Edge Of Sanity - Crimson


3 reasons why Crimson rules,

1.Everytime you listen to it you find some new things about, nice details or something.
2.The song is an Epic! You really can't drop your guard while listening to it.
3.It's one of Dan's works! doesn't that say it all?
So party lines have been drawn me and Naglfar for Purgatory Afterglow vs. the rest of the board for Crimson lol
Dan Swanö said:
wow!! Amazing!!

:lol: i love this guy... and his music!

I've been listening to this album for years now. First time I heard it I was so unused to metal (especially the extreme kind) that it sounded pretty much like noise. Still, as a 40 minute track, I figured there must be something worth getting into. So I kept trying, bought it, and eventually it became one of my favourite albums.
Only the coverart of Crimson doesn't sugguest it's a death metal album...looks more like a trance album .
I simply love Crimson...as for my favorite C1,C2 and UO are all no.1 for me