Drummres- Post pics of your gear!

Cause Im a chick that drums and lives in Denver too!!! (no jk, Im actually a guy who plays guitar and lives in Denver)

It's just not your everyday thing...usually chicks are only into the metal for looking cool or whatever but looks like you're the real deal, none of that CoF t-shirt wearing goth social bullshit.
Hahaha yeah definitely. Shit, we need to meet someday at a show here...there's almost no one at most of them anyway (if the band is fairly underground). I almost went to see Arch Enemy but I was tired and didn't want to sit through CoF and whatever other shit bands were there, don't remember at this point. Were you at the Hypocrisy/Nevermore/Dimmu show last winter?!? That was so much fun, Hypocrisy was awesome!! Peter's shrieks scared the hell out of the security guards, it was funny.
Yeah I went to that show last winer, it was awesome.
I decided not to go to Arch Enemy, I was sooo broke. What's the next show you're planning on going to? PM or IM , we should definatelly get together.

btw, source is awesome.