Arch said:
I don't understand your logic, Aaron. Explain to me why a B.A. in political science has anything to do with RATM or Bono's action regarding criticism of the things going on in our world?
As far as I am concern, RATM and Bono has every right to complain... just like you do with your taste in music. What? Only you, Aaron, can criticize? RATM and Bono are creating a change for our world for the better. Good for them. They are doing something constructive. Why not complain about Skinhead punks inciting hatred? What? Skinheads aren't good enough for you to pick on?
My opinion on music is of less importance and doesn't need to be as informed as the problems on world hunger. When I see Bono on TV and they interview him on CNN like he's some foreign dignitary, it pisses me off. His name recognition is all he lends. The people who should get the Nobel peace prize are people like those who go to Iraq or Ethiopia or Eritrea or Uganda or Angola, braving war and bloodshed on a daily basis to be philanthropists, not some blowhard who gets recognition merely because of showing up at a press conference in stupid-colored glasses.
RATM has never changed a thing. None of them are very informed, and they are much like the people who sport banners of Che with Revolucion on it and don't know what it means. Every coup attempt to bring revolution most of the time just tries to consolidate power in the hands of a minority. RATM doesn't know what they're talking about, because being "counter-culture" to them is more important than being anything of substance. If they're so in the know about fixing the world's problems, why doesn't Tom Morello write us a thesis on how his ideology can save the world, hmm? It's all about being a guerrilla, fighting a war and not winning the peace. Same with Michael Moore. Socialist ideology is fine, but the lack of a practical public policy to give it the skeleton of ideology the flesh of action makes it meaningless. Tom Morello can't even play guitar anyway...the Sandanistas they support have killed thousands, the "revolution" of Pol Pot killed millions in Cambodia. "Revolution" is a subjective term, not an objective one, as Rage would like to imply, for progress or improvement. They can't even keep their own band together, much less solve the world's problems.
Aww, that's too fucking bad rockstars don't live up to your expectations. I'm gonna cry myself a river because Ozzy entertains people. Boo hoo hoo.
Ozzy entertains, the musicians behind him are what fuels him. Ozzy has always had guitar wizards in his ranks, and his music would suck without the technical wizardry behind it to make it great, music so great in fact that Randy Rhoads started all 80's shred, basically.
I just find these people hilarious who take themselves so seriously, like our friend the ball handler here, who don't even have enough self discipline to become serious musicians. Again, if you're in music, be a musician. If you want to be a personality, David Lee Roth, Pete Townsend, Marylin Manson, Trent Reznor...go into acting.
Why is a sound education important, and why are their opinions on world problems not valid? My opinion on music is much less important than world hunger, and you need a bit more proof to back you up on such an important issue as politics. Far more intelligent people than celebrities have tried to solve the world's problems, and they can't. What gets me about this whole Bono issue is the foolish optimism of it all. Long after this generation is dead, tomorrow's powerholders (more than likely, today's underdogs) will be perpetuating the cycle of violence in retribution for today's atrocities.
All of these people act like they're new and different, saving the world, that THIS time it will be different.
It just isn't so, and in 50 years, they'll be just as outdated, as conservative, and as irrelevant as any bygone ideology.
You can say why do I seem to take myself so seriously if I think people who take themselves seriously are overly foolish...I make claims about what I think I know...which is my university study and music. I make no claims about cars, computers, fashion, movies etc. etc., because I don't know enough about them. But in these areas, I am very confident, and I am critical of people who take themselves overly seriously just because they're a personality (Marylin Manson, or Brian Warner) as opposed to being confident because they've discovered truth through hard work.
More specifically, if Rage thinks they're so right, and revolution is the answer, what after the revolution? Who gets power? How should it be wielded? How do you maintain a minority group status and yet also assure majority rule?
Particularly, aside from a grandiose general slogan, how do you make revolution work? What's the biggest problem in the world? Income distribution, which can be broken down into healthcare, food, etc etc. How do you maintain equal income distribution, and yet not stagnate the economy like in the U.S.S.R.? How do you assure a good livelihood and basic services (food, healthcare, insurance) and yet not bloat the system and keep in a shred of private initiative for companies to want to better their services?
The world's greatest minds don't know, so some stupid rockband doesn't know the answer. A rockband that, for all its anger toward the world situation, is rather pussy, commercial (especially Audioslave), and not even that heavy. They'd get their asses smeared in a club in Scandanavia or Germany, for sure.