drudkh- songs of grief and solitude 2006

I will have to evaluate this sometime

sometime when I feel in a mood to listen to this band again.

It's been all downhill from the first album.
Wolftribe said:
I hope its better than Borknagars new one.

Oh, most definitely.

If anyone ever made a poll saying "what album is better, Acoustic Verses or Origin" I would lolz ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK
If someone made a poll about what was the best "acoustic album" this year and just include Borknagar, Green Carnation and Drudkh (and whatever other lame metal bands that released "acoustic albums" this year) I will send letter bombs to all participants.

that, and/or I'd also hand out negative rep BIG TIME.
Oh yes, the world would be a much better place if there were more people like me.

Mainly because nobody would reproduce because nobody would want to have sex with anybody else, and as a result we'd all just die off sooner or later.