Does "anyone" like Reroute?

Tebus said:
Oh its not the people that bother me. Its just the whole pointless arguing thing that find, not bothering necessarily, but unsettling.

But yeah, I tend to really pay attention to riffs. I'm not a huge solo person with my own guitar playing. I love solos that add melody or emotion to the song of course. But I don't really notice the lack of solos in this one. It seems to me to fit. But I'm sure for others that istn't the case.

It wouldn't bother me either, if the songs weren't so damned long. Usually Metallica (classic, long Metallica) had say, 2 minutes of choruses and verses and intro, a long, 2 minute solo or melodic passage section, and maybe a minute or two outro, which made the average 6 or 7 minutes...

but these's almost like listening to Crowbar...

and they all sound similar to me

What gear set up do you use? What do you like?

I'm not big on say, fast licks AC/DCish soloing, I'm more of a Maiden-ite, but every now and then I wish I had the power to burn like Slayer over isn't very musical, but it just makes people go ", not another harmonized passage..."
Dodens Grav said:
If you're going by authorship (not initial of course), then it is still all of our's, our thread, since we're all continuing its dialogue. You may go away, but essentially this thread does not have to die. You're not the only one with the ability to strike up a topic. No offense meant, of course.

Power Metal meaning anything in that genre, some examples may help: Blind Guardian, Helloween, Symphony X, etc., etc. But I do agree with you on Hammerfall, they're a horrible example of what the genre can do.

And as for Metallica's new album, there are a few riffs that I like, but overall I feel I've wasted my money on it. If, however, I were to pick a favorite, it would be Unnamed Feeling.

Amen on Unnamed. And I'm sure you could, but why would you come *here* to do it when other threads are clearly more popular and this one has longgggggggg since gotten off topic? It would die.

I tend not to like power metal's a bit...melodramatic, even more than standard death metal. Like some Helloween, Keeper of the Seven Keys, Walls of Jericho, etc., but on average, no. I want to like Therion more, but...the melodrama...almost like Celine Dion
Inflames626 said:
EVERYONE complains about the world, metal especially. To quote Death, "There will be zero tolerance..." Slayer's writings are mostly based on the misuse of clergy for political ends, cheesy shock rock lyrics aside. Metallica was primarily concerned in the early days with unjust war practices, especially on Puppets and Lightning. Yet they didn't go out like Rage and presume to solve any problem BUT be musicians. The songs emptied out a need to vent, but to assume you can solve all the world's ills because you run a stupid little rock band...

Metal is about the negative aspects of life, and from Priest to Pro-Pain, is largely complaining put to music.
No doubt metal music is about complaining; at least they put creativity into their complaints, make fans think about their world while listening to the music.

Who says Bono has saved anyone? In the end, he'll go back on tour, make millions, and then make another appearance or two. Let's see them STOP being entertainers and become full time philanthropists, like Mother Teresa. No one has the balls to do that, because they're not THAT serious about helping the world.

Rage hasn't helped anyone. Lets see them move to Mexico, become citizens, run for office, fix the drug money problem, and put a Third World developing country on the right track.
Once again, you're talking out of your ass. Rage has done charity and fund raising work for the natives who are being oppressed by the Mexican government. Do you expect Zack De LaRocha to run for office in Mexico? My U.S. history professor has been in a protest for factory workers in Los Angeles along side with the members of Rage Against the Machines. Many protesters at that demonstration were dragged to jail. My professor, RATM, and fellow protestors followed the arrested protestors to jail and continued the protest. Who says Rage hasn't helped anyone?

Talk about Mother Teresa... she's no perfect saint.
Let's take a quote from the library:

"But nobody seems to remember the crazy things M.T. said about abortion, contraception, and divorce. Or her endless self-aggrandizing through exaggeration and lies. Or the various brutal dictators and other sleazeballs she hung out with. Or especially what happened to all those financial donations (hundreds of millions of dollars) which never seemed to get spent on anything. At least they weren't spent on food, medicine, or housing for the poor."

