The big what if

ive also been thinking about this, i know for a fact opeth wont go commercial, but it wont stop damnation getting 'commercial ' sucess, thats if it gets any, which i dont know :erk:
opeth's sound may have got mellower,and perhaps more accesible but i don't reckon it runs the risk of becoming more commercial...i find it really hard to believe that people who are into mainstream music would ever get into them;if they do,then i agree,it's gonna be a real shame for us
SoundMaster said:
Consider this: bands such as Katatonia, Porcupine Tree, Anathema, the Gathering, etc., ALL have songs that could easily be top 10 in the "pop'rock" charts in any country, yet that just have never happened....for reasons listed above.

Yup. Songs like Porcupine Tree's "Trains" and Anathema's "One Last Goodbye," in a world with some justice, have been top singles. They're incredible and still accessible songs.
Even if damnation is more 'mainstream' it don't mean didly squat. Without a major label backing and the DOUGH required to get airplay on 'mainstream' radio(around 1 million dollars) For a limited # of spins the 'mainstream' will never hear it anyway. I say fuck'em let them suffer through the next papa roach masterpiece.

'Mainstream radio' = Aljeezera radio