Drugs thread

Nov 26, 2005
Did anyone of you guys try cocaine, cannabis, heroin and, obviously, alcohol and tobacco? I've tried them and it was fantastic, an experience I'll surely repeat. Do you guys like drugging?
I really only smoke weed and drink once in a great while. I'd like to get my hands on some shrooms or acid also.

just alcohol. who uses anything else is an idiot.
I'd rather be dealing with someone who is spacey rather then some drunk.
I really only smoke weed and drink once in a great while. I'd like to get my hands on some shrooms or acid also.

I'd rather be dealing with someone who is spacey rather then some drunk.

Up untill recently I hadn't smoked at all.
I've smoked weed about twice now with friends and it's fucking awesome. I would also like to get my hands on some shrooms or acid. I have a displacement to Schizophrenia though, so I don't plan on actively seeking the stuff anytime soon.
The next time I hang out with my friends I plan on trying to convert my gas mask into a bong :lol: :headbang:
When I was younger... I was pretty sheltered and never really got into much of anything... but now that I'm older, I realize they're all a monumental waste of money.. and I like to have something to show for my money, or atleast not be fucking hungry.

I'll take a hit from a whiskey bottle every once and a while... but nothing else.
Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and psychedellic mushrooms. Alcohol will always be my "drug" of choice but a good trip every once in a while is always fun. :cool:
@threadstarter, Heroin srsly? Thats fucked up.

I now only drink and smoke pot on occasion. In the past i've done alot of ecstasy, shrooms and acid a few times, and coke on numerous occasions. Wouldn't recommend coke or acid to anyone.
my rule of thumb was always to stay away from everything that could steal the soul which rules them all out but weed. A little bit of experimenting is probably natural when younger but you have to know when to walk away and not live to be a druggie. Most substances taken to often in a short period of time will find you addicted (including alcohol) or leave the person you were far behind, like acid. Hardcore druggies and drinkers never impressed me, worse yet was seeing how impressed they were with themselves. "dont think your going to rub off on me"
I've stopped weed but I have no problem with it.

I love the driiiinkkiiiin though.

Heroin and coke are FUCKED UP. I have never tried and have no intention to. AVOID.
Alright, for the sake of listing, here goes all the intoxicating substances I've taken recreationally:
Laughing gas
Amyl Nitrate

I think that's everything. Not surprisingly, most of the experimentation occurred during my 4 years at university, though I was drinking, smoking weed and occasionally taking pills by the time I got there.
More recently, I don't take much (though still drink a shitload), but mainly because I travel around so much I don't know any dealers any more, plus I'm liable for drugs testing at work, though with 5 weeks off at a time that only really affects my ability to smoke weed.
My job, by the way, is a geophysicist involved in offshore oil exploration. Been doing it over 2 years now; salary, including bonus and expenses is around £50,000 a year, tax free due to loopholes in the UK tax system.

During all of this, with the possible exception of alcohol, I stand by Bill Hicks statement:
"I had a great time doing drugs. Sorry. Never murdered anyone, never robbed anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never lost a job, a car, a house, a wife or kids, laughed my ass off, and went about my day"
Any possible harm from the drugs occurred to myself. I'm 6'1" and 176lbs and my most recent medical had me in a perfect bill of health

Why do I tell you all this? To show it's perfectly possible to get fucked up different substances without somehow or other ruining your life. That said, I have no desire to try crack or heroin, as very little good seems to come of using them.

Now, if you don't want to try chemically altering yourself, fine. Just please don't assert that those who do are automatically an idiot that will come to no good. Frankly, I think smoking weed actually made me a better person. Oh, and getting drunk isn't fundamentally different from taking anything else, in my opinion