Does "anyone" like Reroute?

Inflames626 said:
I don't have an avatar at all because I find them highly unnecessary, in any chatroom.

Avatars have one very important function: they make you recognizable with a single glance. There are hundreds of users on this forum and I (and many others I guess) can't remember everyone's nickname. Thus, when I after a month from now see Salamurhaaja's post in another thread, all I need to do is take a look at his avatar and I recall: "Oh, here's the guy who loves to feed trolls with his shite"; especially so when the avatar is so much tongue-in-cheek and contradicting to the person behind it (as many of us know). There's an even greater need for an avatar for people, who have nicknames that very closely resemble 626 other nicknames used on this forum. That's why I recommend you get one as soon as possible - as long as it is clearly different from other people's avatars, you may put as much or little meaning to it as you want, very few people care about that. ;)

Another point: This is definitely not your forum and hardly your thread. This is our forum and I would dare say our thread - telling people not to post/read here is most impolite, IMHO. This community is rather tight and even somewhat "closed-in"; I admit it is hard for a newcomer to come here and speak out his/her mind without sounding arrogant (and I must admire your bravery in trying to do so), but showing a bit more humility while doing so is what I recommend to you - insulting someone's avatar or calling him names ("gothboy", "ballhandler", ie.) is not very wise in a place, which indeed has dozens of regulars who are willing to "support" him simply because they have known him much longer than they have known you. I know most of the people here have nothing against you, but if (a very big if) this all would come to the point where we on this forum would have to decide which one of you two needs to be kicked out (read: banned) from here, you would lose that vote 50 to 1.

Lastly, you have made many reasonable arguments, but now and again you have fallen into the traps of anger so evilly (:p) made by Salamy and lost your apparently high level of self-control; which has resulted in many unreasonable comments and contradictions within your own thesis. I'm certainly not the best person to talk about this matter (as I often tend to lose my self-control in heated arguments about certain topics many of the people here are very familiar with), but I really think you should try to concentrate on a one single point at a time when arguing with someone, instead of making a dozen new attacks in every post you make. For it makes you look like someone who really doesn't know what he's talking about and just tries to cover that by touching so many arguments that everyone gets confused - I hope that is a false impression.

Inflames626 said:
Thanks for getting lost.

All refuges from the forum may now return! Hitler has been crushed by Stalin.
isn't it very funny that Stalin turned out to be worse than Htiler? :tickled:
Villain said:
Avatars have one very important function: they make you recognizable with a single glance. There are hundreds of users on this forum and I (and many others I guess) can't remember everyone's nickname. Thus, when I after a month from now see Salamurhaaja's post in another thread, all I need to do is take a look at his avatar and I recall: "Oh, here's the guy who loves to feed trolls with his shite"; especially so when the avatar is so much tongue-in-cheek and contradicting to the person behind it (as many of us know). There's an even greater need for an avatar for people, who have nicknames that very closely resemble 626 other nicknames used on this forum. That's why I recommend you get one as soon as possible - as long as it is clearly different from other people's avatars, you may put as much or little meaning to it as you want, very few people care about that. ;)

Another point: This is definitely not your forum and hardly your thread. This is our forum and I would dare say our thread - telling people not to post/read here is most impolite, IMHO. This community is rather tight and even somewhat "closed-in"; I admit it is hard for a newcomer to come here and speak out his/her mind without sounding arrogant (and I must admire your bravery in trying to do so), but showing a bit more humility while doing so is what I recommend to you - insulting someone's avatar or calling him names ("gothboy", "ballhandler", ie.) is not very wise in a place, which indeed has dozens of regulars who are willing to "support" him simply because they have known him much longer than they have known you. I know most of the people here have nothing against you, but if (a very big if) this all would come to the point where we on this forum would have to decide which one of you two needs to be kicked out (read: banned) from here, you would lose that vote 50 to 1.

