

Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
A place to discuss what you think they mean or are. Here's one of my more vivid dreams:

I was in a raft of wood with two other guys going down some nasty rapids. We knew there was a waterfall coming, but none of us cared. In fact, we WANTED to get to the waterfall and go over it. We paddled with our hands to try and get there faster. Finally, we neared the end, but there was a series of ropes tied on the very surface of the water from shore to shore. We had to grab at these ropes and lift them up so that we could sail beneath them. At least we reached the edge of the waterfall. I looked below, and it appeared to be a several-hundred foot fall. Oddly enough, there was no water below, only jagged rocks. We went over the edge and began falling through air. While falling, I stretched out my hand and screamed "Valhalla!" (I know this part's a little cheesy, but that's what I said) The ground rushed up to meet us, and everything went black. I blinked my eyes, and they slowly adjusted to the darkness. When my vision at last returned, it appeared as though I was in an enormous darkened cavern, and thousands of skeletons were hanging from the roof of the cave above me. In that instant I felt sheer terror sweep over my body. I blinked again, and woke up to find myself staring at my ceiling fan.

I have no idea what this dream means, but there it is. I wrote this poem about it shortly after, if anyone's interested:

Upon a bark, upon a stream,
Down waters swift we rode;
Within the darkness of a dream,
Towards waterfalls we flowed.
We yearned for where the river came
Abruptly to an end,
For there our spirits, free of shame,
The One-eyed would commend.

We gripped the shafts that bore our steel,
And screamed upon the tide;
The rapids’ rocks had torn the keel,
And hewn the starboard side.
My arm I could no longer feel,
My brothers all had died,
Save two, who by my side did kneel
And roar in feral pride.

We raised our swords towards the sky,
And bellowed in a tongue
Of heathen kin-a pagan cry-
As water drenched the lung.
Before our eyes the shores did fleet,
As did our lives still young,
Which we, like blood soaked in a sheet,
From out the sheet had wrung.

Forth I did shout my father’s name-
Recalled my mother’s face-
I saw my wife, who always came
To me in my disgrace.
I heard my son; his laughter rose
From memories long past-
Would this, my life, I still have chose
To have it end at last?

We come now to the end of all,
Where waters fall to fate,
And course beyond the waterfall
Where stormy graves await.
I scream and thrust my blade on high:
“Valhalla!” comes the call;
And blood adorns the pagan sky
From which my brothers fall.

My eyes open in dreariness;
The dark smells of despair.
I feel consumed by weariness
And terror as I stare
Upon a cave where echoes rang,
A cavern deep and wide,
From which I see in thousands hang
My brothers who have died.
I had a dream around last week that I was naked with this Indian exchange student who I'm friends with. She is absolutely beautiful, but she has a boyfriend. Anyway, she was on top, holding my penis in her hand and just before she was about to sit down on it the phone rang, waking me up. It was my mom calling to make sure I was awake in time to go to class and she just kept talking and talking for like four and a half minutes. When she finally hung up I tried to get back to sleep to continue the dream, but I ended up having another dream instead. I don't remember what it was, but it must have sucked by comparison, because I can't really think of anything that wouldn't... except being naked with the girl for real.
We should maintain a level of intellectuality or at least artistic merit in this thread. So no more posts like the above one by BlackMetalWhiteGuy or they'll be deleted.

Nice poem Einherjar86. It sounds like your dream comes from some inner concern about something either in your life or worry about the world. I doubt that's a particualarly helpful interpretation.
Iv been having quite weird dreams lately. Last night I dreamed that I was getting my first tattoo of a Thor's hammer and it came out looking horribly wrong. Last week I had a dream that I was playing a gig & broke my guitar cable but no matter how many times I asked around, nobody seemed to care. My other band members were set up & ready to play the show without me.
Iv been having quite weird dreams lately. Last night I dreamed that I was getting my first tattoo of a Thor's hammer and it came out looking horribly wrong. Last week I had a dream that I was playing a gig & broke my guitar cable but no matter how many times I asked around, nobody seemed to care. My other band members were set up & ready to play the show without me.

