Hey guys, hope this doesn't count as bumping an old thread, there haven't been any responses in a while.
Have a few nice bits of gear myself. Some of my gear and their provenance:
1) Strandberg Boden Custom Shop "Emma"
This one has a walnut top over a swamp ash body, a roasted maple neck Seymour Duncan Sentient and Pegasus pups, 26.5-28" fanned fret. The rest of it is pretty much stock Strandberg.
2) Ibanez RG2228
This is a pretty sick guitar, since it's the original production 8 string that Ibanez used to make. It's pretty much stock except for the pups, which were swapped out to a 57-8 and 66-8.
3) Fender HM (Heavy Metal) Strat "Agent Orange"
This is a real blast from the past. An '88 or '89 guitar IIRC, they were used by Greg Howe for a while and feature on some of his album covers. Most of them wound up in the hands of dead heads and were destroyed, it's really surprising to find one in this condition. It does the Fender single coil sound as well as metal.
4) Ibanez RG1820X Prestige
I noticed the love for piezo bridge guitars right at the start of this thread. This guitar is kind of like a Jem, other than the cutout. I got it pleked and according to the guy who did it, he's seldom seen a guitar so finely put together. I swapped out the pups for a set of Wilde Bill Lawrences, just before the great man passed away. Will be passing this on to my brother one of these days, doesn't get enough use.
5) ESP Ltd JH600EC Jeff Hanneman signature
The specs on this guitar are insane for a Les Paul style guitar: mahagony body and neck, ebony fretboard, EMG81-85, through neck, Kahler Hybrid Bridge, 24 frets... Handing it over to another brother who needs a new guitar.
6) ESP Horizon-II Fiv-String Bass "Blondie"
This one is definitely a keeper. It's a custom shop ESP Horizon-II Five-String Bass. Some wonderful curves on this one and it has this wonderful grinding sound to it. Completely stock, I like the EMGs in it, with the JETT circuit, it sounds really good.
7) Kemper Profiler
This is my only amp, and with the right profile for the right guitar, it sounds awesome. Keep thinking I should get a stereo power amp to stick into the space at the back, but then again, I've always liked FRFR for monitoring, just keeps things hi-fi in a good way. Might still do it if I ever have a large chunk of disposable cash. There's a bunch of other stuff in that rack: synths, a mixer, vocal processor...
8 Roland TD30K
This is the only way I could play drums at home. For practice, it's okay. It's also okay for recording. But give me a real drumkit anyday! I hate playing on those mesh heads....