Does "anyone" like Reroute?

@rahvin: Great post. Thanks.

I think everyone should really calm down though. It seems that people seem to really be misinterpretting each other and assuming things about the other person that they don't really know. (In fact maybe I'm misinterpretting this as being somtheing worse than it is.) :p
Haha, well, you sure are a funny one, I have to give you that,
you're kinda like a rodeo clown, except you don't know when to
jump over the fence.

I am a bit tired of editing all your shit, so I will just point out 2
things for now.

Inflames626 said:
It's true, dude. You're not being "true", you're dressing up in make up.

Make up?
Where the hell do you see make up?
I'm quite sure I didn't use anything but my super PhotoShop skills
on that picture and that was only to make the picture red.

Inflames626 said:
What makes it true, that you look like every dude in every other death metal mag? I wouldn't know what it means because it's simply a scowling dude playing with a set of imaginary balls. What's it supposed to represent? Repressed homosexuality or a constipated person trying to take a bowel movement?

Ah, another lovely set of trollisness, appealing to someones sexual
orientation or maybe this is your way of hitting on me, sorry to
disappoint you, but I am quite straight, no ass for you here.

And you are once again missing the point, I am supposed to look just
like every dude in every other death metal, cos I am tr00, but like I
said, you apparently don't get it.

Inflames626 said:
That you have a lot of free time on your hands. I've been here all day because I've been working on a university paper most of the evening. No, I haven't been here very long. Because you've posted 2000 times does that mean I have to kiss your ass? Stop wasting DT's server space.

haha, I would hardly call under 2000 posts in 2 years a lot of time in
my hands, haven't you noticed there is people who have 12000 posts
in the same time or even less.

Btw, why do you feel like you need to justify your being here with
some university paper stuff?
I don't justify my being here, I am here cos I can and want, no
better reason needed.

But I have been here 2 years, which means people know me, well,
a lot more than you anyway, I never said it has anything to do with
ass kissing and what comes to me wasting DT's server space, unlike
you I actually do something for this forum community, so I think I am
entitled to waste all the space I want. Besides it's UM's server space,
DT just pays for the service.

Anyway, I am getting tired now, since it's 2:30am here, I will continue
the feeding tomorrow, if I feel like it.
I am calm, like the Dead Sea, takes a bit more than a
trollboy to upset me these days, I have inner peace :p
Salamurhaaja said:
Haha, well, you sure are a funny one, I have to give you that,
you're kinda like a rodeo clown, except you don't know when to
jump over the fence.

I am a bit tired of editing all your shit, so I will just point out 2
things for now.

Make up?
Where the hell do you see make up?
I'm quite sure I didn't use anything but my super PhotoShop skills
on that picture and that was only to make the picture red.

Looks like lipstick to me, budro.

Ah, another lovely set of trollisness, appealing to someones sexual
orientation or maybe this is your way of hitting on me, sorry to
disappoint you, but I am quite straight, no ass for you here.

Weak comeback. You're still holding a sizable set of marbles.

And you are once again missing the point, I am supposed to look just
like every dude in every other death metal, cos I am tr00, but like I
said, you apparently don't get it.

It means you are that "tr00ly" unoriginal? No, I don't get what that's supposed to mean, Bono. Enlighten me with your worldly wisdom on what a straining face implies.

haha, I would hardly call under 2000 posts in 2 years a lot of time in
my hands, haven't you noticed there is people who have 12000 posts
in the same time or even less.

No, I've only stuck to my own thread. Get out of my thread if you don't like it.

Btw, why do you feel like you need to justify your being here with
some university paper stuff?
I don't justify my being here, I am here cos I can and want, no
better reason needed.

Why do you feel the need to cause trouble in here, claim that you're right and say I'm not justified and hence a dumbass, and then not justify yourself? Stop making exceptions for yourself.

But I have been here 2 years, which means people know me, well,
a lot more than you anyway, I never said it has anything to do with
ass kissing and what comes to me wasting DT's server space, unlike
you I actually do something for this forum community, so I think I am
entitled to waste all the space I want. Besides it's UM's server space,
DT just pays for the service.

I have yet to see any "people" supporting you, save that robot dude. Everyone else has been, thank God, fairly sensible.

Anyway, I am getting tired now, since it's 2:30am here, I will continue
the feeding tomorrow, if I feel like it.

Go do your Wicca worship or whatever, gothboy.

Trebus, thou art the voice of reason. Let's keep going with our St. Anger discussion, didn't care much for Purify, especially the kinda cheesy "Pure if I..." tie-in...

The fingerstyle on Burden was interesting for Metallica, and cool guitars, as always. Except the Invisible Kid Kirk guitar, what would he do if the song turned out to be really unpopular? Song tie-ins are intended for singles.
May I have your attention please?

