What if Devin Townsend produced an Opeth album?

There is nothing wrong with steven wilson

Also i read people on here bitching about the compressed guitar sound on D1/D2, and how they were overproduced, Townsend is worse IMO. If its not broke don't fix it.
hahahha fuckkkk. somehow everything always turns out to be about the guys' physical apperances. i know they're just jokes but, it's pretty hilarious that it comes to it frequently haha.

yeah, devin is one ugly motherfucker. he's a funny fucker though. him and mike should do stand up.
Mmhm...ok, I don't see blonde people so atractive, so I'd post López or Méndez are very handsome (but we aren't talking about them) so I'd say that Mike (to me) is sexier than Peter (I think it's because his voice. That turns me on, lol lol)
Now, let's back to the thread: I love Steve Wilson as a producer, Townsend and Swäno too, so I wouldn't mind if some of them produce (again) an Opeth album.

Vai-Vai. :kickass: (I'm going to the G3 Tour, now I'M HAPPY!!)

Alternative 3 said:
Well, no offence to Mike but he will never be the best looking in the studio, as long as Peter is there.
lol lol! You're right Deliverance, Devin is one ugly motherfucker -plus- I think he's the Boogie Man... lol



deliverance said:
hahahha fuckkkk. somehow everything always turns out to be about the guys' physical apperances. i know they're just jokes but, it's pretty hilarious that it comes to it frequently haha.

yeah, devin is one ugly motherfucker. he's a funny fucker though. him and mike should do stand up.