Emoticon interpretation game


hejdundrande skitsnack
Apr 23, 2003
The object of the game is simple. Interpret the previous poster's emoticons by making it into some sort of short story. Then select emoticons for the next person to interpret.

For example...


Rusty is sad.
His eyes well up
Then he tries to hold it back
Oh god, here comes the waterworks
What's this, is he slowly gaining his sanity back?
Wait, he's gettin' misty again
Maybe not.

You get my point. So, let's start, shall we?

Incendiare just brushed her teeth.
Oh, now she has to floss.
Ah, she's just realised her pancakes are ready.
Mmm, they taste nice.
Oh no, someone poisoned them.
She shouts "WHO DID THIS??"
It kills her and she goes to heaven (hah).

I don't know, fancy brushing your teeth and then eating pancakes. Strange person.

Short one: :dopey::guh::yow::devil::Spin:
Rusty just downloaded a porn movie
"WTF? This isn't gay porn!"
Surprise, surprise..it is after all
Looks down and sees what he did
Rusty is looking forward to downloading another one

:err: :cry: ;) !:headbang: :heh: :bah:
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Reactions: Rusty
- Hey, look at that pretty girl..
- *Tee hee* She's looking at me!!
- Hey...wait a minute...
- And I actually though about hitting on her/him...
- Yeah!! A soilwork video!!!

Ok, this is mine

Just purchased a sports car
Ha! I have one and you don't
I find a pile of notes on my windshield, must be alot of phone numbers *wink*
Huh? No names, no numbers...
Oh shit, they're parking tickets
*rips up the tickets and looks around*
Fuckin' cop put a boot on my car!

:cry: :bah: :wave: :OMG: :Smug: :D
- Waaaaah, they won't let me rent XXX movies cause I'm under 18!!
- Stupid idiots...they'll see, I'LL give them ID!*grumbles*
- Hey dude!!! Long time no see!!
- Wholy SHIT!! That car is swuheeet!!
- Ohh...so you got it for your 18th birthday eh??
- YEAHHH!!! Dude, I have an idea.....
Brood is bored so he says hi to the crowd before doing a happy jig.
As time goes by, he becomes increasingly delirious.
Somehow Brood manages to set himself on fire.
After stamping out the flames, he's ecstatic to discover he is now pantless.
A cheeky male passerby pinches his exposed bottom.
He realizes he likes it!

Hehe, no offence! ;)

Caelestia said:

Caelestia is all happy because she is going to have a joint with satan but he doesn't show up so she is all confused and starts getting pissed off and her eyes moving weirdly,but then she notices people on UM are spying on her so she gets all blushy and smiles wide,we all applaud her and she bows down to salute us.

here's mine:

manuel just had way too much wasabi.
he starts to hallucinate.
soon he transforms into a one-eyed monster after his eyeball pops out from the pressure building in his head.
for some reason linda blair from the exorcist decides to visit and teach manuel how to levitate and scare the shit out of people.
manuel is happy.

Looka this, I have a beer
Yeah, thaaaaat's right, I stole it from you
Ech, it's Budweiser...take it back
I'd much rather prefer a joint
*is mellow and stuff*

Boy: I love you. You've got me all googly over you.
Boy blushes.
Girl: Fuck off, you're full of shite.
Girl stuffs spam up boy's nostrils.
Caelestia said:

Caelestia's order just arrived from Victoria's Secret
But it was 2 sizes too large
But then her boyfriend tried it on and it fit
And Caelestia thought that was very odd
So she took one last look as she kicked him out

Oh my god, it's Jesper Stromblad
Should I talk to him?
Don't say anything stupid
Oh god, he's hot
I start saying shit how he's my god
He's utterly disturbed by this
He walks away because he's bored and I'm pathetic
:heh: :cry: :loco: !:kickass: !:cry: :)
Incendiare proudly shows off her new dentures.
Xeno makes faces at her. She steals his monies.
He cries and goes to the pub to drown his sorrows in several pints.
Incendiare feels guilty.
But she is more sleepy than guilty so she just goes home.
Incendiare said:

k, i know i messed up :p

here goes..

I'm all ready to chat up that guy over in teh corner but before I make my move, I spasm and my face remains frozen like some sort of crazy tribal mask.
Too late. I'm already face-to-face with him. He looks at me like he's very afraid.
Fortunately for me, he's a nutjob.
We party hard all through the night.
Unfortunately for me, my face unfreezes and I cry, thinking, 'HE MUST THINK ME UGLY NOW!'
But he sticks around. Love is blind.
