Dream Theater - Train of Thought

I don't like the sound of this "classic metal" idea. Not just because I don't like classic metal, but also because it sounds like Dream Theater are comprimising their creativity.
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I don't like the sound of this "classic metal" idea. Not just because I don't like classic metal, but also because it sounds like Dream Theater are comprimising their creativity.

It also sounds like its not gonna sound like "classic metal". Despite what DT are saying about going back to their "maiden" and "metallica" roots, I doubt they're going to put out an album that sounds like Edguy or Iced Earth (althought that might actually be cool). I mean, look at the Glass Prison. That was supposed to be the big Pantera influenced tune. That sounds NOTHING like Pantera. Dream Theater are too concerned with writing in odd time signatures and 13 minute long songs nowadays to ever write any truly heavy grooving riffs.
i agree with Yngvai, every DT album will allways be prog to the core, even if this albums is more "classic metal" orientated. Look, thers only 7 songs on the whole album, so they're bound to be long progressive songs, unless its a short 40minLP. Which i strongly doubt from a band like DT.

But i think i'm the only one here who is looking foward to this album. DT is a good band but could be better if there songs where more focused, and having a better singer lol. And this is what they're trying to preach with this album,

So all you prog fans don't be sceptical, it's still going to have amazing shred solo's (someone at the JP forum said that he met JP and Jp said there is heaps of shredding!) and long, progressive, wanky songs...but mabey in a heavyer format
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
So all you prog fans don't be sceptical, it's still going to have amazing shred solo's (someone at the JP forum said that he met JP and Jp said there is heaps of shredding!) and long, progressive, wanky songs...but mabey in a heavyer format

Long and wanky (moreso compositionally than instrumentally) was my beef with 6doit. I love to hear musicians exploring and developing ideas and not feeling confined to structures, but sometimes you have to realise when you've made your point with a song and either go somewhere new or to the next song as opposed to making a riff go around 16 times while you detune the snare drum. The early albums had a lot to say, and I'm hoping this one will too.

Heavy I can take or leave. I don't buy DT albums to hear them do what other bands do.

At least the fact that the songs were not written the day before recording them is a good sign!
thats a good point Chris, and i would agree with you completly. and i got another question for you...
i got this solo of yours called "pentathlon" on my computer, and i have no idea where it comes from? i searched in your site and guitar 9, but i cant find it? can you tell me where it is, please.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
thats a good point Chris, and i would agree with you completly. and i got another question for you...
i got this solo of yours called "pentathlon" on my computer, and i have no idea where it comes from? i searched in your site and guitar 9, but i cant find it? can you tell me where it is, please.
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"Pentathlon" is the accompanying demonstration to my modal pentatonics lessons at the Guitar Nine Records site (Lesson 1 , Lesson 2 ). G9 is a site that sells CDs, but they have columnists and I write things for them from time to time.

The modal pentatonics lessons delve into how I use them and how to create your own, and the song uses them all over the place without necessarily sounding like it. It's not the best I could do over that track because I'm keeping it on a leash to use the ideas from the lessons, but normally I'd probably incorporate a lot of other ideas in there too.

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Back to our scheduled programming :)
thanks dude

It sounds pretty weet anyway..you creat a nice mood to it. And if thats you being restrained, I'd love to hear what you can do when your trying hard!!
What dissapointed me so much with 6DOIt Was the lack of interesting melodies and the weak lyrics. Plus the fact that it sounded as if they threw every single idea into the songs that came up. Something that develloped during the Transatlantic period, I think. This after one of the more brilliant achievements of SFAM, I think they're saturating the market....
I liked Six Degrees, but there were times when I just couldn't listen to it (it's a mood piece). I hope this new album is more like their older stuff (IaW or Awake)...