Emo bashing

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the point is making fun of trendy whiny kids and the gay music that is associated with the trend. They need to stop crying about how people don't understand them when there are tonnes of people out there that also dress in girls pants, get that homo haircut and pretend they are alienated like all the other people who listen to MTV/Muchmusic
Silver Incubus said:
the point is making fun of trendy whiny kids and the gay music that is associated with the trend. They need to stop crying about how people don't understand them when there are tonnes of people out there that also dress in girls pants, get that homo haircut and pretend they are alienated like all the other people who listen to MTV/Muchmusic


I think most of it is just poking fun at scenesters with what some of us (well, what a lot of people) consider to be bad taste in music.
Hmmmm...I suppose the falsity and hollowness of much of the music is what annoys me the most. It's pretty stagnant lyrically and even more boring musically.

I have no real problem with "emo" kids, because it's really just a phase of trying to desperately express individuality. Most folks when they get older and become more secure in their person and identity don't need gestures like "emo" to express themselves.

The whining and "woe is me" attitude, I could do without though :)
I am personaly emo, but I do not do the emo haircut, I do not whine unless people ask what my issue is or why I'm glum. I also do not agree with most of the emo crap that's going on. If you are feeling down then go ahead, be depressed, act glum, but don't be doing it to get attention.

One exception is My Chemical Romance. I'm going to get flamed for liking them, but I find them oddly good for a depressive mood.

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