I'm not jealous of them. Because they won't, can't, and aren't changing the world. And Bono getting the recommendation for that Peace Prize pisses me off. He got consideration because he's 75% Bono and 25% philanthropist. I don't see anyone giving 100% philanthropists any prize.

He should go back to making 80'sish pop music and stay out of things he knows nothing about.

Same thing with Sean Penn going to Iraq.

So you will be jealous of them if they changed the world? What if Bono lives in a castle in Ireland with millions of dollars? He earned it ,right? Did he go rob a bank to get that money?

So what if Bono if a "fake"? Do you expect rich, famous, and musicians to walk on your high moral grounds? Where did you get that number "75% Bono" and "25% philanthropist"? I would love to see your sources on that.
Bono and other celebrities are just like anyone else; they are human. They have greed and they have willingness to share their wealth. They don't claim to walk on high moral grounds like you do.

A jew eating pork, a muslim drinking alcohol, and a Christian having pre-martial sex. Yes, people are like that. Live with it.
Dodens Grav said:
Power Metal certainly isn't for everyone. Actually, come to think of it, my three favorite Power Metal albums (Helloween's Walls Of Jericho, Blind Guardian's Battalions Of Fear and Follow The Blind) tend to lean more toward Speed Metal than anything else. I recommend the Blind Guardian albums for your listening pleasure. Of course, as always, no guarantees you'll like it, but you'll just have to judge for yourself.

As for Old Metallica, I'm a big fan, my favorite album being ...And Justice For All. Bob Rock, however, ended what gems of musical prowess Metallica had left in them (in my opinion). Flemming Rasmussen, I believe, deserves more credit than he gets. By the way, he's also worked wiht Blind Guardian.

I'm assuming Flemming is Danish? Why doesn't he get more credit? The three Metallica records he worked on have sold more and helped metal more than well...anything. Yet everyone says, oh, Michael Wagener mixed Puppets, and Hammerfall works with Wagener...and I have to wonder how Stromblad of IF could stand them. Apparently, the singer of Hammerfall went to my old alum M.I. as well as a vocalist, and I wonder why.

I'm currently digging this new chick movement in metal, especially Lacuna Coil. As far as I can tell, it's easy, standard tuned, just a descending E minor line, and yet her beautiful voice over it renewed my faith in that vocals really do matter in music.

As for Evanessence or whatever that band is, they're from here in Arkansas as well so I hear, and if I hear that stupid Wake Me Up Inside song one more time...

Their attempt to be Euro-progressive doesn't work.
Arch said:
No doubt metal music is about complaining; at least they put creativity into their complaints, make fans think about their world while listening to the music.

Creativity to what? More endless double-bassing, detuned guitars, and growling vocals. Same since 1982, just faster, and tuned lower. Next point?

Once again, you're talking out of your ass. Rage has done charity and fund raising work for the natives who are being oppressed by the Mexican government. Do you expect Zack De LaRocha to run for office in Mexico? My U.S. history professor has been in a protest for factory workers in Los Angeles along side with the members of Rage Against the Machines. Many protesters at that demonstration were dragged to jail. My professor, RATM, and fellow protestors followed the arrested protestors to jail and continued the protest. Who says Rage hasn't helped anyone?

Getting dragged to jail isn't helping. Did the management make concessions? Photos? Newspapaer articles? Attempts are not results. And why would a history professor, and not poli sci, care about working conditions? Perhaps individual initiative, but a history prof is by trade, a historian, and not exactly a social scientist. Do eye surgeons work on gastro? No.

Talk about Mother Teresa... she's no perfect saint.
Let's take a quote from the library:

"But nobody seems to remember the crazy things M.T. said about abortion, contraception, and divorce. Or her endless self-aggrandizing through exaggeration and lies. Or the various brutal dictators and other sleazeballs she hung out with. Or especially what happened to all those financial donations (hundreds of millions of dollars) which never seemed to get spent on anything. At least they weren't spent on food, medicine, or housing for the poor."

