Does God exist?

Silver Incubus said:
this is pretty rediculous argument. Of course god exists. Has anyone here ever felt the devine consciousness? Does anyone hear know much about the new discoveries in quantum physics. Basically, we are all one thing coexisting at the same time. Think of yourself as a droplet of water, and everyone is part of the ocean. That ocean is god, and that ocean can create anything base off of pure devine consciousness. Old physics, works to a certain degree, but the fact that reality cannot really be comprehended by us as it is, seem to be the flaw in humans. We view time as change, when in fact everything that has and will happen already has. Hence the ability to forecast future events by other people. Its because everything and everyone is the same thing.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
@ the apostels

Silent Song, I simply didn't point out my view on how to oppose crimes. For an Atheist that's a whole different topic than this. (I'll just say it's not a good starting point to try to change the nature of people.)

Guitarmaster. Obviously I don't think high of your statement and see no substance for a discussion. A self-destructive species is the most unlikely to evolve through selection. I find it most destructive to assume that "sin" is inherent in mankind, while it's not. Our culture self-destructs, not our species.
On the other statements in that post I agree completely.
Gallantry over Docility said:
And that was also pretty ritarded argument.

Please point out the flaws in this then smartass.

I don't know, what you know about the ongoing studies of human consciousness and the effects it has on the world, but at princeton, they have a study of many different random number generators called REG, that are constantly spitting out random numbers. The effect that consciousness can have on these can cause then numbers to become sychronized. A few hours before the terror attacks of 911, the random number generators had shown that consciousness knows, when horrible things will occur. A known study of princess diana's funeral showed positive result of this as well, because so much attention was focused and, the intense emotional output of that many people effected the REGs.

Not only that, but it has also been shown that people who can focus intensly (meditation) can also effect REGs to become less random and more synchronous.

another test on bioconnections have recently shown that cells that normally interact can be separated, at great distances, and communicate instaniously with each other. By effecting one set of cells, the other react in the same manor, although they were not directly affected by the stimulus.

like i said, Newtons physics are being shown to be outdated. As much as they have worked, and have some relevence to the physical applications, they are being shown to be not the hard and definate laws most people are taught.

The saddest thing I find on a board about Philosophy is the very closed minded and uninformed beliefs and opinions.
@ Silent Song

I was answering on two different topics. I was thinking back to my original post where I said it's the religious attempt to make all people believe in one thing (one set of rules). That's against the people's nature, since I don't think the Christian's is the one sacred true kind of moral, but there are many to possibly live by.

You lay your personal moral belief heavily in your argumentation. The problem is we have different standards of right behaviour. It's totally natural to respond with crime to a culture, that doesn't fit the needs of people.
But if people have a culture that fits their needs they naturally behave accordingly to it's rules. Whatever those are. Cultures are not bound to have lots of crime.

> With natural I didn't mean an inherited code by which a defined behaviour is given, it's about adopting to the environment.
There is a big difference between adopting through behaviour that differs from cultural standards (=crime) and an inherited tendency to harm each other.

That in my answer to you I implied that by my moral standards I oppose many things we call crime, it doesn't change what I said above here. Other than you I don't consider my moral to be the standard for the universe.

(I don't expect a new answer, I know you already stated your point of view on this. And we only scratch a whole different topic here!)
bornlivedie said:
@ Silent Song

I was answering on two different topics. I was thinking back to my original post where I said it's the religious attempt to make all people believe in one thing (one set of rules). That's against the people's nature, since I don't think the Christian's is the one sacred true kind of moral, but there are many to possibly live by.
i do think it is the one way, but i would not presume to force people to follow it. i would rather people chose it on their own accord by seeing its merits.

bornlivedie said:
You lay your personal moral belief heavily in your argumentation. The problem is we have different standards of right behaviour. It's totally natural to respond with crime to a culture, that doesn't fit the needs of people.
But if people have a culture that fits their needs they naturally behave accordingly to it's rules. Whatever those are. Cultures are not bound to have lots of crime.
yes i do. and i see no reason why i should omit these driving forces from my arguments when they explain my stance on issues. i agree about culture and "crime". not all law-breaking is wrong, but that which is, should be punished and wrong-laws removed.
Ifurin said:
Its ok, one day, you may wake up, and not be an utter moron on the internet :)

What the fuck is your problem?

I have personal experience and scientific result to support my ideas, where as you only have resulted in slinging insults at me a like a little kid. Its fine to dissagree, or maybe you don't understand how fully my beleifs and knowlegde of things are, but to call me a moron is low and very petty.
Silver Incubus said:
this is pretty rediculous argument. Of course god exists. Has anyone here ever felt the devine consciousness? Does anyone hear know much about the new discoveries in quantum physics. Basically, we are all one thing coexisting at the same time. Think of yourself as a droplet of water, and everyone is part of the ocean. That ocean is god, and that ocean can create anything base off of pure devine consciousness. Old physics, works to a certain degree, but the fact that reality cannot really be comprehended by us as it is, seem to be the flaw in humans. We view time as change, when in fact everything that has and will happen already has. Hence the ability to forecast future events by other people. Its because everything and everyone is the same thing.

How does any of that prove God?
well "GOD" the christian sense is not correct. But god in the omnipotent conscoiusness, or god consciousnes, is observed as the collective conscousness of all living things. When people who have more access to the god consciousness, are often those who are peaceful, loving, understanding, and can also effect the reality around them, by focusing their consciouness for an intended purpose. So the more and more one can access the devine consciousness, you can greater effect the reality, or seem like miracles. Thus, the more people you have concentrating on one purpose, the better the chance you will have on effecting reality. So the ultimate devine consciousness can do absolutely anything and everything in reality, thus being god.

It is very common in the eastern traditions, to focus on the energy body system through points in the body called chakras. Acupuncture, effects this system. Just like a unmaintained body system, this energy system can also be effected from lack of care, causing problems within the bodies organs if not propperly taking care of. What acupuncture does, is clear blocked energy pathways by placing the needles in spots which could be refered to as minor chakras. This energy has been called many things by different societies over the years. Chi/Ki are common in martial arts practices which actually attempt to focus this energy. If you have ever seen ku fu masters doing those incredible feats without even bleeding where most people would. they say they channel this energy with extreme focus to certain points in the body. How else could someone punch through a 3 foot block of ice without breaking every bone in their hand?

There is just so much i could keep going on about, I hope you get the gist of it.
I get the gist of it. Its unfortunate I'll more than likely be dead before there is conclusive evidence of the fact or fiction of it though.
there is when i believe someone has crossed the line in stating a falsehood.
in this case there is no reason for me to write paragraphs of explanation since we have gone over the topic many times.