I would like to apologize on the behalf of the people here in the United States that we aren't as ignorant, stupid, narrow minded, and bitchy as a thread poster here, namely, InFlames626.

I would like to say 'sorry' to the rest of the world for putting up with him.

Thank you.
Inflames626 said:
Everyone else has been, thank God, fairly sensible.

Everyone else is also sleeping, it being a monday
tomorrow and 2:45AM in europe.

But I will get back to this after I have slept, your
answers just make me :lol: so bad that I will live
forever if I keep laughing like this.

No worries mate, I'm having quite a laugh on his
expense, too bad he can't see that hahaha
Salamurhaaja said:
Everyone else is also sleeping, it being a monday
tomorrow and 2:45AM in europe.

But I will get back to this after I have slept, your
answers just make me :lol: so bad that I will live
forever if I keep laughing like this.

No worries mate, I'm having quite a laugh on his
expense, too bad he can't see that hahaha

And if I'm so unimportant and weak, why do you need to piss me off to enjoy yourself? If I were really that unsubstantial, you wouldn't even reply to my post.

It takes a lot of caring to hate, because you have to care enough about something to hate it in the first place.

Why are you even here, if I'm so pathetic? Tired of appraising your own navel?

Again, I see no objective criticisms.
Start ticking off points that can be proven objectively.

Then I'll concede something, as I have to Trebus and Rahvin.
Rahvin, I agree with most that you said except the part about him keeping conversation going in a controlled way. :erk: The guy changes subjects so many times that it just doesn't make sense
Might as well just have one big thread and throw all the topics into it. I think he just wants to keep his thread going as long as possible or something. The DT points he brought up already have threads, and RTR and Metallica have many on every board. I dunno, just doesn't seem controlled to me.. more annoying, but also funny at times :tickled:
Gums said:
Rahvin, I agree with most that you said except the part about him keeping conversation going in a controlled way. :erk: The guy changes subjects so many times that it just doesn't make sense
Might as well just have one big thread and throw all the topics into it. I think he just wants to keep his thread going as long as possible or something. The DT points he brought up already have threads, and RTR and Metallica have many on every board. I dunno, just doesn't seem controlled to me.. more annoying, but also funny at times :tickled:

Actually, I would be most interested in discussing musician based things, and Trebus has thus far been the only person who has engaged my interest in a constructive way.

I like freely associating topics. If I don't speak my mind, the topic might never be discussed. Why have 25 threads when you can have just one? Simplifies things. And, those who reply only have to reply to the topics they like.
Inflames626 said:
Actually, I would be most interested in discussing musician based things, and Trebus has thus far been the only person who has engaged my interest in a constructive way.

I like freely associating topics. If I don't speak my mind, the topic might never be discussed. Why have 25 threads when you can have just one? Simplifies things. And, those who reply only have to reply to the topics they like.

You might want to try the Musicians Discussion forum:

There should be people there that get into more engaging conversations with you about your topics of music than the people here on this forum.
Arch said:
You might want to try the Musicians Discussion forum:

There should be people there that get into more engaging conversations with you about your topics of music than the people here on this forum.

Thanks. But I'm already so deeply in the trenches here...I also tend to be even more passionate when more than the music is being criticized, but the way it is made.

Never start an argument about amps between two guitarists, especially.
@inflames626: i kinda figured that the reasons behind the "i'm myself" remark were a tad more personal than what would appear at first sight. it was just to point out that such a comment is bound to be taken as a pretty arrogant statement by people who don't know you and where you're from. especially since the debate was already getting quite hot and all.

@arch: *wears rubber mask, whips manwhores* mmm... orgy... ;)

@gums: this is however an interesting solution, as it's obvious that him starting new threads for some of those topic would have users add the "spammer" label to his charges. the fact is that communities like this only get stirred when there is some strong disagreement among posters on one or more topic. we regulars are not that likely to debate - say - creativity in contemporary forms of art, because there wouldn't be any real sparks: if somebody i know well from this board partly disagrees with me i don't really get in full gear to prove him/her wrong, because i'm simply not interested in a confrontation.
with 'controlled' i was however referring to the fact that in his posts he's still mostly talking about his view on stuff, instead of resorting to just bashing others'. there is that too, but it's not the whole content.

and again to @inflames626: the purpose of having different threads for different topics is that users can pick and choose what they want to read and reply to more easily if it's (partly) shown what a thread is about either in the subject or in the first, say, five posts. clearly there's plenty of exceptions to that, and threads being hijacked and changing subject inbetween are perfectly ok. still most members might be put off by a 200 posts thread and never get to read the single line where you ask for opinions on megadeth, for instance. that's why if you think a discussion on the subject might be ok you are better off offering the chance to in a new thread, making it thus highly visible.
i have no issue with the way you're discussing at the moment though, so don't take it as a reproach or even a suggestion (in fact, new threads by you right now will probably get you flames), i've just got a habit to over-explain things i guess. :)
rahvin said:
@inflames626: i kinda figured that the reasons behind the "i'm myself" remark were a tad more personal than what would appear at first sight. it was just to point out that such a comment is bound to be taken as a pretty arrogant statement by people who don't know you and where you're from. especially since the debate was already getting quite hot and all.

