Dream Theater - Octavarium

....I've had it for a couple of days...so I've gotten quite a few listens in....I do like it better than TOT....the songwriting is better with some direction...personally they could cut off the first 8-9 minutes of Octavarium(the song)...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... other than that and Jordans awful lead patch/sound its a good disc......but not great.... :loco:
I have not been a DT fan and was skeptical about this, but I've changed my opinion.

I am not saying anything about getting it, btw.

If you like DT around when they were something of a metal Pink Floyd, you'll be happy. if you hated the gratuitous technical displays that went nowhere, you'll be happy. If you liked Kevin Moore, you'll like Jordan now because he's been reigned in. Shred has decreased. Songs are trippy in a way. Myung is so out it front that it reminds me of old Watchtower albums. It's great.

They went different on this one. It's not as heavy, but it's darker in some spots than anything else they've done. Overall, it's more intense. I like it, perhaps it will be a classic. Let's see if it wears off like ToT did.

I don't have the album, by the way.
wayne the goblin/robot said:

sorry...don't meen to offend....but his solos seem mindless and directionless...sorta just licks crammed together...but the rest of his game is top-notch.....

I agree with sknight on Myung...you can really hear/feel him on this record....

Okay let's discus the new Dream Theater record,

let's discus how freaking amazing it is, and how even if people actually are better than them, that no one's better than them, because they are Dream Theater, and no one esle exists in the genre but them...

So yea the record was amazing...

So being dt fans as well do you think this album is more like Tot, Awake or 6 Degrees of inner turbulence?

Those are basically the three different types of dt for me,(I hated awake cheesy lyrics,girly singing all around gay).
Girly singing on Awake? Huh? Even a friend of mine who normally can't stand LaBrie said they thought his singing was pretty manly on stuff like "Lie".

Or maybe I don't notice, because I honestly like male vocalists with higher-pitched voices, or the ability to hit those ranges consistently even if it's not their "favorite". Probably the most extreme example of this would be Jonsi from Sigur Rós.
I've heard the radio edits of These Walls and Panic Attack, and I think they're pretty good. I can't wait for the album.

I also don't understand why so many people here dislike DT so much.
im on my first listen through now and im up to panic attack...thoroughly enjoying it :) it definately feels darker, trippier and "cooler" than some of their other releases. Labrie has put in a strong, emotional performance so far. good stuff again DT :D

edit: elsewhere ive heard people saying that there are quite strong Muse influences coming through Octavarium but i doubted that....but they were right...there are some very Muse-esque parts.
So being dt fans as well do you think this album is more like Tot, Awake or 6 Degrees of inner turbulence?
Maybe a mix of Awake, with a bit of FII and some shades of SDoIT (the latter added because they are a different band), but overall it's not a huge throwback as it is a foot forward in a new direction. Reinvented? Not completely, but they are going in a new direction. I am not off base when I specify that some of this album would be at home right next to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here. During other parts, I really got a Pain of Salvation feel from One Hour by the Concrete Lake. The songs now flow again and they aren't as highly based in the wank, a term that has become synonymous with DT. LaBrie's vocals aren't something that I've really liked, but it's his delivery that has made up much ground over the years. He sounds good and does things he hasn't done before.[/QUOTE]

sorry...don't meen to offend....but his solos seem mindless and directionless...sorta just licks crammed together...but the rest of his game is top-notch.....
Totally correct and the new album is largely devoid of it. A bit to feast your ears on, but not going crazy. Jordan sounds like Kevin Moore at times. And the inverted series of notes adds depth and makes for a fascinating sound. This is coming from someone that has hated Jordan and has had threads deleted on dt.net because of it. He doesn't go crazy and I think the band took the advice of the fans split on ToT and reigned in his wankish writing.

While I don't know what the subject matter is yet, it seems to be back to being about people and their thoughts and flaws. A good combo because that's what they write about the best.