Drugs and Music

Originally posted by Static
Oh yeah...

Music on E is not really so amazing because I find myself wanting to talk to people rather than waste the E on music.

You think? I had one of my best drug experiences listening to Leftfield while on E. Much electronic music seems like it was written with the effects of E in mind.
Originally posted by Nugent Goes AOL
Of course I respect them...I own 5 beatles albums and 2 Hendrix ones. Lennon and McCartney are fantastic songwriters, I really dig some of their tunes. Harrison had his moments as well. And Hendrix is a brilliant player, I know...

I just personally get a little sick of putting musicians like them on such a high fucking pedestal. They were great, but there were so many others that were just as great or greater who tend to drop into the annals of history. And this is the way music and art will always be.

I just had a pissed off reaction, I suppose...but don't get me wrong, I do respect 'em.

it's ok man!:)
Originally posted by Moonlapse
But I think if you need drugs to compose good music, then you must suck anyway because that's really overriding the concept of 'talent'.

what do you mean by talent? taking drugs causes deep thought, and any distractions (lets say you had a fight with a girlfriend earlier) will not bother the thought process while making your music. just because someone is stoned and makes music doesn't mean that they aren't using their creativity.

all these things about jimi hendrix: hendrix said right after making "the jimi hendrix experience" album that he didn't really like the pop music direction and fame that he had fallen into. he tried too hard to revolutionize music: that is why he started making 'horrible' music.
it just really depends on everyone...if a drug does a certain effect to you it might not do the same to someone else. That's why it doesnt make sense to argue about if you SHOULD take drugs to increase your creativity/ability to write good music 'cause it's not the same for everyone...

I, for myself, really find that the best stuff I write is while I'm stoned usually. And I still find it good when I get sober. When I'm stoned I got more beats and original rhytms seem to come naturally...so yeah to me it increases my creativity.

And that's not saying EVERY stuff I write comes from when I'm stoned so it's not like I'm using drugs to compensate from a LACK of creativity...it just takes me to a next level I guess...
Steve Harris didn't do drugs, and his stuff turned out alright :grin:

Personally, I wouldn't want to write music under the influence, I'd feel it was more the drugs talking than me. But yeah, many musicians seem to find it helpful, whatever floats your boat :D

As for music to listen to while high, apparently the song 'How to measure a planet' by The Gathering is good for that (it's really long and has all these weird keyboard sounds and stuff in it), but I have not tried it.
I'd imagine I'd need to be stoned to enjoy numetal :D
Originally posted by Cutter
You think? I had one of my best drug experiences listening to Leftfield while on E. Much electronic music seems like it was written with the effects of E in mind.

I'm only speaking from personal experience. So each to his own.

Alice in Chains wouldn't have been Alice in Chains without their addictions, and though it did lead to the death of them they produced some amazing music along the way.

Black Sabbath spent the 70's getting completely fucked, and created the blueprint for metal.

I don't think one flows from the other, but in some ways the two are interlinked in a way with some bands. Not everyone though, as mentioned earlier there is Steve Harris.

It all depends what gets a musicians creative juices flowing really, gets the ideas going.

As far as drug experiences go, I don't really ever relate the two too much :) , i've nver really enjoyed getting high and making or listening to music. Destruction, drink and narcotics are reserved for full on parties ;)
I once got high on Amphetamin before going to see Opeth... fuck me! That was the best gig EVER! It just game me more confidence... I didn't care abouit anything, peopel around me... I was in my own little world listening to Opeth, Decapitated and Without Face... . But this shit gets me really depressed after a day or too... so depressed that I just... ugh...

And, E, hmmm... it fucks up my privats. After a new years party and taking a pill, I couldn't get it up...!!! :eek: So there... like... totaly NOTHING! Haha... hmmm... I say no to drugs now... Don't want to be depressed... or... an impotent... sorry ass who can't please his girlfriend because he took a pill... :cry: haha...:lol: :lol::lol:
Drugs are for losers. The best musicians produce genius music without drug usage.

the only reason u think drugs are for losers is becuase you do not take them. its tottally thats persons opinion to use drugs just as it is anyones choice to listen to pop music, jezz, funk, soul etc. all about personal interests
Ted Nugent never did drugs or alcohol and he made some great music...I'm sure there are others that can be named, and I'm sure there are many artists who benefitted creatively from the use of drugs but looking at the toll hard drug use has taken on the music industry...was it worth it?
What is it about drugs and music that just seem to fit together?

I think maybe...because they're both forms of entertainment. Both are ways to endulge in pleasure. People love to be pleasured! ;)

"...alcohol and cigarettes are drugs and are (apart from heroin perhaps) the ones that get you the most hooked and that can really fuck up your health. But 'cause it's legal, it's socially acceptable...that's how stupid people are."

:lol: Indeed! Yeah, it's legal. It's legal to sue someone for tripping on your windowpane as you break into their home too, right?

"...drugs can expand your mind and make you see things in ways you couldn't have thought out before. It opens the doors of perceptions and so can help you develop a better critical judgment.

My friend was on scleens when he learned how to play billiards like a mother fucker. He said (the next day) he could see lines of where the balls were going and played perfectly all night. :lol:

"Anyways, I walked down to the waterfront instead, popped Morningrise in my discman and sat by the water listening. Oh man...amazing. The music was fantastic. All of the textures, the colors, the tones, the scope, everything sounded better about it. I suddenly realized how amazing this music was. It ruled."

OH, man. That must have. There's not many things better than that. Being left alone with something you love (like metal) with nothing but Mother Nature looking you in the eye. sweet

"I'd imagine I'd need to be stoned to enjoy numetal"

Nope. Doesn't work...and E makes you impotent? :lol:
Originally posted by Aecliptica
the only reason u think drugs are for losers is becuase you do not take them. its tottally thats persons opinion to use drugs just as it is anyones choice to listen to pop music, jezz, funk, soul etc. all about personal interests
I've taken plenty of fucking drugs. I don't take them anymore cause I realized how fucking stupid they are. But hey, to each his or her own. If you wanna fuck yourself up for life for a few hours of pleasure, be my guest.

Also, anyone who refers to Ecstacy as E is a fucking retard.
Sorry to break this to all the morons out there, but art and drugs have had a relationship for a very long time now, and this relationship isn't going to change because you make the idiotic claim that "drugs are for losers". There are an awful lot of non-losers out there who endulge in responsible recreational mind-alteration for a variety of purposes (ie. art), and in your simple-minded tirade, you completely neglect this cold fact, and that makes you look kinda ignorant (which of course, you clearly are).

Wake up you fools and see reality for what it actually is. Drugs have been very influential in the production of art of all kinds, and if not drugs, then similar altered states of consciousness that either come about naturally by chance or through exercise/meditation/sleep, etc. Even Led Zepplin were fucked out of their minds on booze half the time. And if you listen to real music like that of Yes and Genesis it's not hard to imagine those guys were on something (I'd be far more surprised to learn that this music was concieved while straight actually). One my heros, Kate Bush, wrote nearly all of her stuff when she was stoned on hash.

Losers? Think again you fools, hahah :lol:

Originally posted by IanDork107
If you wanna fuck yourself up for life for a few hours of pleasure, be my guest.

You need to inform yourself a little more so you don't sound so ignorant.

Also, anyone who refers to Ecstacy as E is a fucking retard.

Since you are so obviously uninformed I'll clue you in on something: E is a street name for ecstacy, therefore, not everyone who refers to it by its street name is a "retard". That is just some innane bullplop you have just made up to suit your own purposes, and you have embarassed yourself accordingly.

As much as you would love it to be otherwise, drugs are part of human culture and they always have been (and probably always will be), and artists throughout history have used various substances to aid them in their artistic expression, and it's still happening. If this is too terrible for you to accept then I suggest you lock yourself in your basement since this reality causes you so much anger and grief. Either that, or get over it, geesh, accept that which you are powerless to change.

Those who say they don't write music when they are on drugs, or don't want to take drugs and write music because they feel it won't be them writing the music, instead it will be the drugs is wrong. Drugs enhance or bring out a part of your subconcious, so it is still you writing the music, your creativity is just enhanced, and you do things you wouldn't have done before.