Emoticon interpretation game

I just overdosed on shrooms!
All my surroundings are screwing up
Hehe, this is awesome
Im starting to get the fear...flying monkeys, green flamingoes...
This drug is making me sleepy
Just kidding, I didn't take any drugs...this is just my normal self

:( :lol: :cry: :headbang: :err: :Smug:
"Why do I suck so bad?"
"You just do bwahaha"
"You're mean. I will die now."
"Rock on."
Flying monkees come out of nowhere, killing everyone.
Monkey king is triumphant.

Jehovah's Witnesses show up at my door trying to bribe me with pamphlets
"Fuck off"
They still persist with their bullshit
I light a cigarette for no reason
"Heh, suckers"
Give them a can of spam and slam the door on them

:cry: :D :rolleyes: !:yuk: !:cry: !:worship:
Jehovah's witness is doubtful as job satisfaction is pretty much nonexistent.
Decides to sell lemonade instead.
Customers leave when they are told: "See! When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!"
Customers also say: "This lemonade tastes like horsepiss anyway!"
Jehovah's witness plunges further into depression.
Decides to return to true calling.

Caelestia said:

Caelestia listens to nu metal and becomes a zombie of MTV,but she wakes up from it and starts puking,then looks at a handsome guy and flirts with him,she gets bored cause the guy is a nu metaller and then he starts saying Bush is God,so she raises her eyebrows but it's too late
she becomes a zombie of the media again

What I look like after a day at school
I have to go back to school in 9 days
Oh well, make the best of summer
I'm better than all my classmates anyway
Or am I?
*thinking about this stresses me out*

!:eek: :erk: :cry: :zzz: :wave::bah: :yell:
Incendiare said:
I am surprised manuel is so damn hot
but he would never look at me
I shall cry for this
ok crying is too boring
I said hi to him!
but that idiot is not manuel,he was faking it
why are men pigs???

manuelgv said:
Manuel is in love.
When he is in love, he likes to jump around while smokin'.
He has a hot date tonight so he drinks a little to calm his nerves.
He ends up forgetting the time, thus being very very late.
He runs to the pub and sees that his date is leaving and it's none other than Richard Simmons! So he hides and drinks some more.
And he thanks God (if he believes in God).

MuchLoud sucks
Play more underground metal videos
You think complaining to a bunch of brainwished fools would help anyway?
I'll just talk to my metal friends on UM instead
Isn't my life sad?
Oh well, this place rules

See, told you it would work ;)

Ahh, Katatonia gig tonight.
This is gonna rawk so damn much.
Oh no, they won't let me in.
Ah, I'll sneak in instead.
Now I'm in, I'm so damn good.
Wait, this isn't Katatonia, this is Catatonia!!

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Rusty said:

In a desperate act Rusty tries to hypnotise all female UMers, letting them think he's all cool. But then they start tickling him, oh no... it didn't work, but wait, he suddenly realises that this is all he ever wanted. Oh yeah, I good, I'm so damned good. But then the tickling really kicks in and finally Rusty goes mad...

:worship: :confused: :bah: :saint: :lol: :cry:
Lhorian said:
In a desperate act Rusty tries to hypnotise all female UMers, letting them think he's all cool. But then they start tickling him, oh no... it didn't work, but wait, he suddenly realises that this is all he ever wanted. Oh yeah, I good, I'm so damned good. But then the tickling really kicks in and finally Rusty goes mad...

:worship: :confused: :bah: :saint: :lol: :cry:

Oh, how I love metal
Where did these Britney Spears CD's come from?
Guh, theyre my Sister's
Not mine!
No wait, theyre my friend's
Why the hell is he my friend?!

:err: :yow: :cry: :yuk: o_O
nØthing said:
eternalhours sees a masked man prancing around in a cape.
She may never find out.
Wait...it's just xeno.
Why does this happen all the time?

!!:headbang: :Smug: :erk: :err: :oops: :D

nOthing wins tickets to a metal fest on the radio
realizes that he has to leave work by one to get there on time
his boss says "no way"
his boss also says "if you give me a good time, you can leave"
nOthing has never been hit on by another man before
nOthing gets to the metal fest on time

Lethe shouts.
And again.
He finds it fun in a sort of maniacal way.
He shouts again.
Dammit, he's so cool.
In fact, he should flame some n00bs with his coolness.

Rusty thinks he's too good for us because he's British
He just framed a picture of his idol, John Lennon
The picture doesn't fit in the frame
Did Rusty forget to measure before buying the frame?
Ech, John Lennon sucks anyway
He'll find someone else to worship

:erk: :cry: ;) :D :kickass: :bah:
Incendiare is sad because his girlfriend dumped him
And he is also embarassed by the fact
But then he saw a hot girl
And ended up doing her,
while drinking lots of beer
But it was only a one night stand, so he's fuckin' pissed



:tickled: o_O :Smug: :headbang::err::OMG::rolleyes::Smokin:
But who should Incendiare worship??
She just doesn't know.
Ah, she'll choose Rusty.
Yeah, this is damn good!!
She'll celebrate by headbanging and drinking beer.
Oh no, she shouldn't drink beer after the last "episode".
