Dragonforce / Sonata Arctica US tour

Just saw an ad for this tour for late September. The Chicago show is Wed Night at House of Blues on Sept 30th. I am passing on this one.

Geez every post I've seen that you've made Diabolik recently is just whining about something or another. Heres an idea, if you don't like something or you have nothing good to say about it, keep it to yourself please. Thank you. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

And if its not on the Official Site (which it is not) do not believe it. I learned that from the supposed Nightwish/ Sonata Arctica tour that was supposed to happen a few years ago.
You can accuse Dragonforce of not being varied in their songwriting, but they are the best at what they do: blazing fast metal with awesome melodies. Heck, they are probably half the reason all the old power metal bands have stopped playing fast: what's the point, Dragonforce already did it better than everyone else.
Geez every post I've seen that you've made Diabolik recently is just whining about something or another. Heres an idea, if you don't like something or you have nothing good to say about it, keep it to yourself please. Thank you. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Anyone who can't handle a differing opinion should quit whining!! :heh:

Chris :headbang:

Differing opinion is fine. Your post is very true but does not apply to this post. Why couldn't he just post about the tour? Why do people feel the need to add a little negative remark at the end of their posts. Do I care if someone doesn't want to go to a show? No. Why waste your time saying that and make yourself look stupid?

I am all for differing opinion as long as as it is stated tastefully.
I for one am excited, I still like Dragonforce. This will also give my bro a chance to see Sonata since he is uber-pissed at me for introducing him to Power and Prog, but the bands never come to Kansas.
Anyone who can't handle a differing opinion should quit whining!! :heh:

Chris :headbang:

And Diabolik's post wasn't even negative or whiny to begin with. He simply stated he was passing on the show.

Anyway....I'm not a fan of the HoB, but Sonata Arctica is one of the few bands I will tolerate going there for a show.
Too bad it's on a Wed!
Geez every post I've seen that you've made Diabolik recently is just whining about something or another. Heres an idea, if you don't like something or you have nothing good to say about it, keep it to yourself please. Thank you. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

And if its not on the Official Site (which it is not) do not believe it. I learned that from the supposed Nightwish/ Sonata Arctica tour that was supposed to happen a few years ago.

Actually it was on the House of Blues ad in the Reader....so I think that makes it official. Plus the Nightwish / Sonata Tour was happening but it fell through.

You dont like moy post but you read them....I speak the truth and refuse just to kiss ass and agree with every statement on here...sorry.
And Diabolik's post wasn't even negative or whiny to begin with. He simply stated he was passing on the show.

Anyway....I'm not a fan of the HoB, but Sonata Arctica is one of the few bands I will tolerate going there for a show.
Too bad it's on a Wed!

The Wed night is what killed it for me. I work nights so if I want to go to a show, I have to take a vacation day from work. Since I saw Dragonforce last year and Sonata a few times already and I know they will be back with a headlinging tour soon too...it makes it a little easier to miss. If it was a weekend show....I would be there. Asides the Alehorn Fest and Strato and Edguy...there isnt much happening in the late summer and fall tour wise yet to look forward too.
There are a lot of shows coming to Chicago this September. I'll be passing on Edguy because it's far too close to ProgPower. So that leaves me a choice between DF/Sonata, or Pagan's Mind/Stratovarius. I don't like DragonForce, and I'm not a huge fan of SA's Unia album, which I would guess most of SA's set will consist of. Pagan's Mind is amazing live, and I haven't been able to see Strato yet. So if I have to choose between the two shows, I will probably be going to the Strato show.

However, if I can afford both, I'll definitely go see Sonata Arctica.
You dont like moy post but you read them....I speak the truth and refuse just to kiss ass and agree with every statement on here...sorry.

The point of the internet is not to "respond tastefully" or agree with everything...it's for dissent, argument, discussion, and debate. And his statement about not seeing the show is nowhere close to tasteless from what I've seen on other forums (how about lurk around on the Maryland Deathfest Forum for a few minutes?).

Unfortunately for Sonata, I'll probably be missing this tour, unless they come up with another support band that I do like. I hate Dragonforce and I hate their fans even more...no thanks.:puke:
I am too square to be a hipster...you seen how I dress. And since I dispise Guitar Hero.....I guess I would fall into the goofball / knucklehead crowd.

Hipsters these days are just pseudo nerds. Buy some horned rim glasses, take out the lenses, and toss a keffiyeh (those checkered scarf) around your neck . You'll be all set.
Bonus points if you have a fake vintage 70s metal band shirt and a vest or blazer to toss over it.