Will look at it later. She was spewing usual Catholic ideology, but I'm not Catholic. Live with it? Contradiction. Mother Teresa helped millions and still (supposedly) did all of that. Like you said, live with it.

So you will be jealous of them if they changed the world? What if Bono lives in a castle in Ireland with millions of dollars? He earned it ,right? Did he go rob a bank to get that money?

I'm not jealous of them whether or not they do anything period. I don't want to be Bono. I'm saying he doesn't deserve credit for being a token figurehead and not out there in Iraq risking life and limb for whatever high ideals he claims to support.

So what if Bono if a "fake"? Do you expect rich, famous, and musicians to walk on your high moral grounds? Where did you get that number "75% Bono" and "25% philanthropist"? I would love to see your sources on that.
Bono and other celebrities are just like anyone else; they are human. They have greed and they have willingness to share their wealth. They don't claim to walk on high moral grounds like you do.

The numbers were merely a figure of speech. I expect those people to walk on the grounds they claim to walk on, and to only get the credit they deserve. I would love to see Bono actually go out and do more, Lord knows he can. Figurehead, I tell you, totally unworthy of all the praise. Again, same with Sean Penn. Don't talk about what you don't know, Sean. You're a thespian, not a diplomat.

I don't walk on any moral high ground, because this isn't a moral debate. It's about whether Bono knows what he's talking about and whether he's worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, which he isn't.

A jew eating pork, a muslim drinking alcohol, and a Christian having pre-martial sex. Yes, people are like that. Live with it.

Mother Teresa, doing all that you said? Get over it.

Another one, down in flames.
Inflames626 said:

The point is, Arch and ball fondler started it, in MY thread, and I will protect myself. If it bothers you to come to my forum, you can kindly get the fuck out.


Hah! Your thread. My best laugh for today. This forum is moderated by Rahvin, Hedon, and UM's Mark. You may delete this thread as you wish, but so can the moderators. Actually, the moderators can do more things with this thread than you, Aaron.

Your forum? Pffft. Give me a break. You paid $60 to Mark a year for this forum???

Oooh "ball fondler"... like the childish 22 year old you are, you resort to childish name calling.
Inflames626 said:
What gear set up do you use? What do you like?

I'm not big on say, fast licks AC/DCish soloing, I'm more of a Maiden-ite, but every now and then I wish I had the power to burn like Slayer over isn't very musical, but it just makes people go ", not another harmonized passage..."
haha... calling it a gear setup is being generous. I have basically nothing. I use a tiny Aria 20 watt amp with an Aria Pro II guitar. The guiter is actually decent. I also use a Zoom 707X multi-effects for basically everything else. I have a cry-baby wah, but I hardly ever use it. But I'm for the maidenish style solos too. I just recently started to learn how to do alternate picking techniques. I used to think, in my ignorance, that everything was downpicked. But I'm slowly learning.

I think you may not agree with me on many of my musical tastes. I'm sure I like a lot fo similar things, but I even like Staind for cryin out loud. I have a really wide range of stuff I like. From Staind, to Trans Siberian, to The Forsaken, to Winds.
Arch said:
Hah! Your thread. My best laugh for today. This forum is moderated by Rahvin, Hedon, and UM's Mark. You may delete this thread as you wish, but so can the moderators. Actually, the moderators can do more things with this thread than you, Aaron.

Your forum? Pffft. Give me a break. You paid $60 to Mark a year for this forum???

Oooh "ball fondler"... like the childish 22 year old you are, you resort to childish name calling.

Not my forum, my thread.
Their forum, but not their server.

And apparently Rahvin has yet to find me guilty of anything serious enough to warrant censure. Sorry, pissing you off doesn't count.

That they can, but that's because they're the moderators. I own the thread, but they own the forum. While they don't own the thread, owning the forum gives them power over the thread. I never said they didn't have power over the thread. I said they didn't own the thread.

Nope, the quality of conversation comes to...aside from Tebus...$0.00?

