duncan's songs on anathema gigs. never again?

its a custody battle, wont someone think about the songs??? :(
daddy patterson get to take the songs to macdonalds every thursday and they stay over every second weekend. When they're old enough to make their own choices about who plays them they'll make the decision themselves. its all very awkward
the thing is that anti's versions of anathema's songs is very good and all, but still you need to hear 'em they way they're on the albums. you know like empty or eternitry 1 & 3... i miss the heaviness in those songs when they were played by anathema... and it's a shame cos the anathema setlist could be so much better if they did 3-4 of duncan's songs...

anyways, we can't decide about that so no use debating... hopefuly as time passes things will change...
Me and Danny talked about it and he understood and told me he didnt really think it was right anyway. Just after I left the band their set-list was mostly my stuff and they were getting up and playing this, along with ripping the shit out of me to people and in magazines, thats what I class as unfair and I dont remember people defending me back then, ah nevermind. Anyway, Im glad me and Danny could actually talk about it calmly and that and Im grateful that he respects my side of it. You had lots of years to watch Anathema play my stuff so dont complain now. Dannys written more than enough good stuff to keep you happy
the only songs duncan wrote completely alone are : shroud of false, empty, lost control, alternative 4, feel, regret, eternity part i&ii&iii and far away.
bold ones are the songs they used to play live. 4-5 songs. anathema has plenty of songs more, and new ones are coming soon. so... i think we haven't too many reasons to complain.
Are they allowed to do disco remixes at fan club conventions though? Surely...