Lastly, you have made many reasonable arguments, but now and again you have fallen into the traps of anger so evilly (:p) made by Salamy and lost your apparently high level of self-control; which has resulted in many unreasonable comments and contradictions within your own thesis. I'm certainly not the best person to talk about this matter (as I often tend to lose my self-control in heated arguments about certain topics many of the people here are very familiar with), but I really think you should try to concentrate on a one single point at a time when arguing with someone, instead of making a dozen new attacks in every post you make. For it makes you look like someone who really doesn't know what he's talking about and just tries to cover that by touching so many arguments that everyone gets confused - I hope that is a false impression.


A few key arguments to address here:

1) I want to be remembered for the substance of my text, not for a symbol. If someone doesn't want to scan the boards closely enough to find my name, then they must truly not be interested enough to talk to me. I don't appreciate such laziness, and would prefer to see less avatars on others. More anonymity and substance forces one to approach someone's thought content, and not their self-stylizations.

2) Again, I don't care to ever get an avatar. If people want to talk with me, they'll find the time and be just fine, as they are doing right now.

3) It is not my forum, but it IS MY thread within this forum. I knew this view would be unpopular, hence that is why I restrict my conversations here. My intellectual property is my own to claim, and, since I began this thread and have generally been the one to post the most to it, it is very much MY thread, as I have tended to dictate the topics of discussion when not fending off foolish arguments.

4) I told people not to come and post if they were going to start shit, aka, if they don't like my opinion. They are still free to come read it, but if they know there's going to be stupid antics, they shouldn't post. Just like the law allows you to visit bars, but if you get hostile when you're drunk, you shouldn't go.

5) Knowing someone longer than me is not a valid basis for determining who is right and who is wrong in a situation, and this is the most glaring error of logic. I came to this nook of the board to post my opinion, and JUST BECAUSE someone is a regular here he basically has the right to enter MY thread and harass my ideas because I said, dare I say, that DT was a bit unoriginal. Discount me after objective study of who started the problem, not who's highest on the good ol' boy totem pole. If people aren't going to welcome newcomers here and will discourage it by automatically siding with a troublemaker, you may as well ban me, because I don't want to be a part of something like that. It's a silly as a grade school playground.

6) There's no need to ban me, as I am restricting my comments to MY thread and am harassing no one, not even sending a private message. Personal insults against avatars were first leveled against being called "troll". If you're going to ban me based on a popularity contest in which newcomers are not given a chance and not on the sound principle of board security and/or ettiquite, again, I have no wish to be a part of such an institution. Separate personal loyalty from valid or invalid thesises, and if your friendship to someone is going to color your evaluation of that argument, you shouldn't be in the judging position, because you are partial.

7) Defending from a dozen new attacks and working on several arguments at once accomplishes two things: 1. It shows that no potential hole in the argument has been left unconsidered in the defense and, 2. it follows the train of thought of the poster, who doesn't want to leave a conversational stone unturned. If things are confusing, reread MY thread. As far as contradictions, they can be clarified, given the reader asks the poster. It's not my job to interpret for you, but merely to make my points as clearly as possible. If some are still unclear, I'll clarify, but I am not a mind reader and need to be told these things.

8) Again, banning should not be based on a popularity contest, and if you are considering holding something against me based on a foolish premise of knowing an asshole longer than you've known a potential friend, that is not my problem. Ban away, as this could be any other messageboard or institution, from ICQ to mIRC. It is very much my thread, and it is a humble thing to ask to call it MY thread, considering it is the only place on the boards I frequent.

Now, you can trust an asshole's judgment, or you can dig deeper and try to find out why I feel so personally validated. I've no need of fair weather friends, or partial moderators, sir. And no one seems to be detracting from that fellow for not dropping the issue when I gave him plenty of outs. I do not back off of principles, and this makes me many enemies because they resent my tenacity in proving a point, banning be damned. Fine, hate me because I don't shut up, but don't hate me for arguments that you can't counter against or for reasons of personal bias.
Inflames626 said:
Dude, if you dont get off the American stuff, I'm going to come back at your ass with so much fucking history and political science that you will have NO ROOM to make such assumptions.

