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I thought of one that is actually COB related...
It was the first time that COB played in the U.S. (Milwaukee Metalfest, 2000). COB was doing an autograph signing session. I was sooooo excited to meet them. Of course the only thing to do while passing the time at Metalfest is to drink beer, so let's just say that I was pretty "happy" by the time it was my turn to have them sign my CD. Normally I pride myself on being very articulate and not saying bone-headed things...but...when I got to Alexi all I could think of to say was "Oh my God, Alexi, your guitar playing is just so, soooo amazing". He was nice and nodded and said thank you and even let me take a picture...after the fact though I felt like such an IDIOT. I sounded like a dumb 12 year old who just met their idol *smacks forehead*. I'll make up for it next time
It was the first time that COB played in the U.S. (Milwaukee Metalfest, 2000). COB was doing an autograph signing session. I was sooooo excited to meet them. Of course the only thing to do while passing the time at Metalfest is to drink beer, so let's just say that I was pretty "happy" by the time it was my turn to have them sign my CD. Normally I pride myself on being very articulate and not saying bone-headed things...but...when I got to Alexi all I could think of to say was "Oh my God, Alexi, your guitar playing is just so, soooo amazing". He was nice and nodded and said thank you and even let me take a picture...after the fact though I felt like such an IDIOT. I sounded like a dumb 12 year old who just met their idol *smacks forehead*. I'll make up for it next time