad...
and this is why we now produce thermonuclear submarines!

But never mind me...YOU GO GUY! :)

this thread is gettin kinda fun.


Nahhhhhh...there's was no clown!
The PR department just added that to try and draw tourism back
to the area.
in regard to black sabbath , all were great....all different in the way that made the band a gel unit...