Obviously a reflection of some kind of insecurity. Perhaps you are planning on starting doing something new, such as leaving home, getting a new job, etc and you are wondering whether it will work out okay or concerned about having to take responsibility for something significant in your own life.
Obviously a reflection of some kind of insecurity. Perhaps you are planning on starting doing something new, such as leaving home, getting a new job, etc and you are wondering whether it will work out okay or concerned about having to take responsibility for something significant in your own life.
I think its frustration more than insecurity
I'm no psychologist, so I'm always hesitant dissecting other people's imaginings. And I've yet to read Freud's Analysis of Dreams, which is something I've wanted to do for several years. However, I do agree with Norsemaiden that instances in dreams where those who are in reality your friends don't care or display outright contempt for you often symbolize some kind of insecurity or fear. I don't want this thread to turn into too much of a head-shrinking deal (I didn't think about that at first); but I definitely think insecurities can be identified easily in dreams. For instance, I have a friend who is slightly more athletic and (I'll say it) attractive than I am, in certain physical ways. I've had dreams where he sometimes hooks up with two girls in my apartment, in my room, refusing to leave because, well... he has two chicks and I have none. I believe this reflects my insecurities around him.

Also, Norsemaiden, as far as my dream goes; I think you're partially right. I'm very influenced and interested in Norse mythology (as I can tell you are) in my writings and readings. This is apparent in my dream. Now, if we consider Norse mythology, we know that warriors WANT to go to Valhalla. To them it is the ultimate honor, to dine with the gods and one day fight by them. In my life, in my studies, in everything, I yearn to rise and someday accomplish something great. Now, in my dream, after I "fell," I awoke in a dark cavern where I thought I saw thousands of skeletons hanging from the ceiling; definitely NOT Valhalla. I think my dream reflects my fear of not accomplishing anything or, that when I do accomplish something, I may find that not everything is awaiting me that I thought was.

Here is one more dream for the records that I have yet to figure out. I still puzzle over it (when I have a particularly vivid and confusing dream, I try and record it; this is my recording):

There was a party at a friend of mine’s apartment. There were drinking games going on, like any party, but they were very odd. His apartment was, for some reason, connected to a kind of mall. The security guards/cops ended up coming to break up the party. I could not leave, because for some reason I had changed into shorts and it was cold out. I had changed in a strange warehouse that could be reached by one of the hallways in my friend’s apartment complex. It was locked now, but fortunately a janitor let me in. He was a kind old black man, but in the dream I remember being worried that he would try and abduct me while leading me through the warehouse (possibly racial tendencies, although I don’t consider myself racist at all). However, I soon saw light and movement, and realized that a group of kids from my friend’s party had created a fire in a metal oil barrel and were smoking and drinking all around it. The janitor cleared them out by firing a BB gun at them, and in the panic I could not find my clothes.
Next thing it was morning, and I was looking for my friend to let me into the warehouse. He would not help me, but insisted instead upon running around his apartment naked, so I left him. Suddenly, I was near the door to the warehouse. There was a family there, perhaps from the apartment complex (I don’t know), and I saw six janitors approaching. One of them was the kind man from the night before. The head janitor walked through the door to the warehouse for some reason, and now I saw that there was no longer a warehouse inside, but the door led to a kind of “makeshift nature.” Through the door was outside; green fields, a blue sky, red flowers and the door was just wide enough to see the side of a mountain in the distance. When the head janitor went through the door, the remaining five began complaining about him and making fun of him because he bossed them around. There was a sound from through the door, and I saw that the head janitor was turning on a huge fan. This fan blew the colors onto the pastoral scene, like it was but a painting. The fan blew for several seconds and then would cease for a few seconds, and continued to do so; blow on short intervals. I was excited, thinking I would have to go through the room to find my clothes. There was a little girl, between eight and ten, with the family; she was the daughter. Her parents and I told her about the room, and she excitedly ran into it. As she did, the fan turned on again, and she was sprayed by the bits of color that the fan was blowing. As this happened, she stopped running and began to cry. I sighed, sort of like an ‘oh boy, here we go,’ sigh. She came back out through the door and I ran to hold her. “It’s okay,” I said, “You’re fine, don’t be scared.”
“No,” she replied. “It was beautiful.”
Then she asked me which way was ‘Up.’ I told her, “For now, down is up.”*
Then I woke.

