Does Projector suck???

Does Projector suck??

  • It sucks major ass, of course.

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • I don't think it sucks nearly as bad as Metal88 does, but it does suck.

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • I like it better than at least one other DT album

    Votes: 58 50.9%
  • It's the greatest thing in the history of the entire fucking universe, oh shit it's awesome!!

    Votes: 48 42.1%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by rahvin
@metal88: your dislike for auctioned scientifically proves i could never ever be with you in a love relationship, but i suspect this fact you don't exactly find unbearable. :lol:


Well, Auctioned certainly sucks ass. Wait, have I already made that clear? Hehehe.

As for relationships, I don't think "all my ho's" would like me selling out to one person. Hahaha ;)

Have you heard Nightingale? If not go over to the Dan Swano board and Download the new Nightingale teaser. I am DROOLING in waiting for this cd to come out. I love Dan's vocals, death and clean styles, but especially his clean ones. His Unicorn project is great too.

I'm a big Devin Townsend fan as well.

Madonna's "Open your heart" has some mighty fine clean vocals, I find. Hahaha!
Originally posted by sentience_withers
now now... you've gotta admit In Flames after Colony does suck. Hell, Whoracle sucked too. And Metallica... don't even get me started on Load... I do not agree with Metal88 on Projector sucking, although it's definitely not their finest work(The Gallery is) and I can imagine it might have been a great disapointment to those who listened to DT back in the days of The Gallery. I'm not usually one to stand up for people, but I kinda agree with him so I don't think he should be called a 'stupid fanboy asshole.' That said, who here likes The Minds I more than Whoracle?? because if you do, can you kindly get your asses over to the Swedish Metal forum and vote for it under the best '97 releases? it's getting whipped and that alone is enough to make me vomit... Whoracle sucks...

oh, and Projector is awesome...
whoracle sucks!?!?!?!??!?! whoracle suck!?!?!??! HAVE YOU GONE MAD!?!??!
Back to the original topic, I just remembered this and found it rather interesting:

Last summer in Uppsala (on that trip of mine) I asked Niklas about his own views regarding the DT-albums. We were both rather drunk, so my memory is a bit vague, but as I told him that Projector is the DT-album that has grown the most in me through time, he said that it definitely wasn't his personal favorite. I tried to ask for a reason, but all he said was that although he couldn't name the album that he likes the most, he felt that Projector wasn't that for sure.

I could be wrong, but it felt like he thought that perhaps Projector could have been done better, whereas he expressed that Haven (despite its admitted "superficiality" compared to other DT-releases) was made as good as possible.

As said we were both rather drunk and discussing with a third language, so I might have misunderstood him, but this is the impression I got.

if you're referring to track 12 (the bonus track), it's called "exposure". but track 11 is "on your time", the last song in the album if you haven't got the bonus track.
i seem to post this often, of late. ;)

Originally posted by rahvin
if you're referring to track 12 (the bonus track), it's called "exposure". but track 11 is "on your time", the last song in the album if you haven't got the bonus track.

Since when the dwarves have been completely unable to count? Rahvin, how many fingers do you have? If you have ten fingers, you can easily count from there the songs on Projector. Now in order to count to eleven, you need an extra finger - and here some "Exposure" is needed. :rolleyes:

I like Skydancer, TMI, Haven and DD better than Projector. Still it is not a bad album. It's just a bit too complicated for the simple-minded like me.

It's my least favourite DT album...

I indeed was quite disappointed with it, when I was already a bit disappointed with TMI after The Gallery I was really hoping Projector would blow me away again, but when I finally heard it... :s Not quite what I'd hoped for to say the least...