Ohhh..."troll"...just as witty.

Stop being biased toward your friends and go away, would you?
Tebus said:
haha... calling it a gear setup is being generous. I have basically nothing. I use a tiny Aria 20 watt amp with an Aria Pro II guitar. The guiter is actually decent. I also use a Zoom 707X multi-effects for basically everything else. I have a cry-baby wah, but I hardly ever use it. But I'm for the maidenish style solos too. I just recently started to learn how to do alternate picking techniques. I used to think, in my ignorance, that everything was downpicked. But I'm slowly learning.

I think you may not agree with me on many of my musical tastes. I'm sure I like a lot fo similar things, but I even like Staind for cryin out loud. I have a really wide range of stuff I like. From Staind, to Trans Siberian, to The Forsaken, to Winds.

More power to ya Teebs. I'm no great guitarist myself, but I'd like to think I can put together a lot of small, simple things and come up with something nice. And, you have more to draw upon when you need inspiration than I do.

Alternate picking is a must. Get a metronome! And alternate pick to the click so you can steadily and gradually improve your speed.

If you have any questions I can answer (I hope I can, anyway), just ask and I'll tell you what my experience has been.
Inflames626 said:
More power to ya Teebs. I'm no great guitarist myself, but I'd like to think I can put together a lot of small, simple things and come up with something nice. And, you have more to draw upon when you need inspiration than I do.

Alternate picking is a must. Get a metronome! And alternate pick to the click so you can steadily and gradually improve your speed.

If you have any questions I can answer (I hope I can, anyway), just ask and I'll tell you what my experience has been.
The metronome isn't a bad idea actually. I do find myself getting lost in the picking. I may take you up on that!

But I have actually recorded a couple instrumental songs on my computer. They are extremely rough, but the essence is there. I actually like listening to them though. It's weird finding inspiration through my own music. I kind of come up with a thought or idea, and right music as an expression of that. It sounds very broken up. Like as an emotion changes and progresses, the song changes. I like how well it reflected what I was thinking. Hmm... but thanks again for the advice. :wave:

EDIT: By the way, its funny that you call me Teebs, because my friends from back home call me that. :dopey:
Creativity to what? More endless double-bassing, detuned guitars, and growling vocals. Same since 1982, just faster, and tuned lower. Next point?
So, what is your point in bringing that up to me and anyone else that's reading? Another childish rant? So fucking what?

Getting dragged to jail isn't helping. Did the management make concessions? Photos? Newspapaer articles? Attempts are not results. And why would a history professor, and not poli sci, care about working conditions? Perhaps individual initiative, but a history prof is by trade, a historian, and not exactly a social scientist. Do eye surgeons work on gastro? No.
Couldn't a history professor care about working conditions? Only certain people are allowed to care? Did somehow a higher being assigned us a specific task in life? You're comparing apples and oranges. You have extremely flawed logic, it's no accident you gave up on C++ programming. Computer programming requires a lot of simple and complicated logic... which you seem to lack.

Talk about Mother Teresa... she's no perfect saint.
Let's take a quote from the library:

"But nobody seems to remember the crazy things M.T. said about abortion, contraception, and divorce. Or her endless self-aggrandizing through exaggeration and lies. Or the various brutal dictators and other sleazeballs she hung out with. Or especially what happened to all those financial donations (hundreds of millions of dollars) which never seemed to get spent on anything. At least they weren't spent on food, medicine, or housing for the poor."

Will look at it later. She was spewing usual Catholic ideology, but I'm not Catholic. Live with it? Contradiction. Mother Teresa helped millions and still (supposedly) did all of that. Like you said, live with it.
You obviously don't see my point. I'm not complaining about Mother Teresa. My point is Bono is no different than Mother Teresa. So, Aaron, deal with Bono. Deal with Mother Teresa. Live with it. Nobody's perfect.

So you will be jealous of them if they changed the world? What if Bono lives in a castle in Ireland with millions of dollars? He earned it ,right? Did he go rob a bank to get that money?

