Dungeon Anzac Day gig roll call

Actually the song they played when talking about the gig was 'Stormchaser', but I think they played 'Resurrection' that night on 'Full Metal Racket'. Andrew Haug was talking you guys up quite a bit LT. :headbang:

Can't wait to get a copy of 'Rising Power' at the gig on Friday either! :headbang:
'twas a great gig! I expected nothing less of course. :) Dungeon went off, and the other bands were really good too. I'd seen none of them before, and had only heard of Sanity's Cage, but hey it was a top gig.

Nice to see trent again, and to meet Blitzy. I saw you Sydo, but only found out it was you when Trent told me afterwards which one you were. Oh well..... :( Nice to have a quick word to LT too, for the first time since about August 2001 or whenever it was I last saw Dungeon.

Shit there were loads of people I knew there last night. That's one of the good things about gigs here....I rock up alone but see people I know as soon as I walk in the door.

Anyway, was a very good night!
So does mine! :(

I posted my thoughts about the show on the Dungeon board but I just wanna say here that it was great catching up with everyone that said hi from here! Sorry I couldn't chat too much, way too many things going on for me that night!

Thanx heaps, everyone! :)
Blitzkrieg said:
Actually the song they played when talking about the gig was 'Stormchaser', but I think they played 'Resurrection' that night on 'Full Metal Racket'. Andrew Haug was talking you guys up quite a bit LT. !:headbang:

Can't wait to get a copy of 'Rising Power' at the gig on Friday either! !:headbang:

Mr Haug was there too! Good to see him there again!
