Emo bashing

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Emo (Personal Definition From Moi): Person/poser who thinks that they have to express themselves due to the fact they are sad. All the time:

1) Their life isn't particularly good. Or Bad.

2) They wanna stand out and be cool. And cry when people shout at them for being so. So they go with the most disliked type of scene they can think of and flaunt it, whine about stuff around people, then cry when people get annoyed at them.

They like to write bad poetry about how they are disliked. They also listen to pop/punk/emo type stuff almost exclusively e.g. The Used, My Chemical Romance etc.

I don't like bashing people though. It's kinda pointles, and I don't like upsetting people without reason....~_~
Demilich said:
i wonder how many of the people who are whining about trendy emo kids here have long hair and are currently wearing denim, leath and/or spikes while posting :erk:
Would this be a good thing or a bad thing?
I don't like emo people, but I think gangstas are way more irritating. I wonder there's hardly any gangsta bashing here?
I don't talk shit about "gangstas" cause they don't bother me. I'm actually friends with people that some would call "gangsta", but not emos. The thing that bothers me about emos is that they all changed so rapidly. No one was (nowaday) emo before mid 2005, and now all of a sudden everyone is.

Most "gangstas" at least have grown up where it's hard, and DO like that kind of music. No emo kid ever grew up in a neighborhood where everyone cuts themself and wears girl pants.
Perpetual Catatonia said:
I don't talk shit about "gangstas" cause they don't bother me. I'm actually friends with people that some would call "gangsta", but not emos. The thing that bothers me about emos is that they all changed so rapidly. No one was (nowaday) emo before mid 2005, and now all of a sudden everyone is.

Most "gangstas" at least have grown up where it's hard, and DO like that kind of music. No emo kid ever grew up in a neighborhood where everyone cuts themself and wears girl pants.
I see what you're getting at.

Likewise, I am friends with some emo kids, though I knew most of them before they could ever be considered emo.
I had a look round to find out what emo is. I found that the new stereotype of emos is what some kids tend to go for just for the stereotype since emo has been picked up by the media.

The one thing that annoys me about the emo sceene is that it's apparently supposed to be roots of punk in it yet businesses are selling emo targeted threads for huge sums.

I don't mind people into emo because on this island they're usually kids my little brother's age but I heard a blog on Kerrang! radio form some emo chick.

She says "I know all about misery and pain, why I go out on the street and I see a dead bird and it's just so sad. There's so many bad things in the world and birds are dying all the time".

I couldn't help but laugh.
IWP said:
There's hardly any emo people in my school.

Man you're lucky. My school is overflowing with those assholes. I guess the trend is hitting harder is some places.

old_school_pupil said:
"I know all about misery and pain, why I go out on the street and I see a dead bird and it's just so sad. There's so many bad things in the world and birds are dying all the time".

Perpetual Catatonia said:
Man you're lucky. My school is overflowing with those assholes. I guess the trend is hitting harder is some places.

This has gone far enough

Quit acting so juvenile, you all sound like a bunch of 6 year olds laughing about something you don't even understand

Leave those people alone and for fuck sake try to act a little more like adults
Black Core said:
Leave those people alone and for fuck sake try to act a little more like adults

Huh?! Are you serious? None of those people were depressed until right before school started in 2005. Most of those kids wore Korn and Slipknot shirts, and next thing you fucking know they're listening to even worse shit cause they're "emo" and just want to be trendy.

That's the reason I hate them. They claim to be depressed and outsiders, but they dress that way to get attention. Plus if they were truly depressed they would either finish themselves off or reject the attention that they get.
Perpetual Catatonia said:
Huh?! Are you serious? None of those people were depressed until right before school started in 2005. Most of those kids wore Korn and Slipknot shirts, and next thing you fucking know they're listening to even worse shit cause they're "emo" and just want to be trendy.

That's the reason I hate them. They claim to be depressed and outsiders, but they dress that way to get attention. Plus if they were truly depressed they would either finish themselves off or reject the attention that they get.
i thought "Emo" started in 1985, not 2005
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