Dream Theater- BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Coming June 23rd

I went for a walk last night and listened to this album from beginning to end, and my god did I struggle to not skip a track.

You know I wonder if at any point during or after the recording process for this album any one of the members of DT was thinking in the back of their mind: "Jesus fucking Christ this is the exact same material we have been turning over since the beginning of the new millenium". Because thats all I could think about while listening to Black Clouds and Silver Linings.

Is it a bad album? No, not really, its ok. But this sounds like a mash up of 6 Degrees, ToT, Oct, SC and at certain points Metropolis Pt2. Overall I think it's more solid and a little more enjoyable then SC, and as dry and uninspired as I thought SC was there was at least a few moments where i thought "oh thats kinda cool" or "this is a bit different". There are none of these moments on BC&SL as far as I have heard. Nothing new. At all.

This album is supposedly a progressive metal album, but you will never hear me call this album prog, because the band did not progress at all. Every passing second of this album is very familiar territory, and for much of the time of listening to this album I was bored shitless. Unless this album miraculously grows on me I will not buy it and probably won't give it many more listens.

The shattered fortress is the biggest hack piece I have ever heard by this band. For most of it it literally sounds like they went back to the recording files from the last few albums, cut a bunch of riffs and melodies from previous parts of the AA saga and just pasted them all together to make this tripe. There are a few moments where they manipulate older riffs, change up the timing or dynamics and do something cool, but for a lot of it the parts from older songs sound exactly the same just with different vocals. It doesn't even sound like they tried to put it together properly. It just changes from old riff to old riff, at times it doesn't even make sense. To me this is the laziest sounding thing DT have ever done.

The last DT album I enjoyed listening to was Octavarium, it's dissapointing but hardly surprising that they have continued down the path they have been walking for a while. It seems to me that the band have come to a complete creative standstill. My harsh criticism of this album might fool you into thinking that I think this album is complete garbage - not true. there were moments where I did really enjoy some of it, it's DT so naturally I do enjoy it a bit. But it's definately not interesting enough for me to warrant multiple listens.

I know many don't have a problem with Portnoys singing and I don't mind it when he's harmonising with Labrie or doing some backups, but the parts on this album where the focus is on his vocals made me want to grab my ipod and throw it as far as i could.

p.s. Count Of Tuscany was good, one of the better songs on the album. But not in any way, shape or form even close to A Change Of Seasons, 6D or even Octavarium.
Baseball: More interesting than Dream Theater.

and it's fucking baseball. :lol:

Those disappointed with this album should listen to:

Dredg - The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion
Devin Townsend Band - Ki
Amorphis - Skyforger

3 new albums that don't suck.
I know many don't have a problem with Portnoys singing and I don't mind it when he's harmonising with Labrie or doing some backups, but the parts on this album where the focus is on his vocals made me want to grab my ipod and throw it as far as i could.

You're not alone. I was liking the first song until the heavy part towards the end started with Portnoy barking the worst lyrics I've ever heard. And in Shattered Fortress, with Portnoy shouting out words like "kindness" and "analysis" - I mean, really? It's just so bad. I liked the first two songs of his alcohol saga, but the last three were crap.

As for the rest of the album, I really like the last two songs. The first song is okay, too, aside from the aforementioned section. But the two "singles" just don't fit. Wither in particular is bland and boring; it's like they were trying to make a song like Forsaken, but without all the good stuff like dynamics.

As a whole, I think it's their best since Train of Thought (which I loved, although many despise it). But you're right - it's just more of the same. If you ask me, I think Jordan is the biggest reason, as well as Portnoy and Petrucci producing their own albums.

Baseball: More interesting than Dream Theater. and it's fucking baseball.

+1... I didn't post it 3 times, I have no idea why it did that lol. Guess Firefox bugged on me!

I was just kidding though originally. Ive heard some of the new album, and am digging it more than Octavarium & Systematic Chaos... Sadly its still on the "new DT sound" page, and I don't enjoy it nearly half as much as their old stuff!
I've listened to this quite a few times now. It's very decent. Not Scenes from a memory-good of course but a looooooot better than Octa.. bleh, what proulxski said ^.
Yeah pretty much dude, there is really only one song I enjoy on octavarium and thats 'the answer lies within' dunno why its not a beast of a song, just emotional and actually sounds normal compared to the rest of the shit on the album. I find Dream Theater is also sounding more and more electronic these days!