Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

New baby! Schecter Damien.

Here's my bedroom setup, I keep the 4x12 in the garage.

Furman power conditioner
Halfer T3 preamp
ADA Microtube 200
Berhringer 400W bass amp (the backup)
ESP LTD MH-400NT with a Seymour Duncan SH-15 Alt. 8 in the bridge
Also, I swapped the 500K pots out for 1 Meg pots and I only use D'Addario Prosteels for strings.

1979 Peavey Bass 400W

1969 Univox Hi-Flier
I swapped out the 250K pots for 1 Meg pots in the bass as well.
Thanks buddy. The last one is Lord Soth and friends looking for people who need their shit wrecked. EMG 81 in the bridge. The Pharaoh has a Dimarzio tone zone and PAF. GMW is making another guitar for me, SS body neck thru with EMG 81/85 all black. Had the soth made in 1991. All made by GMW.
Hmm nothing to post so far, but hopefully this fall I should be doing some major acquisitions.
Long story short, I've been working hard, and I should be receiving a nice payoff for that work, this fall.
If everything works as it should, I'll be buying a nice chunk of gear.

Currently I'm in the process of remodeling my Fender Strat, turning it into something so much cooler. :D (New hardware, pickups, pickguard, etc).
I will potentially be getting my vintage 12 string acoustic some sort of piezo, or soundhole pickup.
Oh yeah, and I'll be buying a custom neck thru Les Paul, a long scale (30") guitar, and a nice selection of pedals. :)
My strat will mostly be used in my indie band.
The Les Paul (not Gibson) will be pretty much as useable as a Les Paul is, for anything you could use a Les Paul for... It should sound.. Les Paulish. Haha (shocking, I know..)
As for the long scale guitar, I will be using that for metal..
I will also be experimenting with it.
Due to the fact it's standard tuning is an octave down, in bass territory, it should be perfect for my metal needs.. I'll be trying out an abnormal setup that should offer the potential for oppressively heavy tone, while also containing the possibility of cleaning up REALLY well.
Oh yes, as for the amp, I'm trying to keep it around the $1000 range.. I'm thinking possibly an Egnater Vengeance. I'm also somewhat curious about the Bugera Trirec that still hasn't really received any reviews yet.
Well, should be interesting to see the setup, when I get it.

The current Legion of Doom! Chapman Guitars ML-2, Washburn Guitars X-series pro e 200, ESP Guitars LTD MHB 400 baritone and Schecter Guitars Damien Elite-7.

You have been warned! :rock:

Yeah and also a Yamaha acoustic...I only take it out when I have girls over and play acoustic ballads for them...if you know what I mean. :heh: