What if Orchids the new album and water shed was the first?

Are you crazy?!?!?! The cleans on Orchid are absolutly amazing!

No they are not, the cleans are (very) emotional but arent sang well, just listen to MAYH and still life, those cleans are emotional as well as greatly sung.
Well, at least when it appears blue, it's actually purple :p

The sky doesn't have an inherent color, the color only manifests itself from your perception of the light that it emits. The sky is not actually any one color at all.
I'm going to run with this.

I think it would depend on a lot of other factors as well. If they were to release 'Orchid' now, and they were, say, on Roadrunner as they are now, I'm sure the same people would still have the knives out because people seem to 'care' about silly stuff like that, so it would probably still get slagged. I don't think 'Orchid' is half as original now as it was when it was release, and obviously the actual songwriting on it is far inferior to they recent albums.
No they are not, the cleans are (very) emotional but arent sang well, just listen to MAYH and still life, those cleans are emotional as well as greatly sung.

FYI I have and I enjoy the ones on Orchid more.