Does God exist?

Silver Incubus said:
i seriously think that the religion of christianity has distorted what god is, by making it a diety, a person, with a will, and a temper, and a personality. Think of the divine consciousness as a similar concept of the HOLY SPIRIT.
and unlike you, i believe God is a being, a holy spirit, and a being incarnate, the holy trinity of God, the Spirit, and Jesus. so our views differ.
As long as you are living, you will not know if there is a god or not, so dont think about it too much, or your head will explode.
Look, I have nothing against the message that Christ gave to people... Just idiots who buy all the bull that church is selling to them... Like yourself; a man who consider himself a monotheist but also a man believes that god is infact a Trinity... :Smug:

....and that Jesus Christ is infact a God himself....
....sad... :err:
the church sold me nothing, faith comes at no price. i believe what *i* truly believe in, not what anyone *tells* me to, be they a priest, a beggar, or the president.

we have already discussed this matter above: christians believe God is a trinity, one being and 3 facets all in one. it is not that there are 3 Gods, nor that one is more than another...
I believe that a god exists, but, the way things happen, sometimes I think that he just sits back and watches us like a reality show.
who's gonna get voted off the island of life next? tune in! :Spin:

ironic that humanity has turned to "reality tv" to try and fool themselves into thinking that what they watch is in any way real. i'm sure if God were watching us, he'd at least have a purpose
Disciple of the Watch said:
Look, I have nothing against the message that Christ gave to people... Just idiots who buy all the bull that church is selling to them... Like yourself; a man who consider himself a monotheist but also a man believes that god is infact a Trinity... :Smug:

....and that Jesus Christ is infact a God himself....
....sad... :err:

You sound like you don't know what you're talking about. I can't stand it when people are just arrogantly ignorant about things, no matter what you're arguing for or against. I'd rather you be in disagreement with me and know what you're talking about, than agree with me and not have a clue, in a general context, not even relating to this argument. :rolleyes:
It was on the first Vatikan Council that church accepted that Jesus Christ is God. Before that Christ was a prophet and a Mesiah, a son of God but not a God himself.

I have nothing against Christ and his idea of love to humanity and planet. I just have a strong disgust to doctrines preached by institution that cheated, manipulated, killed, tortured and destroyed.

But in the end, what does it matter anyway if Trinity is truth or a lie, or if Jesus is God or not when most of the ones who call themselves Christians do all the opposite from what Christ preached.
Silent Song said:
the church sold me nothing, faith comes at no price. i believe what *i* truly believe in, not what anyone *tells* me to, be they a priest, a beggar, or the president.

we have already discussed this matter above: christians believe God is a trinity, one being and 3 facets all in one. it is not that there are 3 Gods, nor that one is more than another...

Question- I though only Catholics believed your God is a trinity?
Disciple of the Watch said:
It was on the first Vatikan Council that church accepted that Jesus Christ is God. Before that Christ was a prophet and a Mesiah, a son of God but not a God himself.

I have nothing against Christ and his idea of love to humanity and planet. I just have a strong disgust to doctrines preached by institution that cheated, manipulated, killed, tortured and destroyed.

But in the end, what does it matter anyway if Trinity is truth or a lie, or if Jesus is God or not when most of the ones who call themselves Christians do all the opposite from what Christ preached.
1. actually the "Vatikan" as you say, or the catholic church, does not pass laws and decrees that change history declaring what was and was not. so whether they accepted it or not makes no difference as to what actually happened. they are not God.

2. i agree with you wholeheartedly. cheating,manipulating,murder,torture are things i cannot stand and represent that which true christianity opposes.

3. it still matters, even more i'd say. because those false believers spread false representation to others, ruining God's good name with such filth.

edit: Rook: nope, that's a common misconception.
As far as I can understand it, it is irrational to believe in the Christian God. 2 Corinthians 5:7 declares that "we walk by faith, not by sight." This is quite nearly an admittance to blindness. Faith is unjustified belief.

In my experience, I have found not a single reason to believe in the Christian, or any other, God, and that the Bible is nothing more than a fairy tale.

