No doubt metal music is about complaining; at least they put creativity into their complaints, make fans think about their world while listening to the music.
Creativity to what? More endless double-bassing, detuned guitars, and growling vocals. Same since 1982, just faster, and tuned lower. Next point?
Once again, you're talking out of your ass. Rage has done charity and fund raising work for the natives who are being oppressed by the Mexican government. Do you expect Zack De LaRocha to run for office in Mexico? My U.S. history professor has been in a protest for factory workers in Los Angeles along side with the members of Rage Against the Machines. Many protesters at that demonstration were dragged to jail. My professor, RATM, and fellow protestors followed the arrested protestors to jail and continued the protest. Who says Rage hasn't helped anyone?
Getting dragged to jail isn't helping. Did the management make concessions? Photos? Newspapaer articles? Attempts are not results. And why would a history professor, and not poli sci, care about working conditions? Perhaps individual initiative, but a history prof is by trade, a historian, and not exactly a social scientist. Do eye surgeons work on gastro? No.
Talk about Mother Teresa... she's no perfect saint.
Let's take a quote from the library:
"But nobody seems to remember the crazy things M.T. said about abortion, contraception, and divorce. Or her endless self-aggrandizing through exaggeration and lies. Or the various brutal dictators and other sleazeballs she hung out with. Or especially what happened to all those financial donations (hundreds of millions of dollars) which never seemed to get spent on anything. At least they weren't spent on food, medicine, or housing for the poor."
Will look at it later. She was spewing usual Catholic ideology, but I'm not Catholic. Live with it? Contradiction. Mother Teresa helped millions and still (supposedly) did all of that. Like you said, live with it.
So you will be jealous of them if they changed the world? What if Bono lives in a castle in Ireland with millions of dollars? He earned it ,right? Did he go rob a bank to get that money?
I'm not jealous of them whether or not they do anything period. I don't want to be Bono. I'm saying he doesn't deserve credit for being a token figurehead and not out there in Iraq risking life and limb for whatever high ideals he claims to support.
So what if Bono if a "fake"? Do you expect rich, famous, and musicians to walk on your high moral grounds? Where did you get that number "75% Bono" and "25% philanthropist"? I would love to see your sources on that.
Bono and other celebrities are just like anyone else; they are human. They have greed and they have willingness to share their wealth. They don't claim to walk on high moral grounds like you do.
The numbers were merely a figure of speech. I expect those people to walk on the grounds they claim to walk on, and to only get the credit they deserve. I would love to see Bono actually go out and do more, Lord knows he can. Figurehead, I tell you, totally unworthy of all the praise. Again, same with Sean Penn. Don't talk about what you don't know, Sean. You're a thespian, not a diplomat.
I don't walk on any moral high ground, because this isn't a moral debate. It's about whether Bono knows what he's talking about and whether he's worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, which he isn't.
A jew eating pork, a muslim drinking alcohol, and a Christian having pre-martial sex. Yes, people are like that.
Live with it.