I'm not jealous of them whether or not they do anything period. I don't want to be Bono. I'm saying he doesn't deserve credit for being a token figurehead and not out there in Iraq risking life and limb for whatever high ideals he claims to support.
People felt Bono earned it; so go make complaints about the people giving Bono the awards. There are vast amount of people who are not recognized for doing many heroic and justly things, because they go unnoticed, duh. Personally, I did a lot of volunteer work back in high school, and I was recognized and awarded. Did I want that recognition and those stupid award plaques? No.

So what if Bono if a "fake"? Do you expect rich, famous, and musicians to walk on your high moral grounds? Where did you get that number "75% Bono" and "25% philanthropist"? I would love to see your sources on that.
Bono and other celebrities are just like anyone else; they are human. They have greed and they have willingness to share their wealth. They don't claim to walk on high moral grounds like you do.

The numbers were merely a figure of speech. I expect those people to walk on the grounds they claim to walk on, and to only get the credit they deserve. I would love to see Bono actually go out and do more, Lord knows he can. Figurehead, I tell you, totally unworthy of all the praise. Again, same with Sean Penn. Don't talk about what you don't know, Sean. You're a thespian, not a diplomat.
So tell me, Aaron, tell me what exactly Bono claims and tell me what do you expect from them (Bono and other's)? Or is this another of your "figure of speech"?

I don't walk on any moral high ground, because this isn't a moral debate. It's about whether Bono knows what he's talking about and whether he's worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, which he isn't.
I think it's up to the Nobel Prize Academy-committee thingy to decide if Bono is worthy to get a Nobel Prize. It's their department. If you're not happy, feel free to have a demonstration rally and share your thoughts with banners, posters, and megaphones.

A jew eating pork, a muslim drinking alcohol, and a Christian having pre-martial sex. Yes, people are like that. Live with it.

Mother Teresa, doing all that you said? Get over it.
Get over what?
Tebus said:
The metronome isn't a bad idea actually. I do find myself getting lost in the picking. I may take you up on that!

But I have actually recorded a couple instrumental songs on my computer. They are extremely rough, but the essence is there. I actually like listening to them though. It's weird finding inspiration through my own music. I kind of come up with a thought or idea, and right music as an expression of that. It sounds very broken up. Like as an emotion changes and progresses, the song changes. I like how well it reflected what I was thinking. Hmm... but thanks again for the advice. :wave:

EDIT: By the way, its funny that you call me Teebs, because my friends from back home call me that. :dopey:

Just make sure that your hand comes down on every "click"...eventually, even at high speeds where you can't count, you'll be able to "feel" inside the beat...

I'm not too quick, about 140-160 bpm is my theshold or "comfort zone", the area that represents the upper and lower levels of your playing ability. Sometimes, playing very slow can be difficult.

I do the same. Program drums on Cakewalk, and mic my cab. Run it into the soundcard after my rack gear and viola.

I've been playing since about 96. Until It Sleeps was the first tune I learned, and since then I've collected musical "toys" without end.

Mesa shit is too expensive!
Inflames626 said:
Not my forum, my thread.
Their forum, but not their server.

And apparently Rahvin has yet to find me guilty of anything serious enough to warrant censure. Sorry, pissing you off doesn't count.
And neither has Rahvin wanting to censure me... yet. :D
I'm not pissed off, because it's a big laugh at you... you making a fool of yourself. And I love to have this thread up as long as possible, because you look really stupid with your childish rants, childish name-calling, and resorting to ridiculing someone's avatar... I didn't think you could get any lower than that... oh wait, I'm talking about you, duh.

That they can, but that's because they're the moderators. I own the thread, but they own the forum. While they don't own the thread, owning the forum gives them power over the thread. I never said they didn't have power over the thread. I said they didn't own the thread.

Nope, the quality of conversation comes to...aside from Tebus...$0.00?

Ohhh..."troll"...just as witty.

Stop being biased toward your friends and go away, would you?

