Dream Theater- BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Coming June 23rd

The Count of Tuscany is hands down the best song on the album. From beginning to end it is a musical masterpiece. The last 5:00 is absolutely incredible...that's all there is to it!!
ok just listened to Count of Tuscany and Shattered Fortress.

Im not going to bother DLing the other 2 songs (Wither and...the other one)


Because i dont see how it can get better. IMHO this is their best album since Awake. COT is up their as one of my favorite epics. I found myself comparing it to Learning to Live and Change of Seasons which is a pretty damn good accomplishment for any song writer. And TSF (im listening to it again right now) is the best out of Portnoys 5 song....thingy.

...dont hurt me.
TSF (im listening to it again right now) is the best out of Portnoys 5 song....thingy.

I haven't heard it yet, but it'll have to be damn good to beat out The Glass Prison and even This Dying Soul. However, TROAE and that horribly boring track from Systematic Chaos were disgraces to that whole AA series. At least TDS picks up exactly where TGP leaves off.

I've only heard A Nightmare to Remember, which I thought was pretty dull (although I only heard it once), and A Rite of Passage. I like the latter song, but it still fells like a Systematic Chaos leftover to me. They can do better than that.
I've only heard A Nightmare to Remember, which I thought was pretty dull (although I only heard it once), and A Rite of Passage. I like the latter song, but it still fells like a Systematic Chaos leftover to me. They can do better than that.

The rest of the songs on the album are actually a lot better than those two.
The Cubs should start spinning Dream Theater in the locker room before every game. Perhaps they'd start winning again.


Somehow I don't see that going over too well. Fukudome might get into it, though...

The rest of the songs on the album are actually a lot better than those two.

I listened to the other four songs, and I like them.

Wither - Above average; kind of reminds me of Forsaken from SC, but not as good or dynamic.

The Shattered Fortress - Most of me loves this song, since it goes back to The Glass Prison/This Dying Soul days. However, there isn't much "new" stuff in it... it's mostly just a medley of sorts. Still, way better than the parts of the saga that were on Octavarium and SC.

The Best of Times - A little happier than I prefer, but a decent song. Kind of reminds me of Rush at a lot of parts.

The Count of Tuscany - Love it, minus the lyrics at some parts and the 3-4 minutes of "dead air" towards the end (seriously Jordan, it was boring at the beginning of Octavarium and it's boring here, too). It's hard for me to get into the lyrics, since singing about vintage wines really isn't my thing...
that part on The Count of Tuscany is Pettruci, its actually guitar, not keys. Also, on the first listen that part is a tad drawn out but once you recognize that its sorta the same melody as the next vocal part towards the 2nd half I think it builds up well and once you get used to it it goes by quicker.

Also, the lyrics are so bad that they are amazingly good. I find that song SO much more ammusing due to the lyrics. Who doesnt like smoking pipes and drinking fine vintage wines?

Also... I want to hear the cover tunes but since I live outside the US but have a US credit card, iTunes wont let me buy them heh...

Im gonna buy the special 3 disc set when it comes out with all the covers but id kinda like to hear them now... I wonder if theres another way...
that part on The Count of Tuscany is Pettruci, its actually guitar, not keys.

Shows you how good of an ear I have! I don't have a problem with the melody, but it's just a bit too droning and drawn out for my tastes.

Also, the lyrics are so bad that they are amazingly good. I find that song SO much more ammusing due to the lyrics. Who doesnt like smoking pipes and drinking fine vintage wines?

I like vintage wines! However, singing about it over chugging metal riffs just doesn't seem to fit if you ask me...
I was never one to care about lyrics so much if the music is good. A band could write a metal epic about BBQing some ribs on the grill and how fantastic their BBQ sauce is with unique herbs and spices and I would rock out to that shit all day LOL

The only time I dont like lyrics is when the message they are conveying is something I am completely against. I have no problems with the Count taking some guy to his manor and scaring the shit out of him with his brother by showing him creepy shit and offering him fine wines and then the guy fearing for his life only to have the Count be like "RUN FREE AND TELL MYSTORY, THECOUNTOFTUSCANNNYYYYYYYYYEEAAAA!!!"

but hey, to each his own, its all good
Sounds a bit like Heeps - The Wizard... He told me tales and he drank my wine.... me and my magic man kinda feelin fine
I'm not really one for lyrics either. Sometimes, a message seeps through the music to me, but usually small phrases that just happen to catch my attention. Somebody will send me a song, and I'll be like "yeah, that was cool", and then they'll ask me what I thought about the lyrics. I'll honestly have no idea what the lyrics were about whatsoever, if I'm not told to pay attention beforehand.
It does appear the Cubs have started to listen to Dream Theater.

Or maybe it's just that the Pirates are in town...

Haha, yeah. Rest assured the Dodgers will be a much tougher battle. They finally sent Cotts down to AAA, though... it's about time!

Big Z went apeshit today. DT or no DT......:lol:

That was hilarious... what a stupid ump. Normally I don't defend players when they throw little tantrums, but this time I will. The poor Gatorade machine in the dugout has had a rough couple of days...
The only time lyrics should bother you is if your listening to Dragonforce...or Power Quest...or some other really cheesey power metal band.