Does Opeth represent for the new generations what Metallica did to the old-school's?


Mar 27, 2009
I know...

I've never been fond of making comparisons among bands, but it comes to my mind that Opeth represents a milestone in the history of metal, which can be easily compared with the impact that Metallica caused to the genre. Of course there are lots of bands that can be better familiarised with Opeth and Metallica in terms of style, but I'd like to refer only to the impact that both bands caused in their respective eras.

Do you think Opeth can be considered as "Old-Metallica for the new masses"?

P.S: by the way, I just signed up a week ago. Hello Everyone.
i would honestly say i think lamb of god are todays metallica im not a big fan of lamb of god anymore but i have noticed that they started off fairly small and underground gain success over their albums and in later years have released much more mainstream music for example the last 2 albums which had a few catchy songs but over all werent very good i would call new american gospel, as the palaces burn, ashes of the wake there kill em all, ride the lighning, and master of puppets opeth arent as well known as we all thing many people i work with and go to school with etc have never actually heard the name opeth before but are familiar with lamb of god
While Opeth is my favorite metal band, I will have to agree with some here - they may be a "genre-defining" band for many of its followers, but I just don't see them reaching the heights of Metallica worldwide, or coming even close (this is a neutral voice speaking).

Interestingly enough, I don't see any metal bands that are out there today becoming a new Metallica or Black Sabbath. I don't know a single song by Linkin Park, Korn or Slipknot, and these are supposed to be the mainstream metal bands. What is the "Nothing Else Matters" or the "Enter Sandman" for these guys - you know, the song that everyone has heard on the radio, even if unfamiliar with the band. Twenty years from now, the new kids out there will not be running to purchase their back-catalog, the way people do that nowadays with Master of Puppets or Led Zeppelin stuff. Also, I don't see a metal band out there that will be able to fill 100,000 seat venues. The one possible exception may be Tool (and that's pushing it), but they play a different kind of metal, and some may categorize them as "alternative". While they are not high in my personal rankings, for a while, I thought that Dream Theater might be able to do it, since some of their music is what people go for, but I don't think so anymore.

On a personal level, I think that internet has made music more accessible to everyone, and there are as many fantastic metal bands out there as ever. However, in today's download and discard music climate (paraphrasing Steven Wilson of PT) where most people can hold their attention and focus for three minutes at best, I just don't see them breaking through the way Metallica or Sabbath did.
i would honestly say i think lamb of god are todays metallica im not a big fan of lamb of god anymore but i have noticed that they started off fairly small and underground gain success over their albums and in later years have released much more mainstream music for example the last 2 albums which had a few catchy songs but over all werent very good i would call new american gospel, as the palaces burn, ashes of the wake there kill em all, ride the lighning, and master of puppets opeth arent as well known as we all thing many people i work with and go to school with etc have never actually heard the name opeth before but are familiar with lamb of god

He must pretend they all suck. He's a whore. In fact, he's the one who sucks. Mastodon is great :).
Back on topic (more), I don't think I would name Opeth for such a title, and yes, it is sadly for a "mainstream" question. They represent the new generation in my heart, though. :oops:
I can also compare the licks, the solos, the acoustic parts, and some of the lyrics to what Metallica did before "...and justice..."
Have I gone too far???
I think SerenityPaintedLife is correct, but I also like Silhouette is right in that groups such as Lamb Of God, and maybe others such as Trivium and In Flames are the new Metallica's as far as looking at a mainstream situation goes, but I don't think we will see another Metallica in as much as pushing heavy metal into the mainstream.

And good thread Kamel!
i would honestly say i think lamb of god are todays metallica im not a big fan of lamb of god anymore but i have noticed that they started off fairly small and underground gain success over their albums and in later years have released much more mainstream music for example the last 2 albums which had a few catchy songs but over all werent very good i would call new american gospel, as the palaces burn, ashes of the wake there kill em all, ride the lighning, and master of puppets opeth arent as well known as we all thing many people i work with and go to school with etc have never actually heard the name opeth before but are familiar with lamb of god

I see Trivium as the new Metallica,
Lamb of God as the new Pantera.

Trivium? First of all, Metallica did real quality music for their time. No need to bash them that much, Trivium is just a copycat of In Flames, and I hope I dont need to add that of lower quality too..
Of course we will never see bands like Metallica or Black Sabbath or Pink Floyd coz these bands are the first who started a new genre in music, coming up with evil music evil lyrics, fast playing (Metallica) it was a whole new thing in the music scene i think. We talked about this before i think, Opeth should be remembered in music class in future and so on, and No, i don't Opeth to go mainstream and so everyone will know them, coz just like what happened to Pink Floyd and Metallica, everyone knows that they are great bands but they most people never listened to their albums (apart from songs played in the radio) or they don't know what's the great thing in their music, and Opeth should be remembered by their work , not by Mike jokes for example, it's music, an art at the end of the day, not how many seats you fill or how many albums you sold or how many chicks you fuck backstage. I hope will be remembered by its true fans.
there will never be a generation like metallica again. metal is just too big these days ...
everybody copying everyone, and every kind of metal-music has its own "big band". like dream theater in prog-rock/metal for example, you know what im trying to say?^^
metallica and sabbath just discovered this whole metal-thing, just like hexwind said. and opeth ... opeth is just a band in the whole big metal universe. the name is grwoing bigger and bigger, but u cant compare it to metallica or sabbath. they have their true fans, and maybe some "newbies" that came with watershed. but 90% of the opeth-fans are die hard fans
I doubt, Opeth will never be as popular as Metallica and though Opeth are a innovative band, they aren't "pure" in their style. Metallica once was, and they're remembered for that.