No, why would I want to go away? This is really entertaining to me. You sound as stupid as that fat Star Wars kid looks from Canada. :D
Arch said:
And neither has Rahvin wanting to censure me... yet. :D
I'm not pissed off, because it's a big laugh at you... you making a fool of yourself. And I love to have this thread up as long as possible, because you look really stupid with your childish rants, childish name-calling, and resorting to ridiculing someone's avatar... I didn't think you could get any lower than that... oh wait, I'm talking about you, duh.

Only to you and that other asshole, and you'll always assert some kind of superiority whilst never conceding a point. He called me troll first, if I recall, and he got what he deserved because he expected me to take his avatar seriously for some reason. Was he supposed to look tough? He didn't. Was he supposed to be making a funny parody? It wasn't funny. Utterly useless combination.

No, why would I want to go away? This is really entertaining to me. You sound as stupid as that fat Star Wars kid looks from Canada. :D

You're running out of stream. I expected a better reason.
Dodens Grav said:
I wish I could say I play guitar, but I'm much too lazy and impatient to ever take it up.

It seems like I've played forever. But I always heard music and thought about how I could make it better if I could do it my way.

That was my inspiration, and eventually you have to reward yourself by making songs within your ability, not striving and striving and doing nothing but practicing.
Dodens Grav said:
Guitar playing can be a very time- and money-consuming hobby for some, and knowing me, it would be. That, however, would take away from my other hobbies, be it for reasons of time or of money. One hobby being reading, which is what I spent a good 8 hours of this day doing for school, and buying cds, which over half of my money goes to. Sure, maybe one day I'll take the hobby up if that spark of interest ever flares, but until then, I'm content with the music I recieve from professional artists.

The gear is expensive, not to mention creating a "self-contained" unit of going from demo to mastered copy in one room.
Arch said:
So, what is your point in bringing that up to me and anyone else that's reading? Another childish rant? So fucking what?

No, statement of fact. No new ideas in metal since Korn, broadly speaking.

Couldn't a history professor care about working conditions? Only certain people are allowed to care? Did somehow a higher being assigned us a specific task in life? You're comparing apples and oranges. You have extremely flawed logic, it's no accident you gave up on C++ programming. Computer programming requires a lot of simple and complicated logic... which you seem to lack.

Yes, but I simply don't believe your story, and I'm working from experience. People tend to not get involved outside their fields, unless you're Arthur Schleschinger-however-it's-spelled Jr. or other left-leaning social scientists of the 1960s.
I had no desire to be buried in the anonymity of code. Today's web administrators and networkers are tomorrow's information plumbers...necessary to move water (info), but not very inspiring work.

You obviously don't see my point. I'm not complaining about Mother Teresa. My point is Bono is no different than Mother Teresa. So, Aaron, deal with Bono. Deal with Mother Teresa. Live with it. Nobody's perfect.

You were trying to take away from my point by showing she was less than what she was. And I said, that aside, if it even is true, she helped more than she hurt, and for you to get over her flaws. Regardless, she's done more than 10 Bonos will ever do, even with her flaws.

People felt Bono earned it; so go make complaints about the people giving Bono the awards. There are vast amount of people who are not recognized for doing many heroic and justly things, because they go unnoticed, duh. Personally, I did a lot of volunteer work back in high school, and I was recognized and awarded. Did I want that recognition and those stupid award plaques? No.

People? Who? I see no one except the kid in Africa ever says "Bono gave me a sausage."

Such a selfless philanthropist, you are, not desiring the laurels.

So tell me, Aaron, tell me what exactly Bono claims and tell me what do you expect from them (Bono and other's)? Or is this another of your "figure of speech"?

Bono appears to me to make several grandiose claims about income redistribution and the dealing with of world problems by simple income redistribution. Won't ever happen. Even if a new world order arises, there will be haves and have-nots. When he publishes a report on how to do it in detail, fine. We need men of action, not ideals. Such optimism is foolish. Bolsheviks became Stalinists, did they not? You cannot change the way the world is permanently unless you change human nature fundamentally.