Cool, you can try if you like, but don't you think you should maybe
first know where I am from?
I will give you some hints in this post, since I now have a bit more
time to answer all your point(lessness).

Inflames626 said:
But I will not have a person making generalizations about life here when it was Europe that brought all of its old problems here in the first place.

Yes, surely, going to illegal wars and having very loose guns laws,
shitty social security, laws to protect the rich and morons in the
lead for year has nothing to do with your problems.

When America got it's independence, it's problems became it's
problems, blaming europe for them is pretty stupid, if you think
it's europes fault you country sucks, maybe you should give the
rule back to England.

And I can make the generalizations very easily, I have spend enough
time there to know, can you say the same of europe?

Inflames626 said:
and I won't have some holier than thou Social Democrat who couldn't even defend his country for 50 years from Soviet aggression without the US nuclear umbrella attempt to tell me my attention span.

Now then, what do you know of my political beliefs? I don't hail to
any party. As for what comes to defending my country, I have done
my duty in the army service, have you?

What more of defending my country, I can say with certainty that
I have relatives who have killed more russians, alone, than your whole
country, so don't come talk to me about, your country defending
anyone, your country didn't do anything to that end.

Inflames626 said:
I've met tons of Scandanavians, and they're all so smart and such nice people (excellent public education system in Sweden), that no Scandanavian would dare make such a stupid remark.

What a coincidence, so have I and you are quite right, they are nice
and smart people, unlike the tons of arrogant, holier than thou,
Americans, like you, I have met.

Inflames626 said:
The shit you feast on in style is the stuff we cast off.

hahah, oh yeah, I forgot that black metal has it's roots in America,
hell, even death metal is more known from the scandinavian bands.
There hasn't been an original band from America in ages, their metal
scene has been stagnant for years.

Inflames626 said:
Throw EVERYTHING you can at me, one post, gag me on it, give me every criticism you can think of, and back it up with FACTS AND EVIDENCE, not your opinion.

I'm sorry, but this is a forum, not a court of law, we don't need
facts or evidence here, opinions are enough.
And I still haven't seen any evidence or facts from you, only
opinions and not even too well formed ones at that.

Inflames626 said:
I will refute you point by point. I'm daring you, I'm calling you out, and I'm ending this now. I've argued for 3 days in this forum when I'd much rather be having fun. It ends now.

Haha, "It ends now." you sound like this president, who launched
a war he cannot win, claiming it was somehow justified by god,
you have shown us pretty much the same amount of evidence too.

Well, feed on that for a while.
Damn... I'm done reading all of this. To bring up an earlier point, it seems people are taking things way to personally. And people are intigating each other. I don't think Inflames626 is a troll. But of course it seems like it because people are throwing so much criticism and so many insults that its hard not to come across as sounding like a troll. I'll admit that I was surprised at some of the things Inflames 626 said. Things may have gotten to him a bit, and he probably overreacted. But the philosophy of feeding the troll is probably not a good idea. He obviously has some knowledge of things and is capable of having a good discussion, but it is extremely hard to do so when people argue in this manner. And before anyone calls me someone who thinks I am a high and mighty intellect, I am not at all. In fact I am quite pathetic. :)

Anyway, about Metallica. I forgot what you asked so I'll read it and post again. :p
Inflames626 said:
Trebus, thou art the voice of reason. Let's keep going with our St. Anger discussion, didn't care much for Purify, especially the kinda cheesy "Pure if I..." tie-in...