* I cannot exactly recall making this response. However, upon waking, this was, for some reason, the idea of an answer that was in my head. In my conscious state I tried to focus my thought further upon what my response had been, but all I could recall was that it made no sense.
I had a dream I lived in a different place. That I had never seen before. It was a suburb. Anyway one day it was flooded about 2 feet. And then a shark appeared. And then this other fish almost the same size jumped on it and killed it. Then I was walking in the water which was about up to my knee. Then the fish that killed the shark started talking to me telepathically (the fish was also extremely intelligent). It told me to bring it to the nearest nuclear plant so that it could destroy it. Or it would kill me. So I walked with it for a while. Then I came upon a rocky slope that went into a bay. And I told it the plant was across the bay. Then when it swam out of sight I ran.

Fear of Einstein fish?

I have had dreams where I've done stupid and embarrassing things, and they always feel so real that I'm glad when I wake up.
My friends and I have really odd dreams sometimes. They tend to be related to music, actually.
Before I went to see Dragonforce I had a dream in which I was hanging out in front of the venue (which I had never been to before but oddly, in the dream it was shockingly like it was in real life) with the members of Dragonforce. Sam was deeply intoxicated and very funny. It wasn't a very profound dream. In the end we went to a bar, except it was a dunkin' donuts. You know how dreams are...

My friend who idolizes Iron Maiden had a dream in which he went to see the band and was in the front row. The band apparently played several concerts at the same venue for a couple days in a row, and each time he went to see them and was in the front. At the end of the 4th show he just got up on stage when they were finished and started following Steve Harris. Steve sorta tried to brush him off, and they walked all over Brookline with Steve politely trying to lose him.

Another friend had another band related dream. We had all just gone to a Behemoth concert and afterwards we went to a coffee shop across the street (odd, as none of us drink coffee...). We were waiting in line when Nergal came in and tried to push past us in line. This is where it gets really weird.
One of us (my friend can't remember who) bitch slapped Nergal. We then proceeded to all kick the shit out of him. It was pretty brutal.

I have no idea if any of these mean anything...

@BlackMetalWhiteGuy: I share your pain. It seems like every time I dream about a hot girl I'm woken up right before...um...the good part. I hate that.
I have'nt had any decent smoke for about a week now and the dreams are flowing really vividly,had a fucked up one the other night that i was being held captive by this psycho speed freak bikie and his misses.The only way i could escape was to hurl him off my balcony which is about 3 meters high and drop heaps of really heavy potplants on his head
Haha, there are some really humorous ones on here. I rarely ever have funny dreams. Mine almost always leave me feeling strange or different in the morning. Anyone else ever get that feeling after a particularly weird dream?
I've gotten that, but usually I don't remember the dream that vividly, just the feeling. It's cool, though.

Dreams are awesome. It's like a free movie.
I've gotten that, but usually I don't remember the dream that vividly, just the feeling. It's cool, though.

Dreams are awesome. It's like a free movie.
I just woke up from one of the most vivid and epic dreams I've ever had. The entire thing actually had a somewhat consistent plot, which is completely new to me, because my dreams are usually extremely random and nonsensical. This one actually played out in the style of one of those epic novel-based movies, like Lord of the Rings, or Narnia. Oddly enough though, the only influence that I noticed while experiencing the dream was Turok: Evolution, but I noticed similarities between the main character and Frodo after I woke up. This differed from other epic movie stories though, because there were basically no major battles and there was really no hope for the protagonists at all. Their only allies had already been exterminated, and their entire race was almost gone as well, but the main character managed to save only a small population of them by accident at the end. By the way, the main character is a social outcast who happens to be high functioning autistic. He also had a crush on the most beautiful female character (obviously), but she was about to have an arranged marriage with someone else (no surprise there, either).

Anyway, this dream was amazing because it's the first time that I can remember that a dream actually followed a plot, but I managed to get all the way to the end without being woken up. Equally amazing is the fact that I even remembered it in the first place, because I rarely ever do, unless I wake up in the middle of it.

One more thing that I'd like to point out was that the soundtrack was great. It was a very horn heavy orchestral movement far beyond my own compositional abilities for now, because I don't know the first thing about writing for full orchestras, even though I love them.