I think it's up to the Nobel Prize Academy-committee thingy to decide if Bono is worthy to get a Nobel Prize. It's their department. If you're not happy, feel free to have a demonstration rally and share your thoughts with banners, posters, and megaphones.

I'm too busy bashing your ass in the DT discussion forum. Why would I need more people like you trying to pelt me with rotten fruit and bad ideas? And, even then, would I do anything substantial or of any difference? No, another celebrity would take his place. Why waste my time and energy?

Get over what?

This argument and making you look bad.
So, what is your point in bringing that up to me and anyone else that's reading? Another childish rant? So fucking what?

No, statement of fact. No new ideas in metal since Korn, broadly speaking.
Just what I thought. Another same old rant. The same old shit seems to leak out everytime you type. You seem to be obsessed and preoccupied with music, people, and art that isn't your certain cup of tea. Yeah, I've met people who have preoccupying thoughts. They went to see a shrink. I suggest you get some mental help before you start shooting innocent people. If you are still getting mental help, get some more.

Couldn't a history professor care about working conditions? Only certain people are allowed to care? Did somehow a higher being assigned us a specific task in life? You're comparing apples and oranges. You have extremely flawed logic, it's no accident you gave up on C++ programming. Computer programming requires a lot of simple and complicated logic... which you seem to lack.

Yes, but I simply don't believe your story, and I'm working from experience. People tend to not get involved outside their fields, unless you're Arthur Schleschinger-however-it's-spelled Jr. or other left-leaning social scientists of the 1960s.
I had no desire to be buried in the anonymity of code. Today's web administrators and networkers are tomorrow's information plumbers...necessary to move water (info), but not very inspiring work.
And you don't believe my story? Aaron, the one who talks out of his ass, don't believe my story. How ironic. Are you calling me a liar? What do you know about my U.S. history professor? Can you at least tell me his first and last name, all-knowing-Aaron?
Computer programmers are more than code monkeys. Believe it or not, there are styles and method to programming, may not seem as artsy-fartsy as music and art, but if you can understand programming (which you don't because you gave up), it's there.

You obviously don't see my point. I'm not complaining about Mother Teresa. My point is Bono is no different than Mother Teresa. So, Aaron, deal with Bono. Deal with Mother Teresa. Live with it. Nobody's perfect.

You were trying to take away from my point by showing she was less than what she was. And I said, that aside, if it even is true, she helped more than she hurt, and for you to get over her flaws. Regardless, she's done more than 10 Bonos will ever do, even with her flaws.
I don't disagree that 1 Mother Teresa has done social good 10x more than Bono. But, good for Mother Teresa for being a 1979 Nobel Prize Peace Laureate winner. Good for David Hewsen aka Bono for having recognitions and receiving awards.

Anyhow, here's some more copy-and-paste job from about Mother T.:
"In December 1971, India and Pakistan fought a bloody 15-day war, resulting in the creation of Bangladesh. In the aftermath, horrific stories of war crimes abounded. The Pakistanis had perpetrated ruthless genocide against the local Hindu population. They had committed arson, looting, and wanton killing as part of an overall effort to exterminate the Hindus. And more than 450,000 women had been systematically gangraped by Pakistani soldiers. Thousands were abducted for sex slaves and held captive in the barracks. They were often mutilated, and sometimes raped until they died. One account described an eight year old girl whose vagina was slit open because it could not accomodate the men's genitalia. She too was raped until she died.

These stories prompted Mother Teresa to come forward. In the aftermath of the war, thousands of the rape victims were now pregnant. Mother Teresa made public appeals for the women to keep their unborn babies, and not abort them. She offered no condolences for the dead women, no sympathy for the surviving victims, and not a word about the soldiers. Her sole interest in the matter was preventing abortions. "

Hmm, Mother Teresa is one sick bitch. Bono?!? Are you reading this? Here's your chance, Bono, to out-do Mother Teresa!

