easiest bodom song to play on the guitar

<-Warheart-> said:
Everytime I Die.
Are You Dead Yet
Punch Me I Bleed.
that man knows it..
no.. SNBN isnt easy.. well if you say w/o the sweeps: the song's 50% of sweeps (yeah.. ok :p).. FTR w/o the solo.... surely NO downfall :p ... all the AYDY songs xcept TL&S... that'll do :p





















**Jester** if you put that tab in there to show me The Nail sweeps, they're wrong I'm afraid. It's not even in F#min...
Hey Warheart... excuse me, how long have you been playing the guitar? You seem to be good and understand a lot of technical things, for what I see you are saying...
I've been playing 5 years and yeah, I do know quite a bit about the theory of how music is constructed. Plus, I worked out a little bit of that song last night and I can say now that the tab is wrong.
That tab is wrong... hmm, then I say that Mr. Warheart has to correct it! Please do... ;)
Anyway, 5 years... great! I envy you! :)

Ps: but someday you should learn to play my loved "In The Shadows"... don't forget that spectacular song!
I'm correcting it now. :)

I probably will learn In the Shadows one day yeah. I do know most Bodom songs but not many off of SW.

Do you play guitar too?
No, I'm so sorry to say that I don't play this wonderful instrument... but I wish I could!
In reality, I have a bass, my father's bass, and it's a Fender... maybe I could learn to play that, one day! :)