
  • Thread starter The Galliant Gullstone
  • Start date
A lesson in common sense:

No good can come from illegal drug use.
Those who use drugs are weak minded and use drugs to escape reality.

Grounded in reality is the only way to be.
See, not all drugs are bad & not everyone who partakes is an addict.

If your life revolves around geting high, if you just have to have that fix of whatever it is you have to have, then that is bad.
If you cannot go out without the high & have fun. If your every waking moment is spent plotting the next fix? That is bad mmmk?

I use for recreation but if I do not have any party favors I still have fun ya know?

Alcohol is, I think, the worst drug. But because it is legal it is acceptable.

I was married to a crack addict.
THAT was nasty.
I have been to NA AA Alanon blah blah blah........ALL of those people are sucking down caffiene & smoking cigarettes like crazy.
Most are addicted to the meetings themselves.

Like I said before, everything in moderation.

And might I add, that I don't think minors should do drugs or drink simply because the brain & body are still growing.

Once you are all grown up & responsible for your own self then you can make your own choices.
Mistress Masie- I may just do that. but will I need fear the flashbacks?

It's true, the munchkins and gnomes are blood enemies. Wow, that's a great concept, I should start a black metal band.
Drugs are good! I did them because stuff seemed so much funnier when you were high, when you are sober, people are just boring. ESCAPE REALITY, DAS GOOD YA
It's all about temptation.
Manipulation of the senses, to give into the product, so that there is less control of the will.
It's the weakness of the will, that cannot refuse temptation.
If you know how to be in control of your will, you will be in perfect balance.
It's just that people don't get the tools, to work on that will and smash temptation on it's sick head, whenever it is asking you to give in!!
I smoke weed from time to time, too.
That still doesn't make me an addict.
FUCK!!! I feel so like thrashing something down, i'm PISSED!!!
:yell: HELLFIRE!!!! :yell:

i think its great. children should be given lsd the day their born. each of the first few years of their life should be dedicated to the hardest drugs, and from their we should just lock them in a room by themselves with endless mind-altering substances and let them experiment. we should also film it and put it on ABC at 9 o clock pm eastern time on tuesdays.
White Rabbit said:
i think its great. children should be given lsd the day their born. each of the first few years of their life should be dedicated to the hardest drugs, and from their we should just lock them in a room by themselves with endless mind-altering substances and let them experiment. we should also film it and put it on ABC at 9 o clock pm eastern time on tuesdays.
hahaha i can only assume you are mocking some retarded 'reality' show. those shows suck haha.