There is no "true" Christianity, as is obvious by the presence of a multitude of different Biblical sects, each of which interprets the Bible in a certain way. Which one is actually truly right? Neither of them are, because in each case, believers simply adhere to an interpretation (their own personal one; I am not referring to translations) of the text. When the text is colloquial, archaic, non-technical, and even in some cases metaphorical and prone to allegory, there is no one true meaning. If there is, you are quite welcome to try to prove that yours is the correct one.

It's impossible to prove a negative unless a valid positive argument has been presented. However, the second clause implies that a valid positive argument must be presented before a negative is to be even attempted. Since there has not been a single sound argument for the existence of a Judeochristian deity, there is no reason at all to believe in it, and one may as well disregard the possibility of its existence. A good example is six-foot long invisible snakes which like to live under beds. You certainly have no proof that they don't exist, but you don't honestly consider the possibility every time you get out of bed.
As far as my understanding of it is concerned, humans are animals. That's akin to saying "what separates dogs from animals..."
Iridium said:
As far as I can understand it, it is irrational to believe in the Christian God. 2 Corinthians 5:7 declares that "we walk by faith, not by sight." This is quite nearly an admittance to blindness. Faith is unjustified belief.

In my experience, I have found not a single reason to believe in the Christian, or any other, God, and that the Bible is nothing more than a fairy tale.

There is no "true" Christianity, as is obvious by the presence of a multitude of different Biblical sects, each of which interprets the Bible in a certain way. Which one is actually truly right? Neither of them are, because in each case, believers simply adhere to an interpretation (their own personal one; I am not referring to translations) of the text. When the text is colloquial, archaic, non-technical, and even in some cases metaphorical and prone to allegory, there is no one true meaning. If there is, you are quite welcome to try to prove that yours is the correct one.

It's impossible to prove a negative unless a valid positive argument has been presented. However, the second clause implies that a valid positive argument must be presented before a negative is to be even attempted. Since there has not been a single sound argument for the existence of a Judeochristian deity, there is no reason at all to believe in it, and one may as well disregard the possibility of its existence. A good example is six-foot long invisible snakes which like to live under beds. You certainly have no proof that they don't exist, but you don't honestly consider the possibility every time you get out of bed.
you misunderstand.

to walk by faith means to live with trust and think & act in accordance with the will of God, and not your own. you can't see the steps, but you have every evidence to believe they will be there when your foot lands. the way is clear in your mind, not your vision. to walk by what you see is to trust yourself, to see only what's in front of you and not beyond. to miss the big pictures. that is the meaning of that passage, not to walk blindly.

true Christianity is just as you described it initially: to live and act according to the Bible as best as you can interpret it, in according to the way Christ lived and taught for our example. people gather to discuss these matters together with each other, because those who wrote it are long dead, and they cannot be asked "what you meant by this" so we must collectively understand the context and intent of every word and phrase used. if everyone were forced to believe precisely the same things, then we would all be robots, not individuals with free choice. Christians disagree on many a issue, but core concepts and ideals are shared by them all, or they would not be a Christian.

and in MY experiences (as you shared yours) i have found many a reason to believe in the Christian God, as have i in the experiences of people i have known, Christian and not.

i'm not going to tell you what to think. your thoughts and choices are your own to hold, and i would not seek to force my opinions. i will not say you are wrong, i will say i disagree, and that i think i have a better understanding of my beliefs than you do..
Silent Song said:
you misunderstand.

to walk by faith means to live with trust and think & act in accordance with the will of God, and not your own. you can't see the steps, but you have every evidence to believe they will be there when your foot lands. the way is clear in your mind, not your vision. to walk by what you see is to trust yourself, to see only what's in front of you and not beyond. to miss the big pictures. that is the meaning of that passage, not to walk blindly.

What the hell are you talking about? "Sight" is the input of your senses, the only way one receives information. "Faith" is your belief that, regardless of the input of the senses, God is all true and good (and whatever else you believe). It seems like you're obfuscating the issue with rhetoric.

we must collectively understand the context and intent of every word and phrase used.

You are contradicting yourself. If you "collectively" understand something, that means that you all understand it the same way. Or did you mean something else? Since language is an inexact "science," there is no one true meaning to any passage.