@arch: *wears rubber mask, whips manwhores* mmm... orgy... ;)

@gums: this is however an interesting solution, as it's obvious that him starting new threads for some of those topic would have users add the "spammer" label to his charges. the fact is that communities like this only get stirred when there is some strong disagreement among posters on one or more topic. we regulars are not that likely to debate - say - creativity in contemporary forms of art, because there wouldn't be any real sparks: if somebody i know well from this board partly disagrees with me i don't really get in full gear to prove him/her wrong, because i'm simply not interested in a confrontation.
with 'controlled' i was however referring to the fact that in his posts he's still mostly talking about his view on stuff, instead of resorting to just bashing others'. there is that too, but it's not the whole content.

and again to @inflames626: the purpose of having different threads for different topics is that users can pick and choose what they want to read and reply to more easily if it's (partly) shown what a thread is about either in the subject or in the first, say, five posts. clearly there's plenty of exceptions to that, and threads being hijacked and changing subject inbetween are perfectly ok. still most members might be put off by a 200 posts thread and never get to read the single line where you ask for opinions on megadeth, for instance. that's why if you think a discussion on the subject might be ok you are better off offering the chance to in a new thread, making it thus highly visible.
i have no issue with the way you're discussing at the moment though, so don't take it as a reproach or even a suggestion (in fact, new threads by you right now will probably get you flames), i've just got a habit to over-explain things i guess. :)

I appreciate the support, I just have yet to understand our friend the ball fondler.

It's just silly to me, the need something else other than the self. Maybe when people put you up to it and you have to be what you're not to hold people together (war heroes, etc.), but entertainers? What the hell gives RATM or Bono the right to criticize anything going on in the world right now when I seriously doubt either of them even has a B.A. in political science?

Rockstars are primarily entertainers, rarely musicians, and they often forget that. In an "Alive", cannibalism scenario, they're very expendible due to lack of practical skills. The day a person who can't even keep substance abuse issues straight runs a nation will be...well, insert metaphor here. Oh wait, Kennedy and U.S. Grant already have.

In other words, the Marylin Manson/Trent Reznor/Nikki Sixx/Tommy Lee self-importance thing is utter bullshit. You beat a drum, strike a chord. That's hardly saving the world.
Inflames626 said:
I appreciate the support, I just have yet to understand our friend the ball fondler.

It's just silly to me, the need something else other than the self. Maybe when people put you up to it and you have to be what you're not to hold people together (war heroes, etc.), but entertainers? What the hell gives RATM or Bono the right to criticize anything going on in the world right now when I seriously doubt either of them even has a B.A. in political science?
I don't understand your logic, Aaron. Explain to me why a B.A. in political science has anything to do with RATM or Bono's action regarding criticism of the things going on in our world?
As far as I am concern, RATM and Bono has every right to complain... just like you do with your taste in music. What? Only you, Aaron, can criticize? RATM and Bono are creating a change for our world for the better. Good for them. They are doing something constructive. Why not complain about Skinhead punks inciting hatred? What? Skinheads aren't good enough for you to pick on?

Rockstars are primarily entertainers, rarely musicians, and they often forget that...
Aww, that's too fucking bad rockstars don't live up to your expectations. I'm gonna cry myself a river because Ozzy entertains people. Boo hoo hoo.
Salamurhaaja said:
I agree totally, but hey, no point trying to teach an old
troll new tricks.

@Man with the imaginary balls: :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:
Arch said:
@Man with the imaginary balls: :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

now if that was not an insult i don't know what is... ;)

@inflames626: aside from personal opinion (namely, that salamurhaaja is a very cool guy most people have no problem relating to at all), there is at least *one* thing about his avatar that is quite objective: it's part of a not uncommon habit on a lot of online communities to mock the idea of taking some sub-cultures too seriously. if you know what i'm talking about, i don't need to add anything else. if you don't, i'll be happy to go on if asked to. the short version for now is that nobody cares that his avvy might look like he's fondling balls because it is meant to be at least partly funny. he doesn't walk around town making funny gestures in order to try and summon the devil, and whatever his mundane or supernatural beliefs might be, he's self-ironic enough to recognize his own straining face as a rather smile-inducing thing when he sees it.
I can't believe InFlames626 is ridiculing our friend, Salamurhaaja, by his avatar. It's like judging a book by its cover.