
Talking Backwards

Senior Citizen
Oct 5, 2009
Not sure if anyone cares, but here's yet another remake. Although the original wasn't actually any good, so I'm sure this is a setup up. So far all of the critics are in love with this movie, but they are early reviews so who knows.

Too bad it looks like another movie I've just recently watched (that was badass) called The Raid Redemption. No idea which was written first, but there's more than a coincidence happening.

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well im guessing the 'fortress siege' portion of dredd is probably the last 1/4 or 1/3 at the most, this raid movie looks like the whole thing is in the building. also, battling your way through the underlings to get to the boss on the top floor has already been in countless movies and video games so its not like either movie is really stealing from the other.
I have high hopes for this. The original had everything right except for the story and Rob Schnieder. The basic look and feel of the Stallone version was close to the comic. The director of this version has already outlined his ideas for sequels (should they happen) and he plans on bringing in the Dark Judges!
I was a huge fan of the comics back in the day and if they can get the story right, it will be a winner in my book.

But, like any other such series, I don't know if the mainstream audience will be on board.