\rockyracoon said:I was waiting for someone to comment on this. Simply from watching the DVD, it certainly doesnt appear that the crowd is quite as "into it" as you would think they should be. However, I will provide this explanation, as this is how I personally experienced it at the show. People were completely in awe. Everytime I looked around, I could tell everyone was really into it, and was loving all the material and the performance, but it was like being numb. At least, everyone around me(first balcony) seemed to be in shock and totally overwhelmed. So while it may appear that there was no "energy," I disagree and will tell you there absolutely was.
The entire floor was in awe also. (Except for me and my 2 buddies who were orgasming during Six Degrees) So yeah, the dvd is indeed quite misleading. Just sitting there watching the band play their godtastic songs is just too much for mortals to handle without just sitting there and crying.

I AGREENegativeVolume said:+1
That show made me soil myself multiple times. The Spirit Carries On was a billion times better in the crowd than as portrayed by the DVD.