Does Projector suck???

Does Projector suck??

  • It sucks major ass, of course.

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • I don't think it sucks nearly as bad as Metal88 does, but it does suck.

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • I like it better than at least one other DT album

    Votes: 58 50.9%
  • It's the greatest thing in the history of the entire fucking universe, oh shit it's awesome!!

    Votes: 48 42.1%

  • Total voters
I'm changing my opinion from my first post. I hadn't heard the entire album then, and it is great, but my least favorite DT album. And whoever said WHoracle sucks, YOU SUCK!

If it weren't for The Gallery, Projector would be my favourite. Awesome awesome awesome. I'm also obsessed with the song Therein. I think it's possibly DT's best song.
Projector just might be my favorite DT cd right now..

and WHORACLE does NOT suck! All the tracks are great.. except I'm not that fond of Episode 666. Colony does though.. except "Zombie Inc." is one of the greatest songs IF ever wrote.. enough about In Flames though :)
Projector? I think it's a really good album actually, now I'm far from being some kind of DT expert but I like what I hear and that's what matters... right