I don't want to go into any specific details about the main characters, villains, world, and plot twists just yet, because I'm almost moved enough by this dream to write a book about it, even though I probably won't :lol:
Ever have a dream in which you hear some music that's utterly brilliant, and then you wake up and you can't remember it?
I always have these dreams in which there is 'something' inherently wrong in the dream, however, I do not realize(recognize) it until I wake and reflect on the dream. For instance, in one dream I was on a train, but it had triangles for wheels. And I explicitly remember looking at the wheels in my dream. I didn't see anything wrong with this until I awoke.

And I have this re-occurring dream that I'm in that long corridor from the Wizard of Oz. And it is my big face at the end. Then I(big head) start chasing me(regular me) down the hall....I can't seem to outrun me, and I keep trying to scream, but no sound will come out. And the other me keeps saying, 'Go ahead, keep screaming....no one can hear you.....' Very weird.
Anyone ever have outside sounds get into your dream? Years ago when I shared a room with my brother the last few minutes of my dreams would usually have music in them.

I have these weird sort of dream things when I'm half asleep. I just see something happening and my body reacts, its weird. Like I imagined a piano falling on me and my arms flew up in front of my face. And I've imagined myself fighting and then I started kicking.
Anyone ever have outside sounds get into your dream? Years ago when I shared a room with my brother the last few minutes of my dreams would usually have music in them.
My dreams are often affected my external stimuli, especially phones and alarm clocks. Back before I slept as well as I do now, I used to always have dreams that my alarm clock just would not shut off no matter how hard I tried. Other times I had dreams that I would be sitting in class and my alarm clock would start blaring at me and I would wonder why it was going off if I was already in class. On these days, I usually woke up to discover that my alarm clock really was going off and I had already missed class.

My mom occasionally calls me to see if I'm awake too, because she's aware that I used to sleep through my alarm almost every day. On these days, I would have dreams that my phone was ringing, so I would pick it up and say "hello," only for it to keep ringing. I would push the talk button repeatedly and hang it up and pick it back up again, but nothing could ever stop it from ringing.

Fortunately, I sleep much better than I used to, so I'm not as tired in the mornings and everything wakes me up on the first time.

EDIT: In high school I would occasionally fall asleep with The Sound and the Fury (K-Rock metal radio show from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM Sunday morning) playing and the music from it would be in my dreams.
I have these weird sort of dream things when I'm half asleep. I just see something happening and my body reacts, its weird. Like I imagined a piano falling on me and my arms flew up in front of my face. And I've imagined myself fighting and then I started kicking.
This happens to me too, but usually it's because I feel like I'm falling and then I jerk myself awake as I'm flailing my arms out to catch myself.
I can't seem to outrun me, and I keep trying to scream, but no sound will come out.
I used to have dreams like this all the time when I was younger. I could always walk or run normally when nothing was happening, but at the slightest sign of peril, I lost my ability to scream and I could barely move. This is the second most frustrating thing about dreams, right behind being woken up before a good one is finished.
You ever have a dream where you instinctively know something, even though it obviously isn't that way?
Like, say you go into a bar, and you can see it's a coffee shop, but you know it's really a bar. Or you know there's good music playing, even though there really isn't. That sorta thing.
I used to have these dreams when I was younger, where I would actually die. I remember in one of them I was running away from something, and then this huge crevasse appeared in the ground up ahead of me. I knew I wouldn't be able to escape whatever was chasing me, so I tried to jump over the crevasse and I obviously didn't make it. As I was falling it felt so real...I was screaming and I felt helpless as I tried to grab something that might break my fall. But obviously, at the speed I was going, whatever broke my fall must have killed me, cuz when I hit it I woke up and jumped up in my bed. I stopped having these dreams for a while, until recently when I had the worst one of all. I don't remember what happened leading up to it, but I was in tears and just extremely upset about something. I took one of those huge kitchen knives and started, literally, hacking away at my wrists. I'd gone really deep so I instantly felt the blood flowing and I started to panic. I realized what I had done, and I tried to find something that would stop the blood from flowing, but it only seemed to go faster and faster, so I knew I was screwed anyway. And then as I was fading away I woke up. I personally found this dream especially weird, because I've never really contemplated suicide (especially in that way).