Dungeon Anzac Day gig roll call

For sure. :headbang:
Should be a really great night.

I'll have a small entourage along with myself.. no women this time though. :(
I'll be there with bells on (not Mike Oldfield's Tubular ones). Shit, I might actually meet Blitzy and Sydo!
Lord Tim said:
Shit, really? Which one?
Resurrection, off Rising Power!! It sounds heaps better now that you have the resources to record the songs properly, but I still appreciate the rawness of the original version.
hmmmm , the jap release .....
i gotta get that .... tim , can i please have one :) PWEAS :)

i won't be at the gig but i know VAMPIRELLA is ... lucky her ...
but we have a gig on the day after in canberra and stevo will be playing there , so i guess that count's as a 25% dungoen present lol ....

if you don't like it .. SUE ME :p hehehehe