dumbest thing you ever did

i got into it with a security guard at dragonforce like 2 days ago, i was filming and security slammed me on the floor and dragged me out, was the first time i was ever high and got into a brawl, managed to get my camera back though, what really sucked was that i was the toughest kid in the audience, all the kids there were in high school, including the hot girls, was pretty dissapointing.
Yesterday was the last day of school for me, for some reason the bell rang about 20 minutes early and I thought it was the end of the day, so I ran out of the classroom not even paying to attention to how no one else was leaving. I ran home and still thought the day had ended but then my house got called and I had to get brought back.
I got drunk out of controll at new years eve and someone slammed a door on my hand cuz i had it in the way or something my finger broke...then i had a blackout next thing i know i wake up and i hear cops so i start getting my shit..then a little later all i remember was that i sat on a bench down town 6 in the morning in the rain freezing...then from out of no where my bro came and we walked home...the next day i dident have my shoes my jacket my bag with beer and i had apperently taken a shower when i got home and there was water and soup every where...i think this was stupied ^^

but anyway.....

back in the day, when i played football....

running full speed, charged somone with my head down who was also running full speed....

i fractured my spine in three places.

having three girls going at the same time (which will probably come crashing down on me frightiningly soon...)

i have a lot of material for this thread...:lol:

Try 5. ;oo
I couldn't get a fire lit so I tried to pour gasoline over it out of a can with tongs. little did I know that there were some embers that blew that shit up in my face. My nylon pants caught on fire and burnt all the hair off my legs. and melted half my dvd cases. sucked...

umm... when i was 9 or 8 or smth i watched the movie IT. you know the scene when IT pops his head out of the toilette bowl?

:S :blush: well... for the next 6 months i would only hover over any toilette bowl and i'd bend my head down so i could be on the lookout..for... err... IT.
incase u don't know IT.

this is the bastard:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/V7Oe62FKlac"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/V7Oe62FKlac" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

can't find the toilette bowl scene. weird. its the creepiest.

umm... when i was 9 or 8 or smth i watched the movie IT. you know the scene when IT pops his head out of the toilette bowl?

:S :blush: well... for the next 6 months i would only hover over any toilette bowl and i'd bend my head down so i could be on the lookout..for... err... IT.

I saw the ring when I was 9, but it seriously wasn't that scary. Got over it in a week