
I've tasted stuff in dreams, I've been able to use all five of my senses in dreams.

I think I've had lucid dreams too, there have been dreams where I would go to school not knowing I was dreaming and I would do embarrassing things that I wouldn't normally do and when I would wake up I would think I actually did them.
That's an interesting Wikipedia article. I've had dreams in which I've asked "Am I dreaming?" before. And it's true, I've never asked that when I'm awake.

In one dream, I drove off the road and demolished several mailboxes. It was night, and suddenly in my rearview mirror I saw the ol' red and blue lights. I turned to the person who was sitting in the passenger seat and asked "Am I dreaming?" She only stared at me, and I turned away and started screaming "Fuck! Fuck!" because I thought I was getting pulled over. Then I woke up. It was a scary-ass dream; one of the most realistic I've ever had.
Here are ways to help get lucid dreams if you already don't.

Induction Methods

I've heard listening to experimental music while sleeping creates weird dreams. Is this really true?