Does Projector suck???

Does Projector suck??

  • It sucks major ass, of course.

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • I don't think it sucks nearly as bad as Metal88 does, but it does suck.

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • I like it better than at least one other DT album

    Votes: 58 50.9%
  • It's the greatest thing in the history of the entire fucking universe, oh shit it's awesome!!

    Votes: 48 42.1%

  • Total voters


Final Flash!
Nov 4, 2001
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What does everyone think of Projector compared to the other albums? On another thread it looked to me like a LOT more people than I expected think it's one of their best albums??? Are you fucking kidding me? Biggest disappointment ever to me. Take a look below at the company I put it with and I think you'll understand how I feel about it. Anyhow I'd like a large amount of data to get a better idea of what DT fans in general think of the album.

Metal88's "Biggest fuck up's ever" list:
1) Dark Tranquillity - Projector
2) Megadeth - Risk
3) In Flames - The stuff after Colony
4) Metallica - Load (of shit)
For some reason other than putting Skydancer as their number one album, I can't say which of the rest is the best.
So I can't really vote on this one.
I can say for sure you need to listen to it more.
It took a while for me to get into the cd, but when I finally "got" it, I realized what an amazing work of art it is. A tremendous leap forward from their early cds (Skydancer-Gallery).
it's awesome. not skydancer-level, but definitely something my world could not do without.

@metal88: please note how you haven't been suggested to stand on your head to let more blood flow to your brain yet. :) that's because your tastes in music are your tastes in music and we respect them. :)

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
For some reason other than putting Skydancer as their number one album, I can't say which of the rest is the best.
So I can't really vote on this one.
I can say for sure you need to listen to it more.

Listen to it more? Nah. Just to clear things up, I'm no newbie. I bought "The Gallery" just after it was released and loved it, this is what got me into DT. I bought Projector as soon as it was out and listened to it quite a bit. I still think they were just joking. :)
I think Projector's their best album. I agree with Dolphz, it's a work of art. Mikael's clean vocals are some of the most amazing in the world of heavy metal, in my opinion. They're absolutely unique and have such a mournful, emotional quality. And I really love the combo of clean and growling vocals (his in particular).

Projector has been one of my absolute favorite albums for the past couple years.
i love projector, but i find that haven is much catchier and i can listen to haven a lot more mainly because i think the lyrics on haven mean more to me, i dunno, but projector is really good, its much better than the minds i
Originally posted by Metal88
What does everyone think of Projector compared to the other albums? On another thread it looked to me like a LOT more people than I expected think it's one of their best albums??? Are you fucking kidding me? Biggest disappointment ever to me. Take a look below at the company I put it with and I think you'll understand how I feel about it. Anyhow I'd like a large amount of data to get a better idea of what DT fans in general think of the album.

Metal88's "Biggest fuck up's ever" list:
1) Dark Tranquillity - Projector
2) Megadeth - Risk
3) In Flames - The stuff after Colony
4) Metallica - Load (of shit)

Why dont you go spam elsewhere, like random burns on satori's threads you stupid fanboy asshole.
@smekermann: you see, macmoney is a huge fan of early dt, so maybe the trail of life decayed demo in his view was a fucking masterpiece, or at least a masterpiece of heavy petting. can't say i blame him either: skydancer imo is stays their best. :)
