Drunktard Stories

So, to go back on the topic:

Recent story:

I have Jeans that got alot of metal things on it like kind of barbel and thing like that and, I was at my friend house (*DouceFolie*'s boyfriend) with them and boozing our self out of the hell and I played on the piano that was there (I wasn't supposed, you guest it). All the things on my pants just screwed the fuck up of the bench... it was worthing like what... 400 bucks ?

Lol :kickass:

:lol: omg thats hilarious
But her mother said I made pity because of some shit with my mother so she didn't said anything. So from now on I said: Say that all the shit that will be made at your home's gona be my fault so she'll never say anything :p
When I was at Download '06, I drunk too much JD, passed out and threw up. Didn't wake up for a good 5 hours or so and didn't remember a fucking thing. :lol:

Everyone was saying how they had to carry me around and wipe the puke off my jeans and lay me down in the right position so I didn't die or anything. :lol:
when I was 17, I wanted to go to some show in Hamilton, but non of my freinds wanted to go with me because they wanted to go drink in some field. I hate going to shows alone so I went with them, and bought a 26er of Fireball Whiskey, and I wouldn't share because I was being a bastard about the show.

I ended up drinking the thing in about an hour and a half and passing out by 10:30, I just remember a few people coming up like "Whos that, you okay?". Then someone came up like "Ryan move, its the cops coming we gotta go". There was no way I could move, but my freind managed to get me standing and helped me walk through some forest to escape, I tripped on every thing possible.

I remember passing out at the bus stop we came too, looking up and seeing the bus coming, everythign was so spinny it just looked like yelow lights coming at me. I then threw up in my bag on the bus, luckily the bus driver was outside on break and the bus was empty.

Next thing I remeber is being downtown "Ryan, wheres your bus ticket?"
"...In my walle....t"
"wheres your wallet?"
"....cant find it...."

next I remember I'm a few blocks from my hosue outside soem church, I just remeber falling down, and laying down on the sidewalk while some more starnagers walked by asking if I was okay.

I ended up gettign home, and knocking over everything in site while I stumbled to my room. I woke up coverd in puke, worst pain in my life, and my wallet was gone.

Luckily, 2 weeks later my wallet came in the mail, and my $5 was still inside :D, but since then I can't drink fireball or JD without getting sick from the smell of it.
^ damn man, props to you. i know exactly how you felt that morning you woke up. it's the worst feeling ever, and you tell yourself "that's it. no more hard drinking from now on" but the next weekend, you're at it again. ugghh...fuckin alcohol.
Okay, I was at a party 2 years ago. I didn't know anybody here except 2 of my friends. The father of the girl who made the party had a bar. A GIANT bar. We decided to give free alcohol to everyone. The girl was pissed, we laughed hard. I think we must have used like 7-8 bottles of alcohol. I threw up on her floor and in her garden ( on purpose, don't ask why). I threw up on a girl shoes. i received a punch. i tried to kiss a girl ( the own who lived here XD), I received a slap in the face. We ( me and my 3 friends) were arrested by the cop 'cause we were smashing a spaguetti cans on the wall, tryin' to open them. When I woke up, I was the dirtiest man on earth. I was full of vomit and it wasn't just mine. But that was a fuccken BLAST!
Metaxa,(greek Cognac, Imported) since Im Greek it suited me well.
I downed a whole bottle of Metaxa last summer and somehow ended up at a local festival in S.burbs of Chicago where Eddie $ Money was playing. HUH? lol...I was annhilated and proceeded to rip up chunks of the lawn and toss them at Eddie. Then tossed in the slammer for the night.
Havent drank It since...
Worst one is my brother 2 years ago. Ended up getting really trashed, and spearated from his friends. Cops picked him up, he doesnt remember when, he just remembers beinga rrested, sent in drunk tank and flipping out pissed off.

He ended up hitting the wall too ahrd and breaking his hand, had to get a metal plate in his hand :p.

Another quick one, I decided I had great balance and tried to slide down a rail at a park. I failed, horribly, and ended up slamming onto the concrete stairs and rolling down a few sets. Next morning wasnt somthing pleasant.
Well here's a little story of a gig gone wrong because of my drunk friend...

This happened 3 years ago when I was 18. I played with my friends in a little humorous pop-rock project and we had a gig at a local pub, which is one of the most known in the town. Luckily, the place was full that night, since it was weekend and each member of the band (8 members at total) had invited their friends, who had invited their friends and so on...

Now one friend of ours took a bit too much to drink and half-way the gig he was too drunk to control himself. He went on to piss off several different people, including some guys from different biker-gangs. As a result, full war began inside the bar as one member from one gang threw a chair at my drunk friend. The chair flew over his head and hit a member from another gang. The other gang members started throwing stuff back at the other gang, which in response started throwing stuff at the other. Another gang and some other people tried to stop them, but the result was that the other gang got upset and started throwing chairs, tables, bottles and all kinds of stuff at everybody.

The place went absolutely crazy. People were fighting eachother and stuff was flying around. The police was called and they got the situation under control. I went to look for my drunk friend and found him passed-out under a table. The bar was absolutely devastated and our gear too was close to getting destroyed.

There's lots of more stories I could post later, but this one is surely a great memory. You seldom get gigs like these...
me and my bud alex started off the afternoon with a few Tom Collins, didn't realize gin was that powerful. so some girls were coming over and they called me when they were walking down the block so we wanted to go meet them. lol big mistake, i ended up falling down his stairs (23 steps), rolled right into his front door only to catch him falling himself and smashing into the door and me. getting up was hard, very hard but we were able to let the girls in. party on.

lol then later that night after drinking some more and banging lizzy my fucking buddy i got into a drunk brawl with alex, ended up clobbering him with a flashlight. he threw a chair that grazed my stomach and gave me a nice cut but we obviously were to drunk to notice. so i black out, alex must have fallen asleep in the bathroom cuz when i got up later the next afternoon he was asleep on the toilet. LOL. my kidneys were so pumped from filtering all that alcohol they bruised :rock: it was great. man i have so many....:lol: :Smokin:
ok, so once in a land, far, far away from COBOT there was this grown up dude named Mario and he was still drunk cuz he'd never stop drinking that sweet, sweet Belgian beer. And he lived happely ever drunk.

The end