Dream Theater: Score!

rockyracoon said:
I was waiting for someone to comment on this. Simply from watching the DVD, it certainly doesnt appear that the crowd is quite as "into it" as you would think they should be. However, I will provide this explanation, as this is how I personally experienced it at the show. People were completely in awe. Everytime I looked around, I could tell everyone was really into it, and was loving all the material and the performance, but it was like being numb. At least, everyone around me(first balcony) seemed to be in shock and totally overwhelmed. So while it may appear that there was no "energy," I disagree and will tell you there absolutely was.
The entire floor was in awe also. (Except for me and my 2 buddies who were orgasming during Six Degrees) So yeah, the dvd is indeed quite misleading. Just sitting there watching the band play their godtastic songs is just too much for mortals to handle without just sitting there and crying.:lol::notworthy

NegativeVolume said:

That show made me soil myself multiple times. The Spirit Carries On was a billion times better in the crowd than as portrayed by the DVD.
RequiemX said:
So I'm sensing that the DVD isn't horribly impressive? Is having the CD's good enough in this case?

I don't know. The set list isn't one of my personal favorites. If I didn't have the DVD to watch, I'd probably always choose one of the older live CDs over this one.

Myung has no eyebrows. I just noticed watching the documentary.
RequiemX said:
So I'm sensing that the DVD isn't horribly impressive? Is having the CD's good enough in this case?

No, the DVD is amazing. The performance is top notch as is the setlist. The orchestra brings great life and energy to SDoIT and truely does it the justice it deserves. Also, if you don't get a chill when the intro to Metropolis starts(wonder when, if ever, it was last done w/out tape loop), then I'd recommend checking your pulse. To reiterate a previous point, the energy was there, just not in the typical fashion one may be accustomed to at a metal show. Therefore, those not in attendance may view the show as rather bland from a crowd perspective. Especially those first 10 rows or so. What the hell were those people doing? Didn't they know they were gonna be on the dvd nonstop?
I'm usua;;y alot less concerned with what the crowd is doing and much more concerned on how well the band plays their songs. I thought they did an excellent job. "The Spirit Carries On" = AMAZING

The scream of OCTAVARIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUM! was probably my favorite part of the whole DVD.

As well as JLB saying Yeahhhhhhh Motherfucka!!!!!!!!!!!! in one of the bonus feature songs.
Setsu said:
I'm usua;;y alot less concerned with what the crowd is doing and much more concerned on how well the band plays their songs. I thought they did an excellent job. "The Spirit Carries On" = AMAZING

The scream of OCTAVARIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUM! was probably my favorite part of the whole DVD.

As well as JLB saying Yeahhhhhhh Motherfucka!!!!!!!!!!!! in one of the bonus feature songs.
If you think those are the best parts, then you obviously missed my bassist scream out "Those are the biggest BALLS I've ever seen!!" when they dropped the Octavarium backdrop.
rockyracoon said:
Also, if you don't get a chill when the intro to Metropolis starts(wonder when, if ever, it was last done w/out tape loop), then I'd recommend checking your pulse.

:lol: i just listened to it, and i got fuckin goosebumps. so. i'm going to go ahead and agree with your statement. :kickass: :kickass:

i think i'd buy the dvd just for that song alone.
One of my roommates just got it last night.

Simply amazing. Reminded me why I'm a DT fan. Most of those songs sounded better than the albums. Their best performance to date.

And the DVD itself is COOL! The documentary, the menus, the QUALITY. Man. That's money well spent.
Just got the DVD a few days ago. The fact that LaBrie can still nail the parts in Innocence Faded at his age is mighty impressive. And I have such an appreciation for Six Degrees now after hearing it with a real orchestra.
I love the DVD...the entire band's performance is great! However, am I the only one who finds LaBrie's stage presence boring as hell?
MorphineChild205 said:
However, am I the only one who finds LaBrie's stage presence boring as hell?

i haven't seen it, but i can imagine. band leaders/singers that don't play an instrument always looks odd to me. most are boring as hell, apart from maybe till from rammstein :lol: he's just ridiculous.

on second thought, i'm sure there's more that look okay, but i can't think for shit.
Prog Maiden said:
Just got the DVD a few days ago. The fact that LaBrie can still nail the parts in Innocence Faded at his age is mighty impressive. And I have such an appreciation for Six Degrees now after hearing it with a real orchestra.
You didn't before?:goggly: