Dream Theater in the studio

Another Won is like t3h greatest song ever. (Excluding Six Degrees)

As for Raise the Knife, it's an amazing song, but it drags on.
I'm gonna have to get that DVD of the entire first album.
And personally, i think BOTH Dream Theater and Symphony X are (much) better off with their current line-up and i wouldnt change any one, espcially LaBrie and russel Allen.
and besides' it's my birthday
I'm gonna have to get that DVD of the entire first album.
And personally, i think BOTH Dream Theater and Symphony X are (much) better off with their current line-up and i wouldnt change any one, espcially LaBrie and russel Allen.
and besides' it's my birthday

I completely agree on both counts, and Happy Birthday...:kickass:

I'm heaps glad Jason Rullo rejoined Symphony X, and that both bands chose their current vocalists... Thomas Miller was excellent on bass, but I prefer Mike Lepond. Same with Jordan Rudess, :notworthy he's an absolute virtuoso and adds heaps to Dream Theater, allowing the absolute freakishness of all of their musicianship to be released rather than restraining any needlessly...

Just to be a bit annoying here: you don't think that DT's songwriting abilities have diminished since Jordan joined DT? I find that the band does indeed exploit Jordan's abilities, but it's seemed to have lost some spunk to it. SFAM and SDoIT are excellent albums with solid songs. ToT and 8vm seem to drag a bit, with the whole mesh of musicianship and songwriting not quite as pungent as it was. Still great stuff, it just doesn't seem up to par, ya know?

Now I love DT as much as the next prog rock fan, so I don't want people jumping on my hairy back about this post, I'm just playing devil's advocate:muahaha: :flame: :Smokedev:
No, I think that while it may sound a little different, the song's ablilities to catch my ear have not diminished.
It's normal that a band loses their touch after a fuckload of albums, blaming it on new members is pretty much pointless cause you'd be complaining about something else if Sherinian or Moore were still on the keys.
What does Rullo have to do with Myung? Are they the same people in the same situation in the same band?

You're kidding, right?

What he was saying is that just because a member does not write heavily, it does not mean that they are not appreciated. Since Rullo does not write much (along with Myung - for this argument), it does not mean that he is not appreciated by his fellow bandmates.

I really like Raise the Knife on Score. I hadn't heard the song before Score, so I cannot compare it.

DT albums really are different from one to the next, which is also the case between SymX albums. I'm excited for both albums, but more excited for SymX's :rock: (I have a feeling Sym's is going to be a double disc :kickass: )

Just to be a bit annoying here: you don't think that DT's songwriting abilities have diminished since Jordan joined DT? I find that the band does indeed exploit Jordan's abilities, but it's seemed to have lost some spunk to it. SFAM and SDoIT are excellent albums with solid songs. ToT and 8vm seem to drag a bit, with the whole mesh of musicianship and songwriting not quite as pungent as it was. Still great stuff, it just doesn't seem up to par, ya know?

Now I love DT as much as the next prog rock fan, so I don't want people jumping on my hairy back about this post, I'm just playing devil's advocate:muahaha: :flame: :Smokedev:
When Rudess joined the band, the level of wankery increased so much that they probably have curved penises now. Still awesome, but everything became way too focused around one instrument at a time.
It's true that perhaps the songs aren't as 'focussed' with Jordan on keys, but I think Dream Theater would be foolish not to continue trying to push musical boundaries to the absolute limit of their incredible skills, as this is what makes them so popular. They do write good songs anyway, but they're trying to write hit songs for the radio, so I reckon it would be a waste of talent for them not to go crazy... And besides I enjoy a bit of musical wankery... :lol: