OK I got the 3 disk set lastnight and will be listing to it all day
I listened to bits and peices of it lastnight while downloading (Yes I payed for it

) I don't remember the title of the song but it seemed like a medley of there songs with a twist ? but i gotta really listen today i didn't have time lastnight
Ok update : after first listen to Disk one as a whole i like the album exept wither -Cheesiest song i think i ever heard from them but will give it more a chance
So far my opinion is its a good album but nothing really stood out yet
Disk 2 I thought was really good , great Job on the Dregs and i thought the vocals on Queen were done very well
So far 2 out of 2 disks well worth it
On to Disk 3
At first i was thinking oh cool we can take this and finnaly go do karoke to DT LOL but reall i was kind of hopeing for more fill in for the vocals with the instruments
But I did notice its kinda nice to hear a little more like the keyboards stick out more this way and you hear more guitar parts that you might miss with the vocals going.
And can we figure out how to play the songs alot easyer for us play by ear people
So with all that said Im very happy with it so far , like i said no big wow factors anywere but still very good