People felt Bono earned it; so go make complaints about the people giving Bono the awards. There are vast amount of people who are not recognized for doing many heroic and justly things, because they go unnoticed, duh. Personally, I did a lot of volunteer work back in high school, and I was recognized and awarded. Did I want that recognition and those stupid award plaques? No.

People? Who? I see no one except the kid in Africa ever says "Bono gave me a sausage."
Complain to the media then if you feel they (the media) are giving Bono recognitions and awards. Go see if the O'Reilly Factor wants to hear from you. :)

Such a selfless philanthropist, you are, not desiring the laurels.

So tell me, Aaron, tell me what exactly Bono claims and tell me what do you expect from them (Bono and other's)? Or is this another of your "figure of speech"?

Bono appears to me to make several grandiose claims about income redistribution and the dealing with of world problems by simple income redistribution. Won't ever happen. Even if a new world order arises, there will be haves and have-nots. When he publishes a report on how to do it in detail, fine. We need men of action, not ideals. Such optimism is foolish. Bolsheviks became Stalinists, did they not? You cannot change the way the world is permanently unless you change human nature fundamentally.
Bono's ideals seems very interesting, not that I necessarily want to believe in it. Can you please give me some links or sources so I can read up on it?

I think it's up to the Nobel Prize Academy-committee thingy to decide if Bono is worthy to get a Nobel Prize. It's their department. If you're not happy, feel free to have a demonstration rally and share your thoughts with banners, posters, and megaphones.

I'm too busy bashing your ass in the DT discussion forum. Why would I need more people like you trying to pelt me with rotten fruit and bad ideas? And, even then, would I do anything substantial or of any difference? No, another celebrity would take his place. Why waste my time and energy?
Good idea. Waste your time and energy on this forum. Funny you chose the word "waste".

Get over what?

This argument and making you look bad.
For the record, you make me laugh at your stupidity, just as Jim Carrey makes me laugh at his character in Dumb and Dumber. The sad part is, you are for real.
ok, thread ownership and bans have been mentioned so that's where i jump in with yet another sanctimonious lecture. go me! :p

now, this thread is composed of posts where different people have expressed their view. the content of each post is the poster's responsibility. however, you're all accepting to make what you said public over the internet and it was clear from the start you won't get royalties for it. if someone comes here and steals your words you can only resort to laws based in the country you live in to protect your "work". i pretty much doubt the site itself accepts liability. i for once don't.
technically, those who have contributed all own a part of this thread. still i find it almost hilarious that it should come to a discussion about international law on published material.
i mean, come on everybody! inflames626's intentions - correct me if i'm wrong - were to point out that he intends to claim control over the direction this thread is/will be going given the fact that he's the one who started it and it's his only thread so far (which should quiet down any "you're taking over" complain"). there's no need to give him a rough time for that too. everybody's free to add his opinion the way he/she likes it best, but so is inflames626 allowed to wish the discussion would follow the path he had meant it to.

as for banning, this is either my, hedon's, or mark's personal decision. it's not based on popularity, it's based on the user's will to abide to a few simple rules. there is currently no rule against flames/insults on this forum: inflames626, salamurhaaja, arch, and everybody else here (except for me) is on the same level and can therefore both insult and be insulted. unless it becomes an all-round series of "fuck you!" "no, fuck you!", no censorship will operate. if things really get out of hand i'll first ask you to stop, then delete some posts, and only resort to ban anybody if he/she perseveres. we - meaning the band (who owns this forum as in: they pay for it) and i - feel that the removal of messages due to explicit content alone would result in a violation of users' freedom of speech.
to cut a long story short, nothing in this thread needs to be censored so far, not inflames626 behaviour nor salamurhaaja interventions.
it was perhaps in villain's intentions to point out that it's pretty hard to even think about banning old, stable, productive members of this community like salamurhaaja, whereas it's easer to think of a new guy as a potential troublemaker whose attitude could be disruptive for forum activities. but that was just in case inflames626 was to break any rule around here, which he didn't so far and seems to have absolutely no intention of doing.