The fingerstyle on Burden was interesting for Metallica, and cool guitars, as always. Except the Invisible Kid Kirk guitar, what would he do if the song turned out to be really unpopular? Song tie-ins are intended for singles.
Hmm.. I don't see a song called Burden. :confused:

But a couple songs I like that I'll mention are My World, (for the heaviness) and Sweet Amber for the riff in the end of the song, (that fast picking one.) For My World, I think I just like the "feel-good" heaviness of the song. It has a Fuck yeah!! kind of vibe. And something about the riff in the end of Sweet Amber makes it sound very intense. Like I can't help but stop what I'm doing and listen to it. Hmm... There are other songs, I like the whole album. But this is what i coming to me at the moment.
Salamurhaaja said:
Cool, you can try if you like, but don't you think you should maybe
first know where I am from?
I will give you some hints in this post, since I now have a bit more
time to answer all your point(lessness).

Yes, surely, going to illegal wars and having very loose guns laws,
shitty social security, laws to protect the rich and morons in the
lead for year has nothing to do with your problems.

When America got it's independence, it's problems became it's
problems, blaming europe for them is pretty stupid, if you think
it's europes fault you country sucks, maybe you should give the
rule back to England.

And I can make the generalizations very easily, I have spend enough
time there to know, can you say the same of europe?

Now then, what do you know of my political beliefs? I don't hail to
any party. As for what comes to defending my country, I have done
my duty in the army service, have you?

What more of defending my country, I can say with certainty that
I have relatives who have killed more russians, alone, than your whole
country, so don't come talk to me about, your country defending
anyone, your country didn't do anything to that end.

What a coincidence, so have I and you are quite right, they are nice
and smart people, unlike the tons of arrogant, holier than thou,
Americans, like you, I have met.

hahah, oh yeah, I forgot that black metal has it's roots in America,
hell, even death metal is more known from the scandinavian bands.
There hasn't been an original band from America in ages, their metal
scene has been stagnant for years.

I'm sorry, but this is a forum, not a court of law, we don't need
facts or evidence here, opinions are enough.
And I still haven't seen any evidence or facts from you, only
opinions and not even too well formed ones at that.

Haha, "It ends now." you sound like this president, who launched
a war he cannot win, claiming it was somehow justified by god,
you have shown us pretty much the same amount of evidence too.

Well, feed on that for a while.

Oh, god with a lower case G. You have all the answers eh? You're so angry big man, so against the grain, so...oh, you've seen the light, you prophet of wisdom.

Whether this is a court of law or not, it is a debate, you must justify arguments.

I'm guessing Finland, maybe an allusion to the Winter War, or perhaps Poland.

Whilst discussing Europe, lets discuss Germany's hatred of Turks and immigrants, as well as its tendency to start at least one world war, Italy's inability to form a long term government, France's desire to be a world power but inability to responsibly handle arms sales and foreign influence, especially in the form of nuclear proliferation under de Gaulle and weapon sales to Ruwanda, Britain's inability to simply give ALL of Ireland back to the Irish, Spain's, Portugal and Greece's lack of a concept of a democracy until the 1970s, eastern Europe and Yugoslavia's inability to handle ethnic conflict, and Russia's constant inferiority with the West.

England IS Europe to America, therefore giving it back to Europe is pointless. Britain can't even handle giving the Commonwealth true independence, nor can it handle labor unions and rife, cylical unemployment and a poor healthcare system that uses thirty year old technology. And, even though America has its own problems, these are just as common as Europe's: Germany's resentment of Turks, the persecution of Hungarian minorities throughout the former Hapsburg Empire, Catholic vs. Protestant issues (Thirty Years War), the Greece/Turkey Cypress issue, France's strong Berber minority (which they also can't stand) and, despite the push for EU unity, everyone is, in fact, still very wary of Germany's ever strong economy.

The war was legal, and approved by Congress. Other "illegal" wars include Britain's invasion in the Sinai in 1957, and Russia's tendency to invade poor, defenseless countries like Hungary, Poland, and Czechoslovakia (although Poland was a threat in 81, and Czechlslovakia refers to the Prague Spring of 1968).

I cannot enter the military because I am disabled and manage to meet my needs on a social security system that, while not the best, I am thankful for because it doesn't inflate 200% a year due to massive printing of currency to keep up with government transfer payment debt.

The American navy, specifically in the role of nuclear submarines, has protected Europe for years from Soviet military intervention. MAD saved Europe from a Stalinist Empire, a MAD perpetuated by American nuclear power that defended Western Europe.

And I'm betting that time was used in the service with American weapons, tactics, intelligence and trainers. Unless you're a Warsaw Pact nation, in which case you were, effectively, an occupied country.

Gun laws are a basic right of Americans. The idea is to have the capacity to overthrow an oppressive government. A gun is the only way to do this, if force is needed.

Social security? We spend so much on national defense defending the Commonwealth and Europe that we have no money to spend without going into debt.

America is a capitalist nation, unlike Europe's socialism that doesn't work, and does not favor high tax, heavy debt, inefficient government meddling in private affairs. Americans prefer to spend their income the way they choose, which guarantees the best healthcare industry in the world due to personal initiative and high profit margins guaranteed to companies, something Europe cannot match with strapped budgets that lead to ineffective militaries, environmental degradation, and urban slums.

You won't even tell me where you're from, let alone your name, your experience in America, or what makes you think some shitty ass country the size of 3 states that depends on America and NAFTA trade makes a difference? I can't argue when you hide behind a veil of anonymity and a stupid icon.

Again, I refute you.

Don't give me a damned lecturing when America has only suffered four wars since independence on its own soil: The Revolution, The War of 1812, The Mexican War, and The Civil War. Europe has had more wars than that in the past 50 years, either declared or undeclared, than America will ever have upon its own soil because the continent cannot get its shit together with all its ethnic minorities, minorities that, comparatively, coexist far more peacefully here.

Just because your Parliament did not support the war doesn't mean a damn about whether it's valid. Although I was against this war, I'm against this fuck you anti-Americanism, and it would be very interesting to see you speaking German or Russian, had America, and especially Britain, not intervened on behalf of ungrateful nations.

Let's see what North America does. Let's see you...solve the world's problems. Let's see you even win this argument.

And death metal started in either Florida or Britain, take your pick. Scandanavia was heavily influenced by Britain and the States and was still rocking out to Abba when death metal was being created.

You've still yet to prove shit to me.

Groundless assumptions, and yet I've come back with evidence time after time.

Give up!
Dodens Grav said:
Just one thing I'd like to comment on...InFlames626, this is not your thread, and though you certainly are the originator of it (there is no disputing that), the thread in its entirety is that of the forum community as a hole. You are not doing us all a service by allowing us to post here or granting us access to do so. Any thread anyone has ever made is not theirs, it belongs to the respective community in which it is located. Now of course this is just a very minute detail of something that is much larger in this thread, but I felt like pointing it out nonetheless.

Now, on to something new and constructive. What does everyone think about Power Metal?:)

The thread is mine. It is my space upon the forum to post whatever I choose. If you don't like my thread, feel free to leave it.

Not much on Hammerfall or Accept, if that's power metal to you.

If I originated the thread, I created the thread, therefore, it is my thread, due to my authorship.
Tebus said:
Hmm.. I don't see a song called Burden. :confused:

But a couple songs I like that I'll mention are My World, (for the heaviness) and Sweet Amber for the riff in the end of the song, (that fast picking one.) For My World, I think I just like the "feel-good" heaviness of the song. It has a Fuck yeah!! kind of vibe. And something about the riff in the end of Sweet Amber makes it sound very intense. Like I can't help but stop what I'm doing and listen to it. Hmm... There are other songs, I like the whole album. But this is what i coming to me at the moment.

Burden in My Hands is the very last song.

Amber, I like the "rollicking", COC kind of riff at the start.

My World annoyed me kind of.

Keep em coming Teb, you're actually a nice guy.
Dodens Grav said:
Just one thing I'd like to comment on...InFlames626, this is not your thread, and though you certainly are the originator of it (there is no disputing that), the thread in its entirety is that of the forum community as a hole. You are not doing us all a service by allowing us to post here or granting us access to do so. Any thread anyone has ever made is not theirs, it belongs to the respective community in which it is located. Now of course this is just a very minute detail of something that is much larger in this thread, but I felt like pointing it out nonetheless.

Now, on to something new and constructive. What does everyone think about Power Metal?:)

If you're also going to take it that far, also, then the community doesn't own the forum, but the people who own and operate the server. Which means only the people who pay for the service own it, and even then they don't administrate it because they aren't the controlling entity of the board. But, if the thread isn't MY thread (which isn't true), then that means no thread would be anyone's, because all threads are owned by's administration.

While paid members have a certain claim to this, they are limited in that they are not employed by UltimateMetal, and thus can't make decisions regarding the site.

So, no one, save UltimateMetal, owns any thread, by your definition.

And, it is, by authorship and perpetuation, my thread. The others who keep this post going do not own the thread, because they are responding to me, and I instigate and keep the thread alive. If I left, this thread would die, save some assholes taking pot shots at me post parting. Therefore, my thread.
Man, this is getting funnier by the moment, I think I
will leave this uncommented for now, since I am rather
tired now.

You are real funny tho, fortunately I don't have to
touch most points, most people already know them
and explaining them to you seems quite pointless.
Salamurhaaja said:
Man, this is getting funnier by the moment, I think I
will leave this uncommented for now, since I am rather
tired now.

You are real funny tho, fortunately I don't have to
touch most points, most people already know them
already and explaining them to you seems quite

I'm not most people, and most people don't mean a thing to me.

Dude, you've been speaking in generalizations the whole time. The whole aim was just to get under my skin to piss me off. If I stop being pissed off, you go away. That simple. But, I had to refute you, because...well, a matter of principle. Every bit of leverage you've come up with has been "Most people..." "People know me..." "I've been..."

Yet no names, no dates, no facts.
You have nothing going for you, as you won't divulge information, and cannot make a reference toward my arguments without a) refering to people that you don't name b) referring to experiences you don't recount or c) involving your friends in the community as a whole. As an isolated debater, I don't think you could win an argument with a vegetable. You've no power outside your time spent and connections within this community. You'll get no conceded points from me, and are wasting your time.

People like Tebus are welcome in my thread, he's been a gentleman, we've disagreed, maybe even Gums. But, I don't need shit-stirrers, sir.

A person who doesn't even give a real name.
Tebus said:
@Inflames626: Ahh... It's actually called "All Within My Hands". :) I like that song as well. Interesting ending.


My bad! I guess I was thinking Soundgarden.

I'm all about Unnamed Feeling. It sounds so old Metallica, almost same feel as No Leaf Clover or Minus Human too.
Tebus said:
Ahh yes! That would've been the next one for me to mention. Yeah the end of the song has that feel that you mentioned. When they play the chorus heavier.

Again, I think the riffs are kind of forgettable...(Bleeding Me, which I've yet to cover, but want to is, to use a cheesy word, "riffific"), but man, if it only had solos, or at least some melodic passages. I actually thought the heaviest thing they ever did was during Dirty Window...the "projector deflector rejector.." or whatever part...really, really...heavy.

Don't let me dispute with that guy bother you, feel free to talk. I meant to come here and have fun, certainly not look like a know-it-all on a band I like's messageboard, but, that dude really pisses me off, and I wish he'd leave my thread...

But, I can't quit now...I can taste blood :)
Oh its not the people that bother me. Its just the whole pointless arguing thing that find, not bothering necessarily, but unsettling.

But yeah, I tend to really pay attention to riffs. I'm not a huge solo person with my own guitar playing. I love solos that add melody or emotion to the song of course. But I don't really notice the lack of solos in this one. It seems to me to fit. But I